471 research outputs found

    Design in the Real world

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    Social design highlights design-based practices towards collective and social ends rather than predominately commercial or consumer-oriented objectives. In this paper we share staff and students experiences of participating in an interdisciplinary approach to social design and describe the key learning that arose from the implementation of a pioneering approach to the teaching of social design practice on the MA/MFA Design Programme at Sheffield Hallam University. Taking the conference theme holistically this paper highlights the values of situating learning beyond the classroom in real-world contexts. Holism here relates to the recognition that learning is socially situated, that it draws on the individual strengths and resources students bring and that by involving practitioners from different specialisms, learning has the potential to bring about real-world transformation and change beyond the boundaries of the subject discipline. The authors believe that social design has a place in design education as threats including precarious economies, social and financial inequities, global warming, war and mass migration are real-world issues impacting on world citizens and the planet. Opening up the right forums for discussion and experimentation, including the right mix of skills and knowledge to enrich discussion needs careful consideration and facilitation. Our initial work focused on placing social design within a module and employing cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary working and learning. Our current projects widen the learning experience taking place over a year-long period with dual entry and multiple points. This work includes the local City Council, city residents and our DeSIS Lab. Keywords: Holism, social design, student engagement

    No Admixture, Sustainable, Self-Consolidating Grout

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    The consolidation of grout in concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls is labor-intensive. Also, the grout’s Portland cement content has a high embodied energy demand – a non-sustainable characteristic. For the labor-intensive issue, chemical admixture self-consolidating grouts have been used in walls 12.67 ft. (3.86 m) tall, however the chemical additive can impose new limitations on the grout (non-robust characteristics). No admixture self-consolidating grout with high percentage Portland cement replacement have potential for robust and sustainable application. This paper reports on the consolidation of no admixture self-consolidating grout made by substituting high percentages of Portland cement with Type-F fly ash and/or GGBFS. The percent replacement ranged from 50% to 80% by volume. Single lift test CMU walls were 12.67 ft. (3.86 m) tall. The relative reinforcement consolidation was assessed by comparison to traditional mechanically consolidated grout and also compared to criteria of ACI technical notes for shotcrete. Cure time was 125 days

    Learning beyond borders : pioneering interdisciplinary learning and teaching approaches to promote socially responsible design practices

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    Social design is the use of the design process to bring about social change. In this session, staff and students share their experiences of participating in a pioneering interdisciplinary approach to social design at Sheffield Hallam University. Key learning will be highlighted including: how can learning and teaching practices be socially situated, what makes a holistic learning and teaching experience and what happens when learning and teaching moves beyond the classroom to bring transformation to real world issues

    Performance of no vibration / no admixture masonry grout containing high replacement of Portland cement with fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag

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    When hollow concrete masonry is used for construction in high seismic regions, structural designs typically require fully grouted walls. For a fully grouted 203x203x406 mm (8x8x16) concrete masonry unit (CMU), 52 percent of total volume is grout. Grouting process is labor-intensive, time consuming and has a high energy demand due to requirements of consolidation in each and subsequent grout lifts. Self-consolidating grout with admixtures has been successfully used without segregation in walls of up to 3.86 m (12.67 ft.) in height. Investigation of self-consolidating grout mixes without admixtures has potential for sustainability improvement. This paper reports on the compression strength and consolidation observations of self-consolidating characteristics of no vibration/no admixture grout made by substituting various proportions of Portland cement with Type F fly ash and/or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS). The percentages of Portland cement replacement were 0%, 50%, 60%, and 70% for Type F fly ash replacement. The percentages of Portland cement replacement were 0%, 60%, 70% and 80% for Type F fly ash and GGBFS. Compression test specimens were made from individual 203x203x406 mm (8x8x16) concrete masonry hollow core units, where the cells were filled with no vibration/ no admixture grout. The specimens were dry cured and compression testing performed at 7, 14, 28, 42, 56, and 130 days. Consolidation testing specimen walls were 3.86 m (12.67 ft.) tall by 1.22 m (4.0 ft.) long with 203x203x406 mm (8x8x16) CMU. The relative performance assessed by comparing to traditional grouted masonry and evaluating consolidation characteristics around mortar fins and reinforcement at 130 days as well as compressive strength of the grout at various wall heights

    Revealing microhabitat requirements of an endangered specialist lizard with LiDAR

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    A central principle of threatened species management is the requirement for detailed understanding of species habitat requirements. Difficult terrain or cryptic behaviour can, however, make the study of habitat or microhabitat requirements difficult, calling for innovative data collection techniques. We used high-resolution terrestrial LiDAR imaging to develop three-dimensional models of log piles, quantifying the structural characteristics linked with occupancy of an endangered cryptic reptile, the western spiny-tailed skink (Egernia stokesii badia). Inhabited log piles were generally taller with smaller entrance hollows and a wider main log, had more high-hanging branches, fewer low-hanging branches, more mid- and understorey cover, and lower maximum canopy height. Significant characteristics linked with occupancy were longer log piles, an average of three logs, less canopy cover, and the presence of overhanging vegetation, likely relating to colony segregation, thermoregulatory requirements, and foraging opportunities. In addition to optimising translocation site selection, understanding microhabitat specificity of E. s. badia will help inform a range of management objectives, such as targeted monitoring and invasive predator control. There are also diverse opportunities for the application of this technology to a wide variety of future ecological studies and wildlife management initiatives pertaining to a range of cryptic, understudied taxa

