260 research outputs found

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Laki-laki dan Perempuan

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    The main issue discussed in this study is how the leadership styles of men and women. The research method was use qualitative. Key informants in this study were Regents county X as key male leader informant, Vice Regent of the county X as a key female informant and heads of agencies as a key informant of the Regent. The Data obtained by depth-interviews, questionnaires and observation. The result of this study is the Regents County / men leader tend to have autocratic style while the vice-regent/female leaders tend to have a democratic style. Keywords: autocratic style of leadership, democratic leadership style

    Studi Tentang Peran Serta Orang Tua Dan Dunia USAha/industri Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Di Smk Negeri 1 Singosari

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    Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan pada dasarnya diseleng­ga­ra­­kan untuk mempersiapkan tenaga kerja terampil tingkat menengah untuk men­­­dukung pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Oleh karena itulah peran orang tua dan DU/DI dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan di SMK harus tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka didapatkan bahwa: (1) Peran serta orang tua dalam pe­ning­katan mutu pendidkan di SMK Negeri 1 Si­ngo­sari Malang yaitu: (a) peran orang tua dalam sum­bangan (dana) pe­nye­­leng­ga­ra­an pendi­dikan; (b) peran orang tua dalam pendanaan fasilitas pen­di­dik­an; dan (c) peran orang tua dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar; (2) Peran serta DU/DI dalam pe­ning­katan mutu pendidikan di SMK Negeri 1 Singosari Malang yaitu: (a) peran DU/DI dalam pene­ri­ma­an peserta didik baru; (b) peran DU/­DI dalam kegiatan belajar meng­ajar di sekolah; (c) peran DU/DI dalam kegiatan belajar me­ng­ajar di industri/prakerin; dan (4) peran DU/DI dalam evaluasi pendidikan; (3) Peran kepala sekolah dengan orang tua dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan di SMK Negeri 1 Singosari Malang yaitu: (a) men­ja­lin komunikasi yang efektif dengan orang tua; (b) melibatkan orang tua dalam program se­kolah; dan (c) mem­ber­da­yakan dewan sekolah; dan (4) Peran kepala sekolah dengan DU/DI dalam peningkatan mutu pen­didikan di SMK Negeri 1 Singo­sari Malang yaitu: (a) men­­ja­lin komunikasi yang efektif dengan DU/DI; (b) melibatkan DU/DI dalam program sekolah; mengadakan kerjasama dengan DU/DI; dan (c) mem­ber­da­yakan dewan sekolah

    Analisis Periode Ulang Hujan Maksimum Dengan Berbagai Metode(return Period Analyze Maximum Rainfall with Three Method)

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    Lush rainfall intensity in Indonesia mostly often affecting to flood disaster. Managing in flood problem must be supporting by good infrastructure of flood management such as dam, irrigation system, drainages,etc. In designing a water building, we needs maximum rainfall information with certain return period. The amount of maximum rainfall for design are different according to lifetime and reservoir capacity such as for a big dam that needs maximum rainfall information with long return period approximately 50,100 years, and for irrigation system needs shorter maximum rainfall information about 2,5,10 years. We use three methods in this analysis: E.J. Gumbel Method, Log Pearson III Method and Iway Kadoya Method. Result of analysis from above methods show that Log Pearson III method and Iway Kadoya method as identically as E.J Gumbell method

    Alteration and Vein Textures Associated with Gold Mineralization at the Bunikasih Area, Pangalengan, West Java

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v5i4.108The Bunikasih vein system in the Pangalengan district of West Java is a low-sulfidation, adularia sericite epithermal gold deposit. It is hosted by Late Miocene andesitic volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks occurring in the south western margin of Malabar Volcano complex. Gold ore and alteration minerals related to deposition of gold in Bunikasih deposits superimposed on Late Tertiary-Quaternary andesitic formation that were altered and mineralized by some hydrothermal events. The veins consist almost entirely of quartz, with small amounts of adularia, bladed calcite, pyrite, and gold. Gold ore shoots are vertically restricted and are more continuous horizontally. The veins display complex and multi episodic filling with texture characteristics of open space precipitation such us colloform, lattice bladed, crustiform banding, vugs, breccia, and cockade and comb texture. The presence of bladed calcite and silica pseudomorph after bladed calcite suggests that the hydrothermal fluids boiled. In the Cibaliung section of the area, anomalous gold is related to veins trending northeast - southwest, milky quartz with dark grey to black manganese staining is found intermittently for a length of about 800m. The mineralized andesite ore bodies exhibit broad alteration patterns adjacent to mineralization, passing from fresh rock into anargillic, chlorite zone, and then sericite-silica close to mineralization. An argillic assemblage composed of kaolinite with fine-grained pyrite bulb is present in the upper portions and surrounding of the quartz vein system. The veins range from centimeter to meter in size. Of 24 vein samples collected, gold averages up to 0.3 grams per tone ("g/t"), to a high of 24.6 g/t. The Bunikasih epithermal gold deposit was mined by people for more than 10 years, mainly for the gold ore

    Diagenetic Pattern in the Citarate Carbonate Rocks, Cilograng Area, Lebak Regency, Banten Province

