36 research outputs found

    Modelling honey bee colonies in winter using a Keller-Segel model with a sign-changing chemotactic coefficient

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    Thermoregulation in honey bee colonies during winter is thought to be self-organised. We added mortality of individual honey bees to an existing model of thermoregulation to account for elevated losses of bees that are reported worldwide. The aim of analysis is to obtain a better fundamental understanding of the consequences of individual mortality during winter. This model resembles the well-known Keller-Segel model. In contrast to the often studied Keller-Segel models, our model includes a chemotactic coefficient of which the sign can change as honey bees have a preferred temperature: when the local temperature is too low, they move towards higher temperatures, whereas the opposite is true for too high temperatures. Our study shows that we can distinguish two states of the colony: one in which the colony size is above a certain critical number of bees in which the bees can keep the core temperature of the colony above the threshold temperature, and one in which the core temperature drops below the critical threshold and the mortality of the bees increases dramatically, leading to a sudden death of the colony. This model behaviour may explain the globally observed honey bee colony losses during winter.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Multivariate Estimations of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity from Short Transient Warming Simulations

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    One of the most used metrics to gauge the effects of climate change is the equilibrium climate sensitivity, defined as the long-term (equilibrium) temperature increase resulting from instantaneous doubling of atmospheric CO2_2. Since global climate models cannot be fully equilibrated in practice, extrapolation techniques are used to estimate the equilibrium state from transient warming simulations. Because of the abundance of climate feedbacks - spanning a wide range of temporal scales - it is hard to extract long-term behaviour from short-time series; predominantly used techniques are only capable of detecting the single most dominant eigenmode, thus hampering their ability to give accurate long-term estimates. Here, we present an extension to those methods by incorporating data from multiple observables in a multi-component linear regression model. This way, not only the dominant but also the next-dominant eigenmodes of the climate system are captured, leading to better long-term estimates from short, non-equilibrated time series.Comment: Main Text (10 pages, 4 figures) plus Supporting Information (36 pages, 18 figures, 1 table

    Projections of the Transient State-Dependency of Climate Feedbacks

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    When the climate system is forced, e.g. by emission of greenhouse gases, it responds on multiple time scales. As temperatures rise, feedback processes might intensify or weaken. Current methods to analyze feedback strength, however, do not take such state dependency into account; they only consider changes in (global mean) temperature and assume all feedbacks are linearly related to that. This makes (transient) changes in feedback strengths almost intangible and generally leads to underestimation of future warming. Here, we present a multivariate (and spatially explicit) framework that facilitates dissection of climate feedbacks over time scales. Using this framework, information on the composition of projected (transient) future climates and feedback strengths can be obtained. Moreover, it can be used to make projections for many emission scenarios through linear response theory. The new framework is illustrated using the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2).Comment: main text: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table Supporting Information: 14 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, 8 movie

    Rethinking tipping points in spatial ecosystems

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    The theory of alternative stable states and tipping points has garnered a lot of attention in the last decades. It predicts potential critical transitions from one ecosystem state to a completely different state under increasing environmental stress. However, typically ecosystem models that predict tipping do not resolve space explicitly. As ecosystems are inherently spatial, it is important to understand the effects of incorporating spatial processes in models, and how those insights translate to the real world. Moreover, spatial ecosystem structures, such as vegetation patterns, are important in the prediction of ecosystem response in the face of environmental change. Models and observations from real savanna ecosystems and drylands have suggested that they may exhibit both tipping behavior as well as spatial pattern formation. Hence, in this paper, we use mathematical models of humid savannas and drylands to illustrate several pattern formation phenomena that may arise when incorporating spatial dynamics in models that exhibit tipping without resolving space. We argue that such mechanisms challenge the notion of large scale critical transitions in response to global change and reveal a more resilient nature of spatial ecosystems

    Evasion of tipping in complex systems through spatial pattern formation

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    The concept of tipping points and critical transitions helps inform our understanding of the catastrophic effects that global change may have on ecosystems, Earth system components, and the whole Earth system. The search for early warning indicators is ongoing, and spatial self-organization has been interpreted as one such signal. Here, we review how spatial self-organization can aid complex systems to evade tipping points and can therefore be a signal of resilience instead. Evading tipping points through various pathways of spatial pattern formation may be relevant for many ecosystems and Earth system components that hitherto have been identified as tipping prone, including for the entire Earth system. We propose a systematic analysis that may reveal the broad range of conditions under which tipping is evaded and resilience emerges

    Climate response and sensitivity: time scales and late tipping points

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    Climate response metrics are used to quantify the Earth’s climate response to anthropogenic changes of atmospheric CO2. Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is one such metric that measures the equilibrium response to CO2 doubling. However, both in their estimation and their usage, such metrics make assumptions on the linearity of climate response, although it is known that, especially for larger forcing levels, response can be nonlinear. Such nonlinear responses may become visible immediately in response to a larger perturbation, or may only become apparent after a long transient period. In this paper, we illustrate some potential problems and caveats when estimating ECS from transient simulations. We highlight ways that very slow time scales may lead to poor estimation of ECS even if there is seemingly good fit to linear response over moderate time scales. Moreover, such slow processes might lead to late abrupt responses (late tipping points) associated with a system’s nonlinearities. We illustrate these ideas using simulations on a global energy balance model with dynamic albedo. We also discuss the implications for estimating ECS for global climate models, highlighting that it is likely to remain difficult to make definitive statements about the simulation times needed to reach an equilibrium

    Fragmented tipping in a spatially heterogeneous world

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    Many climate subsystems are thought to be susceptible to tipping—and some might be close to a tipping point. The general belief and intuition, based on simple conceptual models of tipping elements, is that tipping leads to reorganization of the full (sub)system. Here, we explore tipping in conceptual, but spatially extended and spatially heterogenous models. These are extensions of conceptual models taken from all sorts of climate system components on multiple spatial scales. By analysis of the bifurcation structure of such systems, special stable equilibrium states are revealed: coexistence states with part of the spatial domain in one state, and part in another, with a spatial interface between these regions. These coexistence states critically depend on the size and the spatial heterogeneity of the (sub)system. In particular, in these systems the crossing of a tipping point not necessarily leads to a full reorganization of the system. Instead, it might lead to a reorganization of only part of the spatial domain, limiting the impact of these events on the system's functioning