350 research outputs found

    Using ecological niche modelling to prioritise areas for conservation of the critically endangered Buffy Headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps).

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    Endemic to the Atlantic Forest in South-eastern Brazil, the Buffy-Headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps) has the smallest geographical range of all South American primates. Considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List, this montane primate species is seriously lacking the required attention for effective conservation. However, being the least studied marmoset species, its niche is not well defined. In this thesis, I aimed to model its ecological niche using existing data. Presence-only points of Callithrix flaviceps occurrence as well as environmental variables from external databases were included in the modelling, with the main objectives of (1) defining suitable habitat, and (2) prioritizing areas for conservation and/or restoration. I used Ensemble Modelling to define current suitability considering four climate and two landscape variables. Climate suitability and landscape suitability were modelled first separately, then together to determine overall habitat suitability. To identify areas to prioritize for conservation and/or restoration, I generated predictions for future suitability considering the intermediate (RCP4.5) and extreme (RCP8.5) climate change scenarios for the years 2050 and 2070. From the six environmental variables used in this study, Precipitation Seasonality (BIO15) and tree canopy cover were the most important to predict Callithrix flaviceps distribution. On the other hand, Precipitation of Wettest Month (BIO13) was the least important. Results showed highest probability of occurrence in areas with 70% of Precipitation Seasonality. As expected, tree canopy cover > 80% was positively related with probability of occurrence. Ensemble model output showed that Callithrix flaviceps were most likely to occur at elevations above 1200 m and in areas with Temperature Seasonality (BIO4) between 21-23°C. Results were less clear for Annual Mean Temperature (BIO1) and Precipitation of Wettest Month (BIO13), however, probability of presence was higher for areas with Annual Mean Temperature between 10-17°C and around 210 mm of Precipitation of Wettest Month. Overall, present results show that seasonality is important and that Callithrix flaviceps, being a montane species, prefer colder environment and higher altitude. Maps created to show hotspots for future suitability considering the two climate change scenarios suggest that preservation of the Caparaó National Park is needed, as it is likely to be a key area for the preservation of the species. High climatic suitability but low landscape suitability suggests that restoration of habitat in Serra Das Torres might be a useful strategy. Maintenance and restoration around Augusto Ruschii and Goiapaba-Açu protected areas might help to reach a higher overall habitat suitability. However, the Atlantic Forest being highly fragmented, habitat connectivity must be improved. Results must be interpreted with caution, considering the poor reliability of the occurrence dataset. Moreover, results are limited to the set of variables used, but other variables such as biotic factors and connectivity are likely to affect the Callithrix flaviceps distribution. Future studies including species interaction with C. aurita and the invasive marmosets C. penicillata and C. jacchus are needed to get a better picture of C. flaviceps realised niche. Given the critical status of the species, it is crucial to benefit from all the data available (even if the quality is not ideal)

    James Joyce et les couleurs du sinthome

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    Je souhaite montrer que Joyce, auteur réputé indifférent au monde visuel et tout entier du côté de l’audible, a un usage très insistant de la couleur jouant un rôle clé dans la fabrication de ce que Lacan a nommé sinthome – concept créé pour Joyce, pour désigner la manière dont l’artiste se forgea un nom dans l’écriture par défaut de Nom-du-Père. Le rôle de la couleur évolue, passant par une fonction symbolique et démonstrative de la paralysie irlandaise dans certaines nouvelles de Dubliners, avant de basculer sur un versant symptomatique qui ouvre une dimension silencieuse et intrigante. Dans A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, l’usage du maroon caractérise le sinthome : aussi bien en tant que couleur, changeante, instable et mêlant le pur et l’impur, qu’en tant que vocable marqué par des transferts culturels, où ce principe d’hybridation et d’impureté est actif jusque dans la lettre. Ce maroon dessine aussi bien le portrait de l’artiste en jeune homme échoué dans une société en panne, que de son art puisant des ressources explosives dans des couleurs et pigments suggérant une peinture complexe des forces politiques et culturelles, prélevés in fine au plus près des forces pulsionnelles.In this essay, I wish to show that Joyce, a writer often viewed as giving precedence to the auditory over the visual, has a strikingly insistent use of colour in his work, that is key to the formation of what Lacan called sinthome. This concept was especially designed for Joyce, to refer to the manner in which the artist crafted his own name through writing for lack of a Name-of-the-Father. First, colour is primarily used in a symbolical way to push the point of Irish paralysis but some stories in Dubliners open up a symptomatic dimension, with its silent, enigmatic side. The use of maroon in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is shown to be a privileged locus to observe the realization of what Lacan termed sinthome. As a colour, it is changing and impure, a mixture of the “pure” and “impure”. As a word, it is marked by linguistic and historical transfers and displacements; and it bears the principle of hybridity and impurity down to the letter. The colour maroon is instrumental in drawing the portrait of the artist as a young man marooned in a stagnant society. It is also a quasi-allegorical representation of his art, that draws on all the pigments available, even the humblest and dirtiest ones, to produce a complex picture of the political and cultural forces at play