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v7i3.142The carbonate sequence overlies conformably the tuffaceous sandstone unit, and in turn is conformably underlain by the tuff-sandstone unit, both of which are members of the Citarate Formation. The Citarate carbonate rocks were deposited in an open platform back reef environment, which was temporarily drowned by local sea level rise. Regional Middle Miocene deformation formed NNE-WSW trend faults and E-W trend folds in the researched area. This paper discusses the nature of diagenetic alteration of the Citarate carbonate rocks based on petrographic analyses of twenty surface samples. Carbonate rocks from bottom to top comprise algae packstone, packstone-grainstone, coral-algae packstone, and foraminifer wackestone-packstone. Fragments of coral, coralline red algae, and large foraminifera are the dominant bioclasts in most of the observed samples, whereas echinoids and bivalves are less abundant; they are set in a recrystallized micrite matrix. Planktonic foraminifera are abundant only in few samples. Fragments of plagioclase, igneous volcanic rocks, pyroclastic rocks (tuff), and much less abundant quartz are commonly present in all the studied samples. A generalized diagenesis includes early marine cementation by fibrous aragonite, compaction, aragonite dissolution and/or neomorphism, precipitation of equant-grained calcite cement in a phreatic environment, dissolution to form moldic porosities, dolomitization, the formation of stylolites and fractures, and precipitation of late ferroan calcite during burial. Multiple carbonate cements occur as pore-filling phases, with ferroan calcite cementation taking place during later-stage burial. Secondary porosities were formed during different stages in diagenetic processes, such as dissolution, dolomitization, and stylolite and fracture formations. Although precipitation of nonferroan and ferroan calcite cement occluded porosities, porosity enhancement during early selective dolomitization might still be significant. Current observations also revealed the presence of intraparticle, micro-vuggy, and fracture porosities in different samples

    Factors Decision to Visit a Mosque Jami Air Tiris Kampar Regent Riau Province

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    This study aims to deter mine how the decision making factors and tourist send before coming to visit anattractione specially Mosque Jami Air Tiris Kampar Regent Riau province.This study uses quantitative methods with descriptive approachtoexamine the issue in the lift. The samplein this study as many as 95 people were taken by using accidental sampling. While data collection techniques in this study using observation, questioner, andinter views. By using a Likert scaleas a measure to determine the length of the short interval.Based on the research that has been done, the public response to the decisionto visit the Mosque Jami Air Tiris, as well asattracted by the uniquearchitecture of the building and the my thof the pool that contain srocks haped buffalo head.Keywords: Factors tourist decision, Mosque Jami Air Tiris, Kampar Regen

    Hubungan Karakteristik Remaja Terkait Risiko Penularan Hiv-aids Dan Perilaku Seks Tidak Aman Diindonesia

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    Backgrounds: One of the phases that have a high vulnerability to HIV-AIDS is adolescence, a period which has the highest social mobility than at any other age. In recent years there is a trend of increased cases of HIV-AIDS, especially in groups of teenagers who are of reproductive age. Social penalties for people with HIV-AIDS, are generally more severe when compared with patients with other deadly diseases. Sometimes the social punishment is also tertimpakan to health workers or volunteers, are involved in canng for people living with HIV-AIDS. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of adolescent relationships in the risk of vulnerability in HIV-AIDS with Sexual Behaviour adolescents aged 15-24 years. Methods: Analysis method based on the type of data adolescent characteristics as independent variables and adolescent sexual behavior, prevention of HIV-AIDS as the dependent variable IS nominal, then the test through two stages of analysis analysis, univariate, bivariate analysis of the relationship between two variables for wh1ch is followed by phase analysis into two binomial Regression analysis. Results: The analysis showed that the knowledge of adolescents about preventing HIV-AIDS with only with one partner who is not at risk percentage is still 86.0%, while the knowledge of prevention with adolescents that do not use a new syringe with 78.9% adolescents. Regression test results found a significant association between residence significantly with unsafe sexual behavior with p = 0.000 At Alfa 0.05 which means that adolescents who lived in villages at higher risk unsafe sexual behavior than adolescents who live in the city. The increase in group counseling adolescents through peer group in the village has priority access to the information given HIV-AIDS prevention efforts m the village which is less than the city

    Carbon Stock Assessment in Pine Forest of Kedung Bulus Sub-watershed (Gombong District) Using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data

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    Carbon stock in tree biomass can be quantified directly by cutting and weighing trees. It is assumed that 50% of the dry weight of biomass consists of carbon. This direct measurement is the most accurate method, however for large areas it is considered time consuming and costly. Remote sensing has been proven to be an important tool for mapping and monitoring carbon stock from landscape to global scale in order to support forest management and policy practices. The study aimed to (1) develop regression models for estimating carbon stock of pine forests using field measurement and remotely sensed data; and (2) quantify soil carbon stock under pine forests using field measurement. The study was conducted in Kedung Bulus sub-watershed, Gombong - Central Java. The derived data from Satellite Probatoire d\u27Observation de la Terre (SPOT) included spectral band 1, 2, 3, and 4, Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) images. These data were integrated with field measurement to develop models. Soil samples were collected by augering for every 20 cm until a depth of 100 cm. The potential of remote sensing to estimate carbon stock was shown by the strong correlation between multiple bands of SPOT (band 2 , 3; band 1, 2, 3; band 1, 3, 4; and band 1, 2, 3, 4) and carbon stock with r = 0.76, PCA (PC1, PC2, PC3) and carbon stock with r = 0.73. The role of pine forest to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere was demonstrated by the amount of carbon in the tree and the soil. Carbon stock in the tree biomass varied from 26 to 206 Mg C ha-1 and in the soil under pine forest ranged from 85 to 194 Mg C ha-1