80 research outputs found

    A role for Tbx5 in proepicardial cell migration during cardiogenesis

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    Transcriptional regulatory cascades during epicardial and coronary vascular development from proepicardial progenitor cells remain to be defined. We have used immunohistochemistry of human embryonic tissues to demonstrate that the TBX5 transcription factor is expressed not only in the myocardium, but also throughout the embryonic epicardium and coronary vasculature. TBX5 is not expressed in other human fetal vascular beds. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analyses of human embryonic tissues reveals that unlike their epicardial counterparts, delaminating epicardial-derived cells do not express TBX5 as they migrate through the subepicardium before undergoing epithelial-mesenchymal transformation required for coronary vasculogenesis. In the chick, Tbx5 is expressed in the embryonic proepicardial organ (PEO), which is composed of the epicardial and coronary vascular progenitor cells. Retrovirus-mediated overexpression of human TBX5 inhibits cell incorporation of infected proepicardial cells into the nascent chick epicardium and coronary vasculature. TBX5 overexpression as well as antisense-mediated knockdown of chick Tbx5 produce a cell-autonomous defect in the PEO that prevents proepicardial cell migration. Thus, both increasing and decreasing Tbx5 dosage impairs development of the proepicardium. Culture of explanted PEOs demonstrates that untreated chick proepicardial cells downregulate Tbx5 expression during cell migration. Therefore, we propose that Tbx5 participates in regulation of proepicardial cell migration, a critical event in the establishment of the epicardium and coronary vasculature

    Tbx5 is Required for Avian and Mammalian Epicardial Formation and Coronary Vasculogenesis.

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    Rationale: Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS) is an autosomal dominant heart-hand syndrome caused by mutations in the TBX5 gene. Overexpression of Tbx5 in the chick proepicardial organ (PEO) impaired coronary blood vessel formation. However, the potential activity of Tbx5 in the epicardium itself, and Tbx5\u27s role in mammalian coronary vasculogenesis, remains largely unknown. Objective: To evaluate the consequences of altered Tbx5 gene dosage during PEO and epicardial development in the embryonic chick and mouse. Methods and Results: Retroviral-mediated knockdown or upregulation of Tbx5 expression in the embryonic chick PEO as well as proepicardial-specific deletion of Tbx5 in the embryonic mouse (Tbx5(epi-/-)) impaired normal PEO cell development, inhibited epicardial and coronary blood vessel formation and altered developmental gene expression. The generation of epicardial-derived cells (EPDCs) and their migration into the myocardium was impaired between embryonic day (E) 13.5-15.5 in mutant hearts due to delayed epicardial attachment to the myocardium and subepicardial accumulation of EPDCs. This caused defective coronary vasculogenesis associated with impaired vascular smooth muscle cell recruitment, and reduced invasion of cardiac fibroblasts and endothelial cells into myocardium. In contrast to wildtype hearts that exhibited an elaborate ventricular vascular network, Tbx5(epi-/-) hearts displayed a marked decrease in vascular density that was associated with myocardial hypoxia as exemplified by HIF1Ī± upregulation and increased binding of Hypoxyprobe-1. Tbx5(epi-/-) mice with such myocardial hypoxia exhibited reduced exercise capacity compared to wildtype mice. Conclusions: Our findings support a conserved Tbx5 dose-dependent requirement for both proepicardial and epicardial progenitor cell development in chick and mouse coronary vascular formation

    Keratin gene expression profiles after digit amputation in C57BL/6 vs. regenerative MRL mice imply an early regenerative keratinocyte activated-like state

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    Mouse strains C57BL/6 (B6) and MRL were studied by whole mouse genome chip microarray analyses of RNA isolated from amputation sites at different times pre-and postamputation at the midsecond phalange of the middle digit. Many keratin genes were highly differentially expressed. All keratin genes were placed into three temporal response classes determined by injury/preinjury ratios. One class, containing only Krt6 and Krt16, were uniquely expressed relative to the other two classes and exhibited different temporal responses in MRL vs. B6. Immunohistochemical staining for Krt6 and Krt16 in tissue sections, including normal digit, flank skin, and small intestine, and from normal and injured ear pinna tissue exhibited staining differences in B6 (low) and MRL (high) that were consistent with the microarray results. Krt10 staining showed no injury-induced differences, consistent with microarray expression. We analyzed Krt6 and Krt16 gene association networks and observed in uninjured tissue several genes with higher expression levels in MRL, but not B6, that were associated with the keratinocyte activated state: Krt6, Krt16, S100a8, S100a9, and Il1b; these data suggest that keratinocytes in the MRL strain, but not in B6, are in an activated state prior to wounding. These expression levels decreased in MRL at all times postwounding but rose in the B6, peaking at day 3. Other keratins significantly expressed in the normal basal keratinocyte state showed no significant strain differences. These data suggest that normal MRL skin is in a keratinocyte activated state, which may provide it with superior responses to wounding. ƂĀ© 2013 the American Physiological Society

    Multigene interactions and the prediction of depression in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study

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    Objectives: Single genetic loci offer little predictive power for the identification of depression. This study examined whether an analysis of gene-gene (G x G) interactions of 78 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes associated with depression and agerelated diseases would identify significant interactions with increased predictive power for depression. Design: A retrospective cohort study. Setting: A survey of participants in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Participants: A total of 4811 persons (2464 women and 2347 men) who provided saliva for genotyping; the group comes from a randomly selected sample of Wisconsin high school graduates from the class of 1957 as well as a randomly selected sibling, almost all of whom are non-Hispanic white. Primary outcome measure: Depression as determine by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview-Short-Form. Results: Using a classification tree approach (recursive partitioning (RP)), the authors identified a number of candidate G 3 G interactions associated with depression. The primary SNP splits revealed by RP (ANKK1 rs1800497 (also known as DRD2 Taq1A) in men and DRD2 rs224592 in women) were found to be significant as single factors by logistic regression (LR) after controlling for multiple testing (p=0.001 for both). Without considering interaction effects, only one of the five subsequent RP splits reached nominal significance in LR (FTO rs1421085 in women, p=0.008). However, after controlling for G x G interactions by running LR on RP-specific subsets, every split became significant and grew larger in magnitude (OR (before) ā†’ (after): men: GNRH1 novel SNP: (1.43 ā†’ 1.57); women: APOC3 rs2854116: (1.28 ā†’ 1.55), ACVR2B rs3749386: (1.11 ā†’ 2.17), FTO rs1421085: (1.32 ā†’ 1.65), IL6 rs1800795: (1.12 ā†’ 1.85)). Conclusions: The results suggest that examining G x G interactions improves the identification of genetic associations predictive of depression. 4 of the SNPs identified in these interactions were located in two pathways well known to impact depression: neurotransmitter (ANKK1 and DRD2) and neuroendocrine (GNRH1 and ACVR2B) signalling. This study demonstrates the utility of RP analysis as an efficient and powerful exploratory analysis technique for uncovering genetic and molecular pathway interactions associated with disease aetiology

    Specification of the cardiac conduction system by transcription factors

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    Diseases of the cardiovascular system that cause sudden cardiac deaths are often caused by lethal arrhythmias that originate from defects in the cardiac conduction system. Development of the cardiac conduction system is a complex biological process that can be wrought with problems. Although several genes involved in mature conduction system function have been identified, their association with development of specific subcomponents of the cardiac conduction system remains challenging. Several transcription factors, including homeodomain proteins and T-box proteins, are essential for cardiac conduction system morphogenesis and activation or repression of key regulatory genes. In addition, several transcription factors modify expression of genes encoding the ion channel proteins that contribute to the electrophysiological properties of the conduction system and govern contraction of the surrounding myocardium. Loss of transcriptional regulation during cardiac development has detrimental effects on cardiogenesis that may lead to arrhythmias. Human genetic mutations in some of these transcription factors have been identified and are known to cause congenital heart diseases that include cardiac conduction system malformations. In this review, we summarize the contributions of several key transcription factors to specification, patterning, maturation, and function of the cardiac conduction system. Further analysis of the molecular programs involved in this process should lead to improved diagnosis and therapy of conduction system disease. ƂĀ© 2009 American Heart Association, Inc

    Taking a bite out of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: soy diet and disease

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    Some forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) are caused by mutations in cardiac sarcomeric genes, but environmental factors are believed to influence the hypertrophic response. A highly variable but potentially significant environmental factor is diet. Since soy-rich diets have been speculated to confer protection against cardiovascular disease, Stauffer et al. have explored the influence of a soy diet on cardiac growth and function in a transgenic mouse model of HCM. They report that mice fed a soy diet exhibited significantly worse HCM than mice fed a soy-free (milk protein) diet. This study provides the first evidence of an environmental modifier ā€” diet ā€” on the hypertrophic phenotype and has implications for the way in which disease phenotypes are assessed in genetically altered murine models of disease

    Atrial form and function: Lessons from human molecular genetics

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    Molecular genetic analyses of human hereditary disorders that affect cardiac atrial structure and function have recently identified several genes that regulate atrial morphogenesis. Mutations of the TBX5, NKX2.5, EVC, and PRKAR1ƎĀ± genes all result in abnormalities of human atrial growth and development, and mutations in at least one gene results in familial atrial fibrillation and is as yet unidentified. Ongoing studies to find interactions between these transcription factors and intracellular signaling molecules and other as yet unknown genes are establishing critical pathways in human cardiogenesis. Human investigation and experimental animal models of heart development synergize to elucidate etiologies of common congenital heart disease. Copyright ƂĀ© 2000 Elsevier Science Inc
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