    Transformation martensitique multiple dans un alliage à mémoire de forme Ni-Ti

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    The purpose of the present work is to study the relation between the microstructure and the martensitic transformation in a binary NiTi alloy. Moreover, it has been conducted on wires which diameters are between 1.52mm and 50µm in order to demonstrate the possible appearance of a size effect. The transformation temperatures during the martensitic transformation in wires made of Ti-51.14at.% Ni have been studied as a function of the wire's diameter, the temperature and the duration of the heat treatment. The as-received wires are cold drawn but the amount of residual stress can vary from one to the other between 10 and 40%. Results obtained using differential thermal analysis (DTA) have not shown any size effect on the martensitic transformation. One does, however, observe small changes that can be attributed to the residual stresses after cold-drawing. There is a strong effect of the temperature associated with the heat treatment. When the annealing is performed below the recrystallisation temperature (550°C), the transformation proceeds through a complete R-phase transformation followed by the appearance of the martensite, and the transformation temperatures increase as a fonction of the heat treatment temperature. If it is above this temperature only a partial R-phase transformation occurs together with a slight decrease or even a stabilization of the transformation temperatures. When the ageing time, performed at 520°C, is prolonged (up to 40 hours) the transformation temperatures increase and incoherent precipitation of Ni4Ti3 and Ni3Ti2 is observed. To avoid residual stresses, samples have been solution treated at 900°C followed by water quenching and further aged between 350°C and 550°C. DTA measurements have shown that the characteristics, as well as, the transformation sequence are strongly affected by the annealing temperature during this second treatment. The transformation temperatures increase together with the appearance of a multiple step transformation. This new behaviour of the transformation is linked to a modification of the microstructure of the samples. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations have revealed after the aging treatment the occurrence of fine coherent precipitates of the Ni4Ti3 type. In-situ TEM observations on a sample showing the multiple step transformation have shown that both the R-phase and the martensitic transformations are strongly affected by the presence of these precipitates. The first effect of the precipitation process is the depletion in the nickel content of the matrix which is accompanied by an increase of the transformation temperatures. The second effect is the occurrence of a multiple step transformation which is due to the presence of a local stress field around precipitates which modify the local thermodynamic equilibrium and promotes the transformation. The R-phase to martensite transition then proceeds locally at a higher temperature, leading to the appearance of the three step transformation. This work has demonstrated the importance of the microstructure on the thermodynamic equilibrium and its effect on the transformation sequence. It also provides evidence for a transformation model based on the presence of internal stresses surrounding precipitates of the Ni4Ti3 type

    L'extubation des patients sous Extracorporeal Life Support est-elle envisageable ?

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    Les Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) sont utilisés pour les défaillances cardiaques et/ou respiratoires sévères et sont associés à une forte mortalité. Dans la pratique courante, les ECLS sont généralement associés à une sédation lourde. Nous avons réalisé une étude dans le but de montrer la faisabilité d un arrêt de sédation et d une extubation chez les patients sous ECLS. Tous les patients sous ECLS entre janvier 2008 et décembre 2011 soit 196 patients ont été inclus. La sédation était arrêtée dès que possible et une extubation était envisagée. Nous avons recensé 44 patients extubés que nous avons comparés aux patients non extubés. Les groupes étaient statistiquement différents en terme de mortalité en faveur des patients extubés, mais les patients non extubés avaient une gravité significativement plus élevée. Les patients sous ECLS pour un ACR étaient rarement candidat à l extubation. Nous avons comparé les patients extubés et non extubés en excluant les ACR. En analyse multivariée, l extubation apparaît comme un facteur indépendant de sortie d hospitalisation. 24 % des patients n avaient pas bénéficié d une extubation sans cause évidente. Nous avons donc comparé ces patients aux patients extubés. Les populations étaient en tous points comparables sauf pour les pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique moindre chez les patients extubés. En analyse multivariée les facteurs indépendants de sortie d hospitalisation étaient la durée d ECLS, l âge et l extubation. L absence de sédation et l extubation sont réalisables chez les patients sous ECLS. Pour une certaine catégorie de patients cette stratégie s avère être un facteur indépendant de bon pronostic.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Love and solitary enjoyment in "my love, my umbrella": some of John McGahern's uses of Dubliners

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    Critics have often remarked on the affinities in method that exist between James Joyce and John McGahern. It is necessary, however, to explore this seemingly well-established genealogy, to go beyond certain obvious thematic or structural resemblances by questioning, or queering, or ‘re-dubling,’ the use of Dubliners performed by McGahern. This is what a close reading of “My Love, My Umbrella,” in relation to “A Painful Case,” is meant to produce. On the theoretical level, it relies in particular on the concept of sinthome, coined by Lacan in his groundbreaking seminar devoted to Joyce

    School Selection and the Social Class Divide: How Tracking Contributes to the Reproduction of Inequalities

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    International audienceSelection practices in education, such as tracking, may represent a structural obstacle that contributes to the social class achievement gap. We hypothesized that school’s function of selection leads evaluators to reproduce social inequalities in tracking decisions, even when performance is equal. In two studies, participants (students playing the role of teachers, N = 99, or preservice and in-service teachers, N = 70) decided which school track was suitable for a pupil whose socioeconomic status (SES) was manipulated. Although pupils’ achievement was identical, participants considered a lower track more suitable for lower SES than higher SES pupils, and the higher track more suitable for higher SES than lower SES pupils. A third study (N = 160) revealed that when the selection function of school was salient, rather than its educational function, the gap in tracking between social classes was larger. The selection function of tracking appears to encourage evaluators to artificially create social class inequalities