233 research outputs found

    Evaluating Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods to Determine the Hurst Coefficient

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    A maximum likelihood estimation method implemented in S-PLUS (S-MLE) to estimate the Hurst coefficient (H) is evaluated. The Hurst coefficient, with 0.5\u3cHS-MLE was developed to estimate H for fractionally differenced (fd) processes. However, in practice it is difficult to distinguish between fd processes and fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) processes. Thus, the method is evaluated for estimating H for both fd and fGn processes. S-MLE gave biased results of H for fGn processes of any length and for fd processes of lengths less than 210. A modified method is proposed to correct for this bias. It gives reliable estimates of H for both fd and fGn processes of length greater than or equal to 211

    Minimizing the effect of sinusoidal trends in detrended fluctuation analysis

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    The detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) [Peng et al., 1994] and its extensions (MF-DFA) [Kantelhardt et al., 2002] have been used extensively to determine possible long-range correlations in self-affine signals. While the DFA has been claimed to be a superior technique, recent reports have indicated its susceptibility to trends in the data. In this report, a smoothing filter is proposed to minimize the effect of sinusoidal trends and distortion in the log-log plots obtained by DFA and MF-DFA techniques

    Ion-channel-like behavior in lipid bilayer membranes at the melting transition

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    It is well known that at the gel-liquid phase transition temperature a lipid bilayer membrane exhibits an increased ion permeability. We analyze the quantized currents in which the increased permeability presents itself. The open time histogram shows a "-3/2" power law which implies an open-closed transition rate that decreases like k(t)t1k(t) \propto t^{-1} as time evolves. We propose a "pore freezing" model to explain the observations. We discuss how this model also leads to the 1/fα1/f^{\alpha} noise that is commonly observed in currents across biological and artificial membranes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Correlation function and generalized master equation of arbitrary age

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    We study a two-state statistical process with a non-Poisson distribution of sojourn times. In accordance with earlier work, we find that this process is characterized by aging and we study three different ways to define the correlation function of arbitrary age of the corresponding dichotomous fluctuation based respectively on the Generalized Master Equation formalism, on a Liouville-like approach and on a trajectory perspective.Comment: 11 pages, 1figur

    Distinguishing cancerous from non-cancerous cells through analysis of electrical noise

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    Since 1984, electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) has been used to monitor cell behavior in tissue culture and has proven sensitive to cell morphological changes and cell motility. We have taken ECIS measurements on several cultures of non-cancerous (HOSE) and cancerous (SKOV) human ovarian surface epithelial cells. By analyzing the noise in real and imaginary electrical impedance, we demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish the two cell types purely from signatures of their electrical noise. Our measures include power-spectral exponents, Hurst and detrended fluctuation analysis, and estimates of correlation time; principal-component analysis combines all the measures. The noise from both cancerous and non-cancerous cultures shows correlations on many time scales, but these correlations are stronger for the non-cancerous cells.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; submitted to PR

    Avalanches in the lung: A statistical mechanical model

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    We study a statistical mechanical model for the dynamics of lung inflation which incorporates recent experimental observations on the opening of individual airways by a cascade or avalanche mechanism. Using an exact mapping of the avalanche problem onto percolation on a Cayley tree, we analytically derive the exponents describing the size distribution of the first avalanches and test the analytical solution by numerical simulations. We find that the tree-like structure of the airways together with the simplest assumptions concerning opening threshold pressures of each airway, is sufficient to explain the existence of power-law distributions observed experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, Figures avaliable by mail from [email protected], REVTE

    Levy stable noise induced transitions: stochastic resonance, resonant activation and dynamic hysteresis

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    A standard approach to analysis of noise-induced effects in stochastic dynamics assumes a Gaussian character of the noise term describing interaction of the analyzed system with its complex surroundings. An additional assumption about the existence of timescale separation between the dynamics of the measured observable and the typical timescale of the noise allows external fluctuations to be modeled as temporally uncorrelated and therefore white. However, in many natural phenomena the assumptions concerning the abovementioned properties of "Gaussianity" and "whiteness" of the noise can be violated. In this context, in contrast to the spatiotemporal coupling characterizing general forms of non-Markovian or semi-Markovian L\'evy walks, so called L\'evy flights correspond to the class of Markov processes which still can be interpreted as white, but distributed according to a more general, infinitely divisible, stable and non-Gaussian law. L\'evy noise-driven non-equilibrium systems are known to manifest interesting physical properties and have been addressed in various scenarios of physical transport exhibiting a superdiffusive behavior. Here we present a brief overview of our recent investigations aimed to understand features of stochastic dynamics under the influence of L\'evy white noise perturbations. We find that the archetypal phenomena of noise-induced ordering are robust and can be detected also in systems driven by non-Gaussian, heavy-tailed fluctuations with infinite variance.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of extreme data loss on long-range correlated and anti-correlated signals quantified by detrended fluctuation analysis

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    We investigate how extreme loss of data affects the scaling behavior of long-range power-law correlated and anti-correlated signals applying the DFA method. We introduce a segmentation approach to generate surrogate signals by randomly removing data segments from stationary signals with different types of correlations. These surrogate signals are characterized by: (i) the DFA scaling exponent α\alpha of the original correlated signal, (ii) the percentage pp of the data removed, (iii) the average length μ\mu of the removed (or remaining) data segments, and (iv) the functional form of the distribution of the length of the removed (or remaining) data segments. We find that the {\it global} scaling exponent of positively correlated signals remains practically unchanged even for extreme data loss of up to 90%. In contrast, the global scaling of anti-correlated signals changes to uncorrelated behavior even when a very small fraction of the data is lost. These observations are confirmed on the examples of human gait and commodity price fluctuations. We systematically study the {\it local} scaling behavior of signals with missing data to reveal deviations across scales. We find that for anti-correlated signals even 10% of data loss leads to deviations in the local scaling at large scales from the original anti-correlated towards uncorrelated behavior. In contrast, positively correlated signals show no observable changes in the local scaling for up to 65% of data loss, while for larger percentage, the local scaling shows overestimated regions (with higher local exponent) at small scales, followed by underestimated regions (with lower local exponent) at large scales. Finally, we investigate how the scaling is affected by the statistics of the remaining data segments in comparison to the removed segments

    Scaling-violation phenomena and fractality in the human posture control systems

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    By analyzing the movements of quiet standing persons by means of wavelet statistics, we observe multiple scaling regions in the underlying body dynamics. The use of the wavelet-variance function opens the possibility to relate scaling violations to different modes of posture control. We show that scaling behavior becomes close to perfect, when correctional movements are dominated by the vestibular system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Scale Invariance in the Nonstationarity of Physiological Signals

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    We introduce a segmentation algorithm to probe temporal organization of heterogeneities in human heartbeat interval time series. We find that the lengths of segments with different local values of heart rates follow a power-law distribution. This scale-invariant structure is not a simple consequence of the long-range correlations present in the data. We also find that the differences in mean heart rates between consecutive segments display a common functional form, but with different parameters for healthy individuals and for patients with heart failure. This finding may provide information into the way heart rate variability is reduced in cardiac disease.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, corrected typo