    Systematic reappraisal of marsh-orchids native to Scotland

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    © The Author(s), 2023.This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Summary: The intensively studied Eurasian orchid genus Dactylorhiza has become a model system for exploring allopolyploid evolution, yet determining the optimal circumscriptions of, and most appropriate ranks for, its constituent taxa remain highly controversial topics. Here, novel allozyme data and detailed morphometric data for 16 Scottish marsh-orchid populations are interpreted in the context of recent DNA sequencing studies. Despite being derived from the same pair of parental species, the two allopolyploid species that currently occur in Scotland can reliably be distinguished using allozymes, haplotypes, ribotypes or sequences of nuclear genes. A modest range of diverse morphological characters are shown to distinguish the two molecularly-circumscribed species, but they have in the past been obscured by equivalent levels of infraspecific variation in characters rooted in anthocyanin pigments; these characters are better employed for distinguishing infraspecific taxa. Dactylorhiza francis-drucei (formerly D. traunsteinerioides) is confirmed as being distinct from the continental D. traunsteineri/lapponica, probably originating through allopatric isolation once the continental lineage reached Britain. All Scottish populations are attributed to the comparatively small-flowered, anthocyanin-rich subsp. francis-drucei, which includes as a variety the former D. 'ebudensis'; the less anthocyanin-rich subsp. traunsteinerioides is confined to Ireland, North Wales and northern England. In contrast with D. francis-drucei, only a minority of Scottish populations of D. purpurella are attributed to the anthocyanin-rich race, var. cambrensis. This species most likely originated through an allopolyploidy event that occurred comparatively recently within the British Isles, as it contains allozyme alleles distinctive of British rather than continental D. incarnata (its diploid pollen-parent). In contrast, the rare Scottish population of D. incarnata subsp. cruenta shares with its Irish counterparts a continental genotype, and is most likely a recent arrival in Scotland through long-distance dispersal. Among all European allotetraploid dactylorchids, D. purpurella is the species that most closely resembles D. incarnata, both molecularly and morphologically.Peer reviewe

    The Time Local Convex Hull method as a tool for assessing responses of fauna to habitat restoration: A case study using the perentie (Varanus giganteus: Reptilia: Varanidae)

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    Understanding the behavioural responses of animals to habitat change is vital to their conservation in landscapes undergoing restoration. Studies of animal responses to habitat restoration typically assess species presence/absencehowever, such studies may be restricted in their ability to show whether restoration is facilitating the return of self-sustaining and functional fauna populations. We present a case study using VHF/GPS tracking of a young adult perentie (Varanus giganteus), to demonstrate the range of applications of the Time Local Convex Hull method of home-range construction in analysing the behavioural responses of fauna to habitat change and restoration. Presence/absence studies provide single point locations of an animal, and the Minimum Convex Polygon method provides an invariant estimate of habitat use across the whole home range. However, the Time Local Convex Hull method provides a useful method for assessing movement and behavioural responses of fauna to habitat change and restoration, and the specific habitat requirements for the long-term support of populations. The breadth and multidimensionality of data generated indicates strongly that understanding the complex interactions between animals and their environment is fundamental to their conservation in the face of ever-increasing rates of human-induced habitat change and degradation

    Revealing microhabitat requirements of an endangered specialist lizard with LiDAR

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    A central principle of threatened species management is the requirement for detailed understanding of species habitat requirements. Difcult terrain or cryptic behaviour can, however, make the study of habitat or microhabitat requirements difcult, calling for innovative data collection techniques. We used high-resolution terrestrial LiDAR imaging to develop three-dimensional models of log piles, quantifying the structural characteristics linked with occupancy of an endangered cryptic reptile, the western spiny-tailed skink (Egernia stokesii badia). Inhabited log piles were generally taller with smaller entrance hollows and a wider main log, had more high-hanging branches, fewer low-hanging branches, more mid- and understorey cover, and lower maximum canopy height. Signifcant characteristics linked with occupancy were longer log piles, an average of three logs, less canopy cover, and the presence of overhanging vegetation, likely relating to colony segregation, thermoregulatory requirements, and foraging opportunities. In addition to optimising translocation site selection, understanding microhabitat specifcity of E. s. badia will help inform a range of management objectives, such as targeted monitoring and invasive predator control. There are also diverse opportunities for the application of this technology to a wide variety of future ecological studies and wildlife management initiatives pertaining to a range of cryptic, understudied taxa.Holly S. Bradley, Michael D. Craig, Adam T. Cross, SeanTomlinson, Michael J. Bamford, Philip W. Batema

    Predators in a mining landscape: Threats to a behaviourally unique, endangered lizard

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    First published: 09 June 2022Patchy resource distribution can cluster predator activity around areas of the highest productivity in ecosystems. For the endangered Western Spiny-tailed Skink (Egernia stokesii badia) in Western Australia, the log piles that they permanently inhabit in an otherwise patchy, arid landscape, represent a potentially reliable, high abundance food source for predators. Not only are encounter rates by potential predators of E. s. badia likely to be influenced by vegetation structure at the micro habitat scale but also E. s. badia occurs in a region where minesites and associated infrastructure, such as landfill sites, likely concentrate generalist predators (e.g. Feral Cats and corvids). We assessed the influence of the presence of coarse woody debris (CWD) and distance to the land-fill on predator behaviour towards E. s. badia through plasticine model experiments, unbounded point count bird surveys and camera trapping. We found that CWD inhabited byE. s. badia attracted a greater relative activity of corvids compared with uninhabited CWD, or control sites without CWD. The relative activity of corvids and predatory birds combined increased with decreasing distance from the landfill. Preferential hunting by corvids at CWD inhabited byE. s. badia compared to both uninhabited CWD and open sites suggests that inhabited CWD may be targeted by generalist predators in the region, and that adaptive management may be required for species conservation around active mining areas.Holly S. Bradley, Michael D. Craig, Sean Tomlinson, Adam T. Cross, Michael J. Bamford, Philip W. Batema
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