10 research outputs found

    Characterization of skeletal phenotypes of TRα1(PV) and TRβ(PV) mutant mice: implications for tissue thyroid status and T3 target gene expression

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    Bone development is extremely sensitive to alterations in thyroid status. Recently, we analyzed the skeletal phenotypes of mice with the dominant negative resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) mutation PV targeted to either the thyroid hormone receptor (TR) α1 or β gene. This perspective summarizes our findings to date and explores the wider implications for thyroid status and T3 target gene expression in individual tissues

    A mouse model with a frameshift mutation in the nuclear factor I/X (NFIX) gene has phenotypic features of Marshall-Smith Syndrome

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    The nuclear factor I/X (NFIX) gene encodes a ubiquitously expressed transcription factor whose mutations lead to two allelic disorders characterized by developmental, skeletal, and neural abnormalities, namely, Malan syndrome (MAL) and Marshall–Smith syndrome (MSS). NFIX mutations associated with MAL mainly cluster in exon 2 and are cleared by nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) leading to NFIX haploinsufficiency, whereas NFIX mutations associated with MSS are clustered in exons 6–10 and escape NMD and result in the production of dominant-negative mutant NFIX proteins. Thus, different NFIX mutations have distinct consequences on NFIX expression. To elucidate the in vivo effects of MSS-associated NFIX exon 7 mutations, we used CRISPR-Cas9 to generate mouse models with exon 7 deletions that comprised: a frameshift deletion of two nucleotides (Nfix Del2); in-frame deletion of 24 nucleotides (Nfix Del24); and deletion of 140 nucleotides (Nfix Del140). Nfix+/Del2, Nfix+/Del24, Nfix+/Del140, NfixDel24/Del24, and NfixDel140/Del140 mice were viable, normal, and fertile, with no skeletal abnormalities, but NfixDel2/Del2 mice had significantly reduced viability (p < 0.002) and died at 2–3 weeks of age. Nfix Del2 was not cleared by NMD, and NfixDel2/Del2 mice, when compared to Nfix+/+ and Nfix+/Del2 mice, had: growth retardation; short stature with kyphosis; reduced skull length; marked porosity of the vertebrae with decreased vertebral and femoral bone mineral content; and reduced caudal vertebrae height and femur length. Plasma biochemistry analysis revealed NfixDel2/Del2 mice to have increased total alkaline phosphatase activity but decreased C-terminal telopeptide and procollagen-type-1-N-terminal propeptide concentrations compared to Nfix+/+ and Nfix+/Del2 mice. NfixDel2/Del2 mice were also found to have enlarged cerebral cortices and ventricular areas but smaller dentate gyrus compared to Nfix+/+ mice. Thus, NfixDel2/Del2 mice provide a model for studying the in vivo effects of NFIX mutants that escape NMD and result in developmental abnormalities of the skeletal and neural tissues that are associated with MSS

    A mouse model for spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita with secondary osteoarthritis due to a Col2a1 mutation

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    Progeny of mice treated with the mutagen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) revealed a mouse, designated Longpockets (Lpk), with short humeri, abnormal vertebrae, and disorganized growth plates, features consistent with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SEDC). The Lpk phenotype was inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Lpk/+ mice were viable and fertile and Lpk/Lpk mice died perinatally. Lpk was mapped to chromosome 15 and mutational analysis of likely candidates from the interval revealed a Col2a1 missense Ser1386Pro mutation. Transient transfection of wild-type and Ser1386Pro mutant Col2a1 c-Myc constructs in COS-7 cells and CH8 chondrocytes demonstrated abnormal processing and endoplasmic reticulum retention of the mutant protein. Histology revealed growth plate disorganization in 14-day-old Lpk/+ mice and embryonic cartilage from Lpk/+ and Lpk/Lpk mice had reduced safranin-O and type-II collagen staining in the extracellular matrix. The wild-type and Lpk/+ embryos had vertical columns of proliferating chondrocytes, whereas those in Lpk/Lpk mice were perpendicular to the direction of bone growth. Electron microscopy of cartilage from 18.5 dpc wild-type, Lpk/+, and Lpk/Lpk embryos revealed fewer and less elaborate collagen fibrils in the mutants, with enlarged vacuoles in the endoplasmic reticulum that contained amorphous inclusions. Micro-computed tomography (CT) scans of 12-week-old Lpk/+ mice revealed them to have decreased bone mineral density, and total bone volume, with erosions and osteophytes at the joints. Thus, an ENU mouse model with a Ser1386Pro mutation of the Col2a1 C-propeptide domain that results in abnormal collagen processing and phenotypic features consistent with SEDC and secondary osteoarthritis has been established

