6 research outputs found

    Analytic Signal Depth from High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data over the Gongola Basin Upper Benue Trough Northeastern Nigeria

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    The study of high-resolution aeromagnetic data was carried out over the Gongola basin, upper Benue trough, northeastern Nigeria, for analytic signal depth determination. Total intensity magnetic map obtained from the data using the Oasis Montaj TM programming software was used to get the residual map by polynomial fitting, from where the analytic signal was obtained with the use of anomaly width at half the amplitude (X1/2). This was used to carry out depth estimations over the study area. The results showed that it peaks over the magnetic structure with local maxima over its edges (boundaries or contact), and the amplitude is simply related to magnetization, likewise results also showed that the depth estimates were in the range of 1.2 to 5.9 km and were calculated for contact, dyke/sill and horizontal cylinder respectively. The lowest values are from DD profiles, while the highs are from AA profiles. This work is important in identifying dykes, contacts and intrusives over an area

    Structural and Petrographic Study of Crystalline Rocks in Part Of Oban Massif, SouthEastern Nigeria

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    The study aims at differentiating lithologic units, general structural trends and orogenic implications of crystalline rocks within part of Oban Massif, Southeastern Nigeria. Field study involve geological mapping, rock description and structural measurement, while laboratory analysis covered photomicrograph. Field observation and microscopic analysis reveal five petrological units; gneisses, schists, granodiorite, pegmatite and quartz veins. The rocks are generally siliceous and quartzo-feldspathic. The schist show foliation planes trending majorly in the NE-SW direction. The gneisses were highly fractured, indicative of a polyphase deformation. Structural elements such as joints, fractures, foliations and veins show series of deformational episodes that affected the area. Rose diagram plot for these structures show the NE-SW direction indicative of the Pan-African orogeny (600±150 Ma) and interpreted as the most recent event affecting the area. NW and NE trending joints are consideredto be tectonic in origin based on their alignments with major structures of the area. Furthermore, the structures also showed weak NW-SE and E-W trends, an imprint of older (Kibaran orogeny) deformational episodes

    Assessment of The Influence of Temperature on Brain DNA Quality for Forensic Studies Using RAPD Marker

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    Forensic samples may need to be preserved for an extended period, therefore determining an optimal temperature that allows for quality DNA to be obtained when required is essential. This study seeks to ascertain the influence of temperature and postmortem time on the quality of brain DNA for forensic studies. Seven (7) albino Sprague-Dawley mice weighing between 20 – 30 grams were used for this study. One (1) mouse which served as the control was sacrificed and the brain tissue harvested for DNA extraction immediately. The remaining six (6) were divided into two groups, where one group's harvested brain tissues were stored at room temperature of 24°C and the other group's harvested brain tissues were preserved by freezing at -18°C. DNA was extracted from the brain tissues of one mouse each from the two groups after they had been stored at the different temperatures for 24, 48 and 72 hours. DNA extraction was done using DNA extraction kit from APS Life Tech West Africa Limited and PCR was carried out on each of the DNA extracts using RAPD-OPC-04 primer. DNA concentration and # extracted DNA was determined by spectrophotometry analysis, and the gel electrophoresis was also done to determine the DNA band quality. The results the best nuclear DNA quality is obtained from freshly harvested brain tissues, the quality of nuclear DNA from brain tissue is better preserved by freezing the brain tissue for long periods than at room temperature

    Tectonic Lineament Patterns from Geological and Ground Magnetic Study of Western Part of Adamawa Massif, North Eastern Nigeria

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    Ground magnetic survey was conducted Using G856-Memory-MagTM Proton Precision Magnetometer and the earth’s magnetic field data acquired following a regular grid patterns. The aim of the survey is to delineate lineaments patterns and to relate them to the tectonic frame work of the Adamawa Massif of north-eastern Nigeria. The study area is composed of granite gneisses, biotite hornblende gneiss and porphyritic granites. Iron mineralized veins and non mineralized fractures (joints and faults) were found to be predominantly oriented in a NE-SW and NW-SE trends. The magnetic anomalies observed after subjecting the potential field data to Horizontal Derivative filtration technique shows conformity with the direction of flows of rivers and stream channels found in the study area (this indicates structural control of the rivers and streams). These orientations are also concordant with the trends of structural features (foliation/fractural) mapped in the Adamawa Massif of Northeastern Nigeria. The present research work has thrown more light on the Geology and tectonics of the area