24 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Senyawa Isoprenoid Dan Pertumbuhan Semai Mangrove Avicennia Alba Bl.

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    This study aims to determine the characterization of isoprenoid compounds in the mangrove A. alba and seedling growth of A. alba at different levels of salinity. The results showed the total lipids in the leaves of A. alba (21 mg) was higher than that in the roots (11,7 mg). Total Non Saponifiable Lipids (NSL) content in the leaves of A. alba (1,1 mg) greater than that in the roots (0,6 mg). NSL composition of A. alba consists of 3 major factions namely triterpenoids, phytosterols, and other compounds. Phytosterol composition in the leaves and roots of A. alba showed the presence of compounds such as campesterol, stigmasterol and β-sitosterol. As frase for the composition triterpenoid found the presence of β-amyrin, germanicol, betulin, lupeol and α-amyrin. Phytol, cholesterol, and squalene were also found as the other compounds. The content of the NSL triterpenoid was higher than phytosterol in the leaves and roots of A. alba. The results also showed that phytol compounds had the highest content of leaves of A. alba (71.4 %) and the β-sitosterol had the highest content of root A. alba (27.8 %). Based on the analysis of the effect of salinity on seedling growth of A. alba showed that the salinity of 2% significantly affected the seedling height and diameter of 3 months of A. alba

    Pemanfaatan Fungi Aspergillus Flavus, a. Tereus Dan Trichoderma Harzianum Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Bibit Rhizophora Apiculata Di Desa Pulau Sembilan Kabupaten Langkat

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    Mangrove is a forest that it is affected by tides. Indonesia is one of countries that has the largest mangrove forest in the world. Nowdays, the area has been reduced due to the degradation of mangrove forests. This degradation can be addressed with rehabilitation. This study used the fungi of A. flavus, A. tereus and T. harzianum against R. apicuta seedlings which is one of the species used for the rehabilitation of mangrove forests. The research was conducted on August 2014 untill January 2015 using a completely randomized design (CRD) with A. flavus, A. tereus and T. harzianum treatments and with five replications. Results showed that treatment of T. harzianum provided seedlings, the best growth of R. apiculata where the average height of 16.06 cm, diameter of 0.676 cm, a leaf area of 259.68 cm2, and a total of 19 g dry weight compared to the control with average height of 10.06 cm, 0,619 cm of diameter, leaf area of 146.64 cm2, and the total dry weight of 10.92 g

    Komposisi Senyawa Isoprenoid Pada Mangrove Sejati Minor Jenis Teruntun (Aegiceras Corniculatum (L.) Blanco) Sebagai Biomarker Di Daerah Estuarina

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    This study described the analyzing of composition and diversity of triterpenoid and phytosterol in North Sumatera mangrove species A. corniculatum as biomarkers and input lipids in to estuarine ecosytem. Phytosterols found in the roots and leaves of A. corniculatum were stigmasterol, campesterol, β-sitosterol, and cycloartenol. Taraxerol, β-amyrin, germanicol, betulin, α-amyrin, lopenone and lupeol were the triterpenoids identified. Betulin was the major component triterpenoids had the highest content (31,8%) in the roots. This research may provide information the composition of triterpenoid and phytosterol to contribute to estimating the lipid input and as biomarker from A. corniculatum to estuarine ecosytem

    Studi Perspektif Masyarakat Untuk Program Restorasi Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Desa Bogak Kecamatan Tanjung Tiram Kabupaten Batu Bara)

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    Studies on restoration program has been implemented in many countries which have mangrove forest. This research was design on perspective community based of Bogak villagers in it's correction to mangrove degradation and it's existence to social, economy and culture. The questionnaire was employed to analyze data using quantitative descriptive method. This research was carried out from June 2011 to March 2012. The aim of research was to study the specific condition of mangrove forest in relation to indigenous people. The result showed that 86.97% of respondents knew very well about mangrove forest, 97.32% of respondents understood the functions of mangrove forest. They were active to response in the restoration program (97.32%) and 83.52% were willing to participate in restoration program. In this study mangrove nursery was useful due to give community a direct example how to restore mangrove well.

