3,081 research outputs found

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of a viscoelastic shear-thinning fluid

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    We present a hybrid lattice Boltzmann algorithm for the simulation of flow glass-forming fluids, characterized by slow structural relaxation, at the level of the Navier-Stokes equation. The fluid is described in terms of a nonlinear integral constitutive equation, relating the stress tensor locally to the history of flow. As an application, we present results for an integral nonlinear Maxwell model that combines the effects of (linear) viscoelasticity and (nonlinear) shear thinning. We discuss the transient dynamics of velocities, shear stresses, and normal stress differences in planar pressure-driven channel flow, after switching on (startup) and off (cessation) of the driving pressure. This transient dynamics depends nontrivially on the channel width due to an interplay between hydrodynamic momentum diffusion and slow structural relaxation

    Universality Class of the Reversible-Irreversible Transition in Sheared Suspensions

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    Collections of non-Brownian particles suspended in a viscous fluid and subjected to oscillatory shear at very low Reynolds number have recently been shown to exhibit a remarkable dynamical phase transition separating reversible from irreversible behaviour as the strain amplitude or volume fraction are increased. We present a simple model for this phenomenon, based on which we argue that this transition lies in the universality class of the conserved DP models or, equivalently, the Manna model. This leads to predictions for the scaling behaviour of a large number of experimental observables. Non-Brownian suspensions under oscillatory shear may thus constitute the first experimental realization of an inactive-active phase transition which is not in the universality class of conventional directed percolation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    Navier-Stokes equations on the flat cylinder with vorticity production on the boundary

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    We study the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes system on a flat cylinder with the usual Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity field u. We formulate the problem as an infinite system of ODE's for the natural Fourier components of the vorticity, and the boundary conditions are taken into account by adding a vorticity production at the boundary. We prove equivalence to the original Navier-Stokes system and show that the decay of the Fourier modes is exponential for any positive time in the periodic direction, but it is only power-like in the other direction.Comment: 25 page

    Capillary rise of a liquid between two vertical plates making a small angle.

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    The penetration of a wetting liquid in the narrow gap between two vertical plates making a small angle is analyzed in the framework of the lubrication approximation. At the beginning of the process, the liquid rises independently at different distances from the line of intersection of the plates except in a small region around this line where the effect of the gravity is negligible. The maximum height of the liquid initially increases as the cubic root of time and is attained at a point that reaches the line of intersection only after a certain time. At later times, the motion of the liquid is confined to a thin layer around the line of intersection whose height increases as the cubic root of time and whose thickness decreases as the inverse of the cubic root of time. The evolution of the liquid surface is computed numerically and compared with the results of a simple experiment

    Excitation of inertial modes in a closed grid turbulence experiment under rotation

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    We report an experimental study of the decay of grid-generated turbulence in a confined geometry submitted to a global rotation. Turbulence is generated by rapidly towing a grid in a parallelepipedic water tank. The velocity fields of a large number of independent decays are measured in a vertical plane parallel to the rotation axis using a corotating Particle Image Velocimetry system. We first show that, when a "simple" grid is used, a significant amount of the kinetic energy (typically 50%) is stored in a reproducible flow composed of resonant inertial modes. The spatial structure of those inertial modes, extracted by band-pass filtering, is found compatible with the numerical results of Maas [Fluid Dyn. Res. 33, 373 (2003)]. The possible coupling between these modes and turbulence suggests that turbulence cannot be considered as freely decaying in this configuration. Finally, we demonstrate that these inertial modes may be significantly reduced (down to 15% of the total energy) by adding a set of inner tanks attached to the grid. This suggests that it is possible to produce an effectively freely decaying rotating turbulence in a confined geometry

    Channel Flow of a Tensorial Shear-Thinning Maxwell Model: Lattice Boltzmann Simulations

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    We introduce a nonlinear generalized tensorial Maxwell-type constitutive equation to describe shear-thinning glass-forming fluids, motivated by a recent microscopic approach to the nonlinear rheology of colloidal suspensions. The model captures a nonvanishing dynamical yield stress at the glass transition and incorporates normal-stress differences. A modified lattice-Boltzmann (LB) simulation scheme is presented that includes non-Newtonian contributions to the stress tensor and deals with flow-induced pressure differences. We test this scheme in pressure-driven 2D Poiseuille flow of the nonlinear generalized Maxwell fluid. In the steady state, comparison with an analytical solution shows good agreement. The transient dynamics after startup and cessation of the pressure gradient are studied; the simulation reproduces a finite stopping time for the cessation flow of the yield-stress fluid in agreement with previous analytical estimates

    Locating the source of projectile fluid droplets

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    The ill-posed projectile problem of finding the source height from spattered droplets of viscous fluid is a longstanding obstacle to accident reconstruction and crime scene analysis. It is widely known how to infer the impact angle of droplets on a surface from the elongation of their impact profiles. However, the lack of velocity information makes finding the height of the origin from the impact position and angle of individual drops not possible. From aggregate statistics of the spatter and basic equations of projectile motion, we introduce a reciprocal correlation plot that is effective when the polar launch angle is concentrated in a narrow range. The vertical coordinate depends on the orientation of the spattered surface, and equals the tangent of the impact angle for a level surface. When the horizontal plot coordinate is twice the reciprocal of the impact distance, we can infer the source height as the slope of the data points in the reciprocal correlation plot. If the distribution of launch angles is not narrow, failure of the method is evident in the lack of linear correlation. We perform a number of experimental trials, as well as numerical calculations and show that the height estimate is insensitive to aerodynamic drag. Besides its possible relevance for crime investigation, reciprocal-plot analysis of spatter may find application to volcanism and other topics and is most immediately applicable for undergraduate science and engineering students in the context of crime-scene analysis.Comment: To appear in the American Journal of Physics (ms 23338). Improved readability and organization in this versio

    Transport in a highly asymmetric binary fluid mixture

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    We present molecular dynamics calculations of the thermal conductivity and viscosities of a model colloidal suspension with colloidal particles roughly one order of magnitude larger than the suspending liquid molecules. The results are compared with estimates based on the Enskog transport theory and effective medium theories (EMT) for thermal and viscous transport. We find, in particular, that EMT remains well applicable for predicting both the shear viscosity and thermal conductivity of such suspensions when the colloidal particles have a ``typical'' mass, i.e. much larger than the liquid molecules. Very light colloidal particles on the other hand yield higher thermal conductivities, in disagreement with EMT. We also discuss the consequences of these results to some proposed mechanisms for thermal conduction in nanocolloidal suspensions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Physical Review E (2007

    Sign-symmetry of temperature structure functions

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    New scalar structure functions with different sign-symmetry properties are defined. These structure functions possess different scaling exponents even when their order is the same. Their scaling properties are investigated for second and third orders, using data from high-Reynolds-number atmospheric boundary layer. It is only when structure functions with disparate sign-symmetry properties are compared can the extended self-similarity detect two different scaling ranges that may exist, as in the example of convective turbulence.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Destabilizing Taylor-Couette flow with suction

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    We consider the effect of radial fluid injection and suction on Taylor-Couette flow. Injection at the outer cylinder and suction at the inner cylinder generally results in a linearly unstable steady spiralling flow, even for cylindrical shears that are linearly stable in the absence of a radial flux. We study nonlinear aspects of the unstable motions with the energy stability method. Our results, though specialized, may have implications for drag reduction by suction, accretion in astrophysical disks, and perhaps even in the flow in the earth's polar vortex.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure