25 research outputs found

    SLC4A10 mutation causes a neurological disorder associated with impaired GABAergic transmission

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    SLC4A10 is a plasma-membrane bound transporter which utilizes the Na+ gradient to drive cellular HCO3- uptake, thus mediating acid extrusion. In the mammalian brain, SLC4A10 is expressed in principal neurons and interneurons, as well as in epithelial cells of the choroid plexus, the organ regulating the production of cerebrospinal fluid. Using next generation sequencing on samples from five unrelated families encompassing ten affected individuals, we show that biallelic SLC4A10 loss-of-function variants cause a clinically recognizable neurodevelopmental disorder in humans. The cardinal clinical features of the condition include hypotonia in infancy, delayed psychomotor development across all domains and typically severe intellectual impairment. Affected individuals commonly display traits associated with autistic spectrum disorders including anxiety, hyperactivity and stereotyped movements. In two cases isolated episodes of seizures were reported in the first few years of life, and a further affected child displayed bitemporal epileptogenic discharges on EEG without overt clinical seizures. While occipitofrontal circumference was reported to be normal at birth, progressive postnatal microcephaly evolved in 7 out of 10 affected individuals. Neuroradiological features included a relative preservation of brain volume compared to occipitofrontal circumference, characteristic narrow sometimes 'slit-like' lateral ventricles and corpus callosum abnormalities. Slc4a10 -/- mice, deficient for SLC4A10, also display small lateral brain ventricles and mild behavioral abnormalities including delayed habituation and alterations in the 2-object novel object recognition task. Collapsed brain ventricles in both Slc4a10-/- mice and affected individuals suggests an important role of SLC4A10 in the production of the cerebrospinal fluid. However, it is notable that despite diverse roles of the cerebrospinal fluid in the developing and adult brain, the cortex of Slc4a10-/- mice appears grossly intact. Co-staining with synaptic markers revealed that in neurons, SLC4A10 localizes to inhibitory, but not excitatory, presynapses. These findings are supported by our functional studies which show the release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA is compromised in Slc4a10-/- mice, while the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate is preserved. Manipulation of intracellular pH partially rescues GABA release. Together our studies define a novel characteristic neurodevelopmental disorder associated with biallelic pathogenic variants in SLC4A10 and highlight the importance of further analyses of the consequences of SLC4A10 loss-of-function for brain development, synaptic transmission and network properties

    Replicative Stress Coincides with Impaired Nuclear DNA Damage Response in COX4-1 Deficiency

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    Cytochrome c oxidase (COX), a multimeric protein complex, is the final electron acceptor in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain. Primary COX deficiency, caused by mutations in either mitochondrial DNA or nuclear-encoded genes, is a heterogenous group of mitochondrial diseases with a wide range of presentations, ranging from fatal infantile to subtler. We previously reported a patient with primary COX deficiency due to a pathogenic variant in COX4I1 (encoding the common isoform of COX subunit 4, COX4-1), who presented with bone marrow failure, genomic instability, and short stature, mimicking Fanconi anemia (FA). In the present study, we demonstrated that accumulative DNA damage coincided primarily with proliferative cells in the patient’s fibroblasts and in COX4i1 knockdown cells. Expression analysis implicated a reduction in DNA damage response pathways, which was verified by demonstrating impaired recovery from genotoxic insult and decreased DNA repair. The premature senescence of the COX4-1-deficient cells prevented us from undertaking additional studies; nevertheless, taken together, our results indicate replicative stress and impaired nuclear DNA damage response in COX4-1 deficiency. Interestingly, our in vitro findings recapitulated the patient’s presentation and present status

    Prenatal diagnosis for congenital afibrinogenemia caused by a novel nonsense mutation in the FGB gene in a Palestinian family

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    Congenital afibrinogenemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the complete absence of detectable fibrinogen. We previously identified the first causative mutations for this disease, homozygous deletions of approximately 11 kb of the fibrinogen alpha chain gene (FGA). Subsequent analyses revealed that most afibrinogenemia alleles are truncating mutations of FGA, although mutations in all 3 fibrinogen genes, FGG, FGA and FGB have been identified. In this study, we performed the first prenatal diagnosis for afibrinogenemia. The causative mutation in a Palestinian family was a novel nonsense mutation in the FGB gene, Trp467Stop (W467X). Expression of the Trp467Stop mutant FGB cDNA in combination with wild-type FGA and FGG cDNAs showed that fibrinogen molecules containing the mutant beta chain are not secreted into the media. The fetus was found to be heterozygous for the Trp467Stop mutation by direct sequencing and by linkage analysis, a result that was confirmed in the newborn by intermediate fibrinogen levels

    Upregulation of COX4-2 via HIF-1α in Mitochondrial COX4-1 Deficiency

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    Cytochrome-c-oxidase (COX) subunit 4 (COX4) plays important roles in the function, assembly and regulation of COX (mitochondrial respiratory complex 4), the terminal electron acceptor of the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system. The principal COX4 isoform, COX4-1, is expressed in all tissues, whereas COX4-2 is mainly expressed in the lungs, or under hypoxia and other stress conditions. We have previously described a patient with a COX4-1 defect with a relatively mild presentation compared to other primary COX deficiencies, and hypothesized that this could be the result of a compensatory upregulation of COX4-2. To this end, COX4-1 was downregulated by shRNAs in human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) and compared to the patient’s cells. COX4-1, COX4-2 and HIF-1α were detected by immunocytochemistry. The mRNA transcripts of both COX4 isoforms and HIF-1 target genes were quantified by RT-qPCR. COX activity and OXPHOS function were measured by enzymatic and oxygen consumption assays, respectively. Pathways were analyzed by CEL-Seq2 and by RT-qPCR. We demonstrated elevated COX4-2 levels in the COX4-1-deficient cells, with a concomitant HIF-1α stabilization, nuclear localization and upregulation of the hypoxia and glycolysis pathways. We suggest that COX4-2 and HIF-1α are upregulated also in normoxia as a compensatory mechanism in COX4-1 deficiency

    Organic Solute Transporter-beta (SLC51B) Deficiency in Two Brothers with Congenital Diarrhea and Features of Cholestasis

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    Primary bile acid malabsorption (PBAM) is associated with congenital diarrhea, steatorrhea, and a block in the intestinal return of bile acids in the enterohepatic circulation. Mutations in the ileal Na(+) -dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT; SLC10A2) can cause PBAM, but do not appear to account for most familial cases. Another major transporter involved in the intestinal reclamation of bile acids is the heteromeric Organic Solute Transporter alpha-beta (OSTα-OSTβ; SLC51A-SLC51B), which exports bile acid across the basolateral membrane. Here we report the first patients with OSTβ deficiency, clinically characterized by chronic diarrhea, severe fat soluble vitamin deficiency, and features of cholestatic liver disease including elevated serum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity. Whole exome sequencing revealed a homozygous single nucleotide deletion in codon 27 of SLC51B, resulting in a frameshift and premature termination at codon 50. Functional studies in transfected cells showed that the SLC51B mutation resulted in markedly reduced taurocholic acid uptake activity and reduced expression of the OSTα partner protein. The findings identify OSTβ deficiency as a new cause of congenital chronic diarrhea with features of cholestatic liver disease. These studies underscore OSTα-OSTβ's key role in the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids in humans. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserve

    A defect in the retromer accessory protein, SNX27, manifests by infantile myoclonic epilepsy and neurodegeneration

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    The composition of the neuronal cell surface dictates synaptic plasticity and thereby cognitive development. This remodeling of the synapses is governed by the endocytic network which internalize transmembrane proteins, then sort them back to the cell surface or carry them to the lysosome for degradation. The multi-protein retromer complex is central to this selection, capturing specific transmembrane proteins and remodeling the cell membrane to form isolated cargo-enriched transport carriers. We investigated a consanguineous family with four patients who presented in infancy with intractable myoclonic epilepsy and lack of psychomotor development. Using exome analysis, we identified a homozygous deleterious mutation in SNX27, which encodes sorting nexin 27, a retromer cargo adaptor. In western analysis of patient fibroblasts, the encoded mutant protein was expressed at an undetectable level when compared with a control sample. The patients’ presentation and clinical course recapitulate that reported for the SNX27 knock-out mouse. Since the cargo proteins for SNX27-mediated sorting include subunits of ionotropic glutamate receptors and endosome-to-cell surface synaptic insertion of AMPA receptors is severely perturbed in SNX27−/− neurons, it is proposed that at least part of the neurological aberrations observed in the patients is attributed to defective sorting of ionotropic glutamate receptors. SNX27 deficiency is now added to the growing list of neurodegenerative disorders associated with retromer dysfunction