    Pengaruh Variasi Naungan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Konsentrasi Rantai Panjang Polyisoprenoid Semai Mangrove Sejati Minor Berjenis Sekresi Xylocarpus Granatum (Koenig.)

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    X. granatum is one of mangrove plants that may exist in extreme environments. This plant contains secondary metabolites for further study. Complete Random Design (CRD) was used with 5 treatment of light intensity (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) of X. granatum seedlings. Results showed that 100% shade (0% light intensity) provided the highest growth response, but does not necessarily provided optimum growth response. The total content of polyisoprenoid in 0% shade was of 0,153 ml little bit higher than 75% of 0.144 ml. TLC analysis of the results showed that the concentrations of dolichol in treatment 0% shade was higher in the root and the leaves of X. granatum seedlings compared to 75% shade treatment

    Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Biomassa Semai Rhizopora Apiculata BI Terhadap Salinitas Dan Kandungan Lipidanya Pada Tingkat Pohon

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    Growth and biomass Rhizopora apiculata BI seedlings under varied salinities and their lipid content at tree stage. The research was conducted at Green house, Faculty of Agriculture and Research Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra from August 2011 to July 2012. This study aims to determine the effect of salinity on the growth and biomassa of mangrove non secreter R. apiculata seedlings level and lipid and NSL (Nonsaponifiable Lipids) content at tree level. Five levels of salinities of 0%, 0.5%, 1.5%, 2%, 3% were treated and seedlings were planted for 5 months. The results showed that maximum growth of R. apiculata seedling at 1.5% concentration, leaf number and leaf area were in the salinity of 0.5%. Stem and root biomass achieved in 1.5%, while the leaf biomass in the salinity of 0.5%. The content of total lipid and NSL obtained from the leaves and the roots R. apiculata tree. The content of total lipid R. apiculata trees in the leaves (9.60 mg) were more amounts than in the roots (6.40 mg). NSL content of R. apiculata trees in the roots (0,226 mg) were more than in the leaves (0.10 mg). The results of this study may provide information to the rehabilitation program in order to obtain R. apiculata seedlings growing best based on their salinities

    Pemanfaatan Berbagai Jenis Fungi Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Rhizophora Apiculatadi Desa Nelayan Indah Kecamatan Medan Labuhan

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    Mangrove rehabilitation is one of effort to save mangrove forest. Utilization of fungi as decomposer support to increase the plantation growth for rehabilitation. Fungi as microorganism may reduct material organic. The research gives information about the fungi species in which to increase the growth of R. apiculata seedlings and can be used in rehabilitation of mangrove forest. The study was conducted from September 2014 to January 2015 using a completely randomized design (CRD) with treatment application types of fungi and five replications. There are three types of fungi namely A. flavus, A.terreus, T. harzianum, and control. Utilization of T. harzianum treatment gave the best results of R. apiculata seedlings, with an average height of 17.00 cm, diameter of 0.69 cm, leaf area of 743.36 cm2, total dry weight of 29.64 g. Compared to the control with average height of 7.36 cm, 0.54 cm of diameter, leaf area of 653.31 cm2, and 27.37 g of total dry weight

    Pemanfaatan Fungi Aspergillus Flavus, Aspergillus Terreus, Dan Trichoderma Harzianum Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Bibit Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza

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    Condition of mangrove area has been decreasing due to the degradation and conversion of mangrove for other land use. Therefore, it is necessary for rehabilitation on mangrove land. This study aimed to test the ability of various types fungi on a field scale then to compare the ability of fungi to increase the growth of mangroves and to establish a type of fungi that have a greater ability to promote the growth of mangroves. B. gymnorrhiza seed was used with 4 treatments. The results showed a response Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings treated with the fungi Aspergillus flavus applications, Aspergillus terreus, and Trichoderma harzianum effect on seedling growth. T. harzianum showed the best results compared to other fungi on all parameters of observation with an average height of 10,45 cm, an average diameter of 0,56 cm, average leaf area rat 104,87 cm2, and the total dry weight of 2, 65 g. All parameters observed fungal applications only affected on height growth and total dry weight significantly on B. gymnorrhiza seedlings