5 research outputs found

    Exacerbation of neonatal hemolysis and impaired renal iron handling in heme oxygenase 1-deficient mice

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    In most mammals, neonatal intravascular hemolysis is a benign and moderate disorder that usually does not lead to anemia. During the neonatal period, kidneys play a key role in detoxification and recirculation of iron species released from red blood cells (RBC) and filtered out by glomeruli to the primary urine. Activity of heme oxygenase 1 (HO1), a heme-degrading enzyme localized in epithelial cells of proximal tubules, seems to be of critical importance for both processes. We show that, in HO1 knockout mouse newborns, hemolysis was prolonged despite a transient state and exacerbated, which led to temporal deterioration of RBC status. In neonates lacking HO1, functioning of renal molecular machinery responsible for iron reabsorption from the primary urine (megalin/cubilin complex) and its transfer to the blood (ferroportin) was either shifted in time or impaired, respectively. Those abnormalities resulted in iron loss from the body (excreted in urine) and in iron retention in the renal epithelium. We postulate that, as a consequence of these abnormalities, a tight systemic iron balance of HO1 knockout neonates may be temporarily affected

    Adhesive protein-mediated crosstalk between <i>Candida albicans</i> and <i>Porphyromonas gingivalis</i> in dual species biofilm protects the anaerobic bacterium in unfavorable oxic environment

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    Abstract The oral cavity contains different types of microbial species that colonize human host via extensive cell-to-cell interactions and biofilm formation. Candida albicans —a yeast-like fungus that inhabits mucosal surfaces—is also a significant colonizer of subgingival sites in patients with chronic periodontitis. It is notable however that one of the main infectious agents that causes periodontal disease is an anaerobic bacterium— Porphyromonas gingivalis. In our study, we evaluated the different strategies of both pathogens in the mutual colonization of an artificial surface and confirmed that a protective environment existed for P. gingivalis within developed fungal biofilm formed under oxic conditions where fungal cells grow mainly in their filamentous form i.e. hyphae. A direct physical contact between fungi and P. gingivalis was initiated via a modulation of gene expression for the major fungal cell surface adhesin Als3 and the aspartic proteases Sap6 and Sap9. Proteomic identification of the fungal surfaceome suggested also an involvement of the Mp65 adhesin and a “moonlighting” protein, enolase, as partners for the interaction with P. gingivalis. Using mutant strains of these bacteria that are defective in the production of the gingipains—the proteolytic enzymes that also harbor hemagglutinin domains—significant roles of these proteins in the formation of bacteria-protecting biofilm were clearly demonstrated

    Open innovation in biopharmaceutical companies – case study of AstraZeneca

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja modelu otwartych innowacji oraz analiza zakresu jego adaptacji w przemyśle biofarmaceutycznym. W pierwszej części przedstawiono model otwartych innowacji oraz jego znaczenie dla innowacyjności współczesnych organizacji. W drugiej części pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań własnych opartych na studium przypadku, którego przedmiotem była firma AstraZeneca, znajdująca się w czołówce firm biofarmaceutycznych na świecie. Przeanalizowano zakres adaptacji modelu w odniesieniu do działalności badawczo-rozwojowej oraz wspierania innowacyjności. Przedstawiono przykłady otwartych innowacji odnoszące się do typów modeli procesów, różnych form relacji oraz wykorzystania nowych technologii informatycznych.The purpose of this article is to present an open innovation model and explore its application in the pharmaceutical industry. In the first part, the article presents the open innovation framework and its implications for innovation in pharmaceutical companies. In the second part, the case study research results of one the world’s leading biopharmaceutical companies, AstraZeneca are presented. The paper investigates the adoption of the model with regards to drug discovery and development process and promoting an innovative approach. It examines different modes of open innovation, types of initiatives undertaken by the company, and the incorporation of novel technologies

    Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial activity and LPS-interaction properties of SB041, a novel dendrimeric peptide with antimicrobial properties

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    Multimeric peptides offer several advantages with respect to their monomeric counterparts, as increased activity and greater stability to peptidases and proteases. SB041 is a novel antimicrobial peptide with dendrimeric structure; it is a tetramer of pyrEKKIRVRLSA linked by a lysine core, with an amino valeric acid chain. Here, we report on its synthesis, NMR characterization, antimicrobial activity, and LPS-interaction properties. The peptide was especially active against Gram-negative strains, with a potency comparable (on molar basis) to that of lipopeptides colistin and polymixin B, but it also displayed some activity against selected Gram-positive strains. Following these indications, we investigated the efficacy of SB041 in binding Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa LPS in vitro and counteracting its biological effects in RAW-Blue cells, derived from RAW 264.7 macrophages. SB041 strongly bound purified LPS, especially that of E. coli, as proved by fluorescent displacement assay, and readily penetrated into LPS monolayers. However, the killing activity of SB041 against E. coli was not inhibited by increasing concentrations of LPS added to the medium. Checking the SB041 effect on LPS-induced activation of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in Raw-Blue cells revealed that while the peptide gave a statistically significant decrease in PRRs stimulation when RAW-Blue cells were challenged with P. aeruginosa LPS, the same was not seen when E. coli LPS was used to activate innate immune defense-like responses. Thus, as previously seen for other antimicrobial peptides, also for SB041 binding to LPS did not translate necessarily into LPS-neutralizing activity, suggesting that SB041-LPS interactions must be of complex nature