    A Roadmap to gene discoveries and novel therapies in monogenic low and high bone mass disorders

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    Genetic disorders of the skeleton encompass a diverse group of bone diseases differing in clinical characteristics, severity, incidence and molecular etiology. Of particular interest are the monogenic rare bone mass disorders, with the underlying genetic defect contributing to either low or high bone mass phenotype. Extensive, deep phenotyping coupled with high-throughput, cost-effective genotyping is crucial in the characterization and diagnosis of affected individuals. Massive parallel sequencing efforts have been instrumental in the discovery of novel causal genes that merit functional validation using in vitro and ex vivo cell-based techniques, and in vivo models, mainly mice and zebrafish. These translational models also serve as an excellent platform for therapeutic discovery, bridging the gap between basic science research and the clinic. Altogether, genetic studies of monogenic rare bone mass disorders have broadened our knowledge on molecular signaling pathways coordinating bone development and metabolism, disease inheritance patterns, development of new and improved bone biomarkers, and identification of novel drug targets. In this comprehensive review we describe approaches to further enhance the innovative processes taking discoveries from clinic to bench, and then back to clinic in rare bone mass disorders. We highlight the importance of cross laboratory collaboration to perform functional validation in multiple model systems after identification of a novel disease gene. We describe the monogenic forms of rare low and high rare bone mass disorders known to date, provide a roadmap to unravel the genetic determinants of monogenic rare bone mass disorders using proper phenotyping and genotyping methods, and describe different genetic validation approaches paving the way for future treatments

    Type 2 deiodinase polymorphism causes ER stress and hypothyroidism in the brain

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    Levothyroxine (LT4) is a form of thyroid hormone used to treat hypothyroidism. In the brain, T4 is converted to the active form T3 by type 2 deiodinase (D2). Thus, it is intriguing that carriers of the Thr92Ala polymorphism in the D2 gene ( DIO2 ) exhibit clinical improvement when liothyronine (LT3) is added to LT4 therapy. Here, we report that D2 is a cargo protein in ER Golgi intermediary compartment (ERGIC) vesicles, recycling between ER and Golgi. The Thr92-to-Ala substitution (Ala92-D2) caused ER stress and activated the unfolded protein response (UPR). Ala92-D2 accumulated in the trans-Golgi and generated less T3, which was restored by eliminating ER stress with the chemical chaperone 4-phenyl butyric acid (4-PBA). An Ala92-Dio2 polymorphism–carrying mouse exhibited UPR and hypothyroidism in distinct brain areas. The mouse refrained from physical activity, slept more, and required additional time to memorize objects. Enhancing T3 signaling in the brain with LT3 improved cognition, whereas restoring proteostasis with 4-PBA eliminated the Ala92-Dio2 phenotype. In contrast, primary hypothyroidism intensified the Ala92-Dio2 phenotype, with only partial response to LT4 therapy. Disruption of cellular proteostasis and reduced Ala92-D2 activity may explain the failure of LT4 therapy in carriers of Thr92Ala-DIO2

    Identification of 153 new loci associated with heel bone mineral density and functional involvement of GPC6 in osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis is a common disease diagnosed primarily by measurement of bone mineral density (BMD). We undertook a genomewide association study (GWAS) in 142,487 individuals from the UK Biobank to identify loci associated with BMD as estimated by quantitative ultrasound of the heel. We identified 307 conditionally independent single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that attained genome-wide significance at 203 loci, explaining approximately 12% of the phenotypic variance. These included 153 previously unreported loci, and several rare variants with large effect sizes. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, we undertook (1) bioinformatic, functional genomic annotation and human osteoblast expression studies; (2) gene-function prediction; (3) skeletal phenotyping of 120 knockout mice with deletions of genes adjacent to lead independent SNPs; and (4) analysis of gene expression in mouse osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts. The results implicate GPC6 as a novel determinant of BMD, and also identify abnormal skeletal phenotypes in knockout mice associated with a further 100 prioritized genes