415 research outputs found

    U(N|M) quantum mechanics on Kaehler manifolds

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    We study the extended supersymmetric quantum mechanics, with supercharges transforming in the fundamental representation of U(N|M), as realized in certain one-dimensional nonlinear sigma models with Kaehler manifolds as target space. We discuss the symmetry algebra characterizing these models and, using operatorial methods, compute the heat kernel in the limit of short propagation time. These models are relevant for studying the quantum properties of a certain class of higher spin field equations in first quantization.Comment: 21 pages, a reference adde

    Quantum theories of (p,q)-forms

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    We describe quantum theories for massless (p,q)-forms living on Kaehler spaces. In particular we consider four different types of quantum theories: two types involve gauge symmetries and two types are simpler theories without gauge invariances. The latter can be seen as building blocks of the former. Their equations of motion can be obtained in a natural way by first-quantizing a spinning particle with a U(2)-extended supersymmetry on the worldline. The particle system contains four supersymmetric charges, represented quantum mechanically by the Dolbeault operators and their hermitian conjugates. After studying how the (p,q)-form field theories emerge from the particle system, we investigate their one loop effective actions, identify corresponding heat kernel coefficients, and derive exact duality relations. The dualities are seen to include mismatches related to topological indices and analytic torsions, which are computed as Tr(-1)^F and Tr[(-1)^F F] in the first quantized supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model for a suitable fermion number operator F.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures, a reference adde

    Quantum theory of massless (p,0)-forms

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    We describe the quantum theory of massless (p,0)-forms that satisfy a suitable holomorphic generalization of the free Maxwell equations on Kaehler spaces. These equations arise by first-quantizing a spinning particle with a U(1)-extended local supersymmetry on the worldline. Dirac quantization of the spinning particle produces a physical Hilbert space made up of (p,0)-forms that satisfy holomorphic Maxwell equations coupled to the background Kaehler geometry, containing in particular a charge that measures the amount of coupling to the U(1) part of the U(d) holonomy group of the d-dimensional Kaehler space. The relevant differential operators appearing in these equations are a twisted exterior holomorphic derivative and its hermitian conjugate (twisted Dolbeault operators with charge q). The particle model is used to obtain a worldline representation of the one-loop effective action of the (p,0)-forms. This representation allows to compute the first few heat kernel coefficients contained in the local expansion of the effective action and to derive duality relations between (p,0) and (d-p-2,0)-forms that include a topological mismatch appearing at one-loop.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    Worldline approach to vector and antisymmetric tensor fields

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    The N=2 spinning particle action describes the propagation of antisymmetric tensor fields, including vector fields as a special case. In this paper we study the path integral quantization on a one-dimensional torus of the N=2 spinning particle coupled to spacetime gravity. The action has a local N=2 worldline supersymmetry with a gauged U(1) symmetry that includes a Chern-Simons coupling. Its quantization on the torus produces the one-loop effective action for a single antisymmetric tensor. We use this worldline representation to calculate the first few Seeley-DeWitt coefficients for antisymmetric tensor fields of arbitrary rank in arbitrary dimensions. As side results we obtain the correct trace anomaly of a spin 1 particle in four dimensions as well as exact duality relations between differential form gauge fields. This approach yields a drastic simplification over standard heat-kernel methods. It contains on top of the usual proper time a new modular parameter implementing the reduction to a single tensor field. Worldline methods are generically simpler and more efficient in perturbative computations then standard QFT Feynman rules. This is particularly evident when the coupling to gravity is considered.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, references adde

    Dimensional regularization of nonlinear sigma models on a finite time interval

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    We extend dimensional regularization to the case of compact spaces. Contrary to previous regularization schemes employed for nonlinear sigma models on a finite time interval (``quantum mechanical path integrals in curved space'') dimensional regularization requires only a covariant finite two-loop counterterm. This counterterm is nonvanishing and given by R/8.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, minor changes in text and reference

    Higher spin fields from a worldline perspective

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    Higher spin fields in four dimensions, and more generally conformal fields in arbitrary dimensions, can be described by spinning particle models with a gauged SO(N) extended supergravity on the worldline. We consider here the one-loop quantization of these models by studying the corresponding partition function on the one-dimensional torus. After gauge fixing the supergravity multiplet, the partition function reduces to an integral over the corresponding moduli space which is computed using orthogonal polynomial techniques. We obtain a compact formula which gives the number of physical degrees of freedom for all N in all dimensions. As an aside we compute the physical degrees of freedom of the SO(4) = SU(2)xSU(2) model with only a SU(2) factor gauged, which has attracted some interest in the literature.Comment: 21 page

    Detours and Paths: BRST Complexes and Worldline Formalism

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    We construct detour complexes from the BRST quantization of worldline diffeomorphism invariant systems. This yields a method to efficiently extract physical quantum field theories from particle models with first class constraint algebras. As an example, we show how to obtain the Maxwell detour complex by gauging N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics in curved space. Then we concentrate on first class algebras belonging to a class of recently introduced orthosymplectic quantum mechanical models and give generating functions for detour complexes describing higher spins of arbitrary symmetry types. The first quantized approach facilitates quantum calculations and we employ it to compute the number of physical degrees of freedom associated to the second quantized, field theoretical actions.Comment: 1+35 pages, 1 figure; typos corrected and references added, published versio

    Photon-graviton mixing in an electromagnetic field

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    Einstein-Maxwell theory implies the mixing of photons with gravitons in an external electromagnetic field. This process and its possible observable consequences have been studied at tree level for many years. We use the worldline formalism for obtaining an exact integral representation for the one-loop corrections to this amplitude due to scalars and fermions. We study the structure of this amplitude, and obtain exact expressions for various limiting cases.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, talk given by C. Schubert at QFEXT07, Leipzig, 17-21 Sep 2007, final published version (slightly extended

    Dimensional regularization of the path integral in curved space on an infinite time interval

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    We use dimensional regularization to evaluate quantum mechanical path integrals in arbitrary curved spaces on an infinite time interval. We perform 3-loop calculations in Riemann normal coordinates, and 2-loop calculations in general coordinates. It is shown that one only needs a covariant two-loop counterterm (V_{DR} = R/8) to obtain the same results as obtained earlier in other regularization schemes. It is also shown that the mass term needed in order to avoid infrared divergences explicitly breaks general covariance in the final result.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, LaTe
