103 research outputs found

    The coupling of stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering in a plasma

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    The observation of an anti-Stokes satellite in the spectrum of light backscattered from a CO2 laser plasma is reported. Its origin is found to be Thomson scattering of the incident light from a counterpropagating mode-coupled plasma wave. The parent electron and ion waves in the mode-coupling process were driven by stimulated Raman and Brillouin backscattering. The parent and daughter plasma waves were detected by ruby laser Thomson scattering. A computer simulation modeling the experiment shows further cascading of the Stokes backscattered light to lower frequencies, apparently a result of its rescattering from another, higher phase velocity, counterpropagating coupled mode. Comparisons with theoretical predictions are presented

    Calculations of alpha particle loss for reversed magnetic shear in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

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    Hamiltonian coordinate, guiding center code calculations of the toroidal field ripple loss of alpha particles from a reversed shear plasma predict both total alpha losses and ripple diffusion losses to be greater than those from a comparable non-reversed magnetic shear plasma in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [Fusion Technol. 21, 1324 (1992)]. High central q is found to increase alpha ripple losses as well as first orbit losses of alphas in the reversed shear simulations. A simple ripple loss model, benchmarked against the guiding center code, is found to work satisfactorily in transport analysis modelling of reversed and monotonic shear scenarios. Alpha ripple transport on TFTR affects ions within r/a=0.5, not at the plasma edge. The entire plasma is above threshold for stochastic ripple loss of alpha particles at birth energy in the reversed shear case simulated, so that all trapped 3.5 MeV alphas are lost stochastically or through prompt losses. The 40% alpha particle loss predictions for TFTR suggest that reduction of toroidal field ripple will be a critical issue in the design of a reversed shear fusion reactor


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    Abstract TRANSPORT PHYSICS IN REVERSED SHEAR PLASMAS. Rcversed magnetic shear is considered a good candidate for improving the tokamak c m q t because it has the potcntial to stabilize MHD instabilities and reduce panicle and energy transport. With reduced transpon. the high ptessun gradient would generate a strong off-axis bootstrap current and could sustain a hollow current density profile. Such a conlbination of favorable conditions cwld lead to an attractive steady-state tokamak configuntion. Indeed, a new tokamak confinement regime with reversed magnetic shear has been cbserved on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) where the panicle. mOnienNm. &,ion thermal diffusiviticr drop precipitously, by Over an order of magnitude. ?he panicle diffusivity drops to the neoclassical level and the ion thermal diffisivity drops to much less than the neoclassical value in the region with mend shear. This enhanced reversed shear CERS) confinement mode is characterized by an abmpt tmsition with P large rate of rise of the density in the reversed shear region dur!ng neutral beam injection. resulting in nearly a factor of three increase in the ccntral density to -1.2 x 10" ni-'. At thc smie time thc density fluctuation levfl in the reversed shcar region dramatically decreases. The ion and clcctron temperatures, which are about 20 keV and 7 keV respectively, change little during the ERS mode. Thc transport and transition into and out of the ERS mode have been studied on TFTR with plasma currcnts in the range 0.9-2.2 MA, with a toroidal magnetic field of 2.7-4.6 T. and the radius of thc q(r) mininium. qmb, has been varied from do = 0.35 to 0.55. Toroidal field and co/counter neutral beam injection toroidal rotation variations have been used to elucidate the underlying physics of the transition mcchanism and power threshold of the ERS mode. 19980330 097 31