20 research outputs found

    Measuring micro-interactions between coagulating red blood cells using optical tweezers

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    Agents that alter the dynamics of hemostasis form an important part in management of conditions such as atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disease, and bleeding diatheses. In this study, we explored the effects of heparin and tranexamic acid on the efficiency of blood coagulation. Using optical tweezers, we evaluated the pN-range micro-interaction between coagulating red blood cells (RBCs) by measuring the minimum power required to trap them. By observing the mobility of RBCs and the intensity of cellular interactions, we found that the coagulation process can be separated into three phases. The effects of heparin and tranexamic acid were examined by observing variations in cellular interaction during the coagulation phases. Heparin attenuated the interaction between RBCs and prolonged the first phase whereas the samples containing tranexamic acid bypassed the first two phases and immediately proceeded to the final one

    The Learning System by the Least Squares Support Vector Machine Method and its Application in Medicine, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 3

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    In the paper it has been presented the possibility of using the least squares support vector machine to the initial diagnosis of patients. In order to find some optimal parameters making the work of the algorithm more detailed, the following techniques have been used: K-fold Cross Validation, Grid-Search, Particle Swarm Optimization. The result of the classification has been checked by some labels assigned by an expert. The created system has been tested on the artificially made data and the data taken from the real database. The results of the computer simulations have been presented in two forms: numerical and graphic. All the algorithms have been implemented in the C# language

    Pasywny system lokalizacji 藕r贸de艂 d藕wi臋ku

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    Acoustic source localization system for speech signals based on five microphone array was developed. Three dimensional position computation is based on time delay estimation between pairs of microphones. The psyhoacoustically motivated voice activity detector was used to robustly determine activity of speaker in presence of background noise. The detector was based on modulation properties of human speech. Good performance was obtain by selecting frames with speech and nulling frequency bands without speech components. As the result more precisely computation of the time delay was possible. Real experiments shown good immunity of the proposed algorithm to noise and reverberation.Opracowano metod臋 lokalizacji akustycznych 藕r贸de艂 d藕wi臋ku zorientowan膮 na sygna艂u mowy. System zbudowano w oparciu o macierz pi臋ciu mikrofon贸w. Obliczenia pozycji 藕r贸d艂a w trzech wymiarach dokonano na podstawie estymacji r贸偶nicy czasu przybycia dla par mikrofon贸w. Zastosowany psychoakustycznie motywowany detektor mowy umo偶liwia ocen臋 aktywno艣ci m贸wcy w obecno艣ci zak艂贸ce艅. Dobr膮 efektywno艣膰 uzyskano poprzez selekcj臋 ramek z mow膮 oraz zerowanie zakres贸w cz臋stotliwo艣ci w kt贸rych sygna艂 zak艂贸caj膮cy maskuje sygna艂 mowy. Jego zalet膮 jest mo偶liwo艣膰 precyzyjnego obliczania czasu op贸藕nienia. Eksperymenty w warunkach rzeczywistych pokazuj膮 dobr膮 odporno艣膰 zaproponowanego algorytmu na szum i pog艂os

    Geometrical optimization of multidetector ultrasonic propagation sensor for object recognition in air

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    The paper analyzes the geometrical problems in optimization of multidetector ultrasonic propagation sensors designed to object recognitions in air. The details of the designed system will be presented

    The Learning System by the Least Squares Support Vector Machine Method and its Application in Medicine

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    In the paper it has been presented the possibility of using the least squares support vector machine to the initial diagnosis of patients. In order to find some optimal parameters making the work of the algorithm more detailed, the following techniques have been used: K-fold Cross Validation, Grid-Search, Particle Swarm Optimization. The result of the classification has been checked by some labels assigned by an expert. The created system has been tested on the artificially made data and the data taken from the real database. The results of the computer simulations have been presented in two forms: numerical and graphic. All the algorithms have been implemented in the C# language

    Evaluation of cooperation multiple strain gauge force sensors in load measurement systems

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    W artykule przedstawiono niekt贸re zagadnienia zwi膮zane z wyborem oraz analiz膮 po艂膮cze艅 tensometrycznych przetwornik贸w si艂y wykorzystywanych w systemach pomiaru masy. Analiza dotyczy impedancyjnego r贸wnania macierzowego przetwornika (czw贸rnika), macierzy hybrydowych odwr贸conych oraz nieokre艣lonych admitancyjnych macierzy uk艂ad贸w wieloko艅c贸wkowych. Podano przyk艂adowe wyniki bada艅 laboratoryjnych wsp贸艂pracy dw贸ch pe艂nomostkowych przetwornik贸w si艂y.There are presented some topics connected with choosing and analysis of different connections of the strain gauge force matrix. Those sensors are used in mass measurement systems. The analysis was concerned with matrix eguation of the sensor (four-terminal network) reverse hybrid matrix and undetermined admittance matrix of multi-terminal networks. As an example results of laboratory experiments two full-bridge force sensors are presented

    Research on technically aided assessment of biodegradation in trees

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    Opracowanie nieniszcz膮cych metod oceny stopnia biodegradacji w strukturach 偶ywych drzew, umo偶liwiaj膮cych monitorowanie zagro偶e艅 ich upadku na ludzi, samochody, budynki itp. ze wzgl臋du na specyfik臋 obiektu stanowi powa偶ne wyzwanie badawcze. Wiele ze znajduj膮cych si臋 w fazie pr贸b wst臋pnych rozwi膮za艅 to metody poci膮gaj膮ce du偶e koszty, wysok膮 z艂o偶ono艣膰 aparatury badawczej lub wykorzystuj膮ce podej艣cie p贸艂-inwazyjne. W prezentowanym referacie proponuje si臋 obiektywizacj臋 standardowej metody polegaj膮cej na uderzaniu drzewa i s艂uchowej ocenie uzyskanego t膮 drog膮 d藕wi臋ku.A nondestructive method for the assessment of decay in trees is an important and challenging research topic to monitor the risk they pose to people, cars, buildings, etc. Many reported approaches seem to be either too expensive, too bulky to be of any use in practice or rather semi-invasive. In this paper we propose an objective version of the standard primary method based on striking the tree and listening for the way the tree sounds