5 research outputs found


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    In this study, the energy and exergy efficiency results of the Wind Turbine Power Plants (WTPPs) are presented. Exergy, energy and technical availability analysis are performed. The case study includes the actual system data taken from the system in Cesme, Izmir WTPR General energy, exergy and other performance parameters are also presented. Investigated WTPP is Turkey's first installed (1998) wind plant (1.50 MW) located in Izmir. Exergy efficiency of the power plant found to be between 0% and 68.20%. The monthly average technical availabilities are 96.11%, 98.71%, 98.52% for turbine 1, turbine 2, and turbine 3, respectively. Furthermore, authors developed some correlations, which are capable of predicting the values of exergy efficiencies of the WIPP for different power factor value. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    This present paper deals with exergy efficiency results of the Wind Turbine Power Plants (WTPPs). Effects of meteorological variables such as air density, pressure difference between state points, humidity, and ambient temperature on exergy efficiency are discussed in a satisfactory way. Some key parameters are given monthly for the three turbines. Exergy efficiency differs from 0.23 to 0.27 while temperature is changing from 268.15 K to 308.15 K with air density 1.368-1.146 (kg/m(3)). While pressure difference (Delta P) between inlet and outlet of the turbine differs from 100 to 1100 (Pa), exergy efficiency decreases fairly for different wind speeds. While specific humidity is changing from 0.001 to 0.015 (kg(water)/kg(dry air)), exergy efficiency decreases gently. Generally these meteorological variables are neglected while planning WTPPs, but this neglect can cause important errors in calculations and energy plans. Obtained results indicate that while planning WTPPs meteorological variables must be taken into account. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    This present paper deals with exergoeconomic results of the Wind Turbine Power Plants (WTPPs) for the first time to our knowledge. Ratio of exergy loss rate to capital cost-exergy efficiency graph and correlation are presented. Monthly exergoeconomic results are also presented for the three turbines. Ratio of exergy loss rate to capital cost and ratio of energy loss rate to capital cost depending on the wind speed are studied. And also as meteorological variables temperature (density of air) and humidity effect on ratio of exergy loss rate to capital cost are discussed and the results are given by the table and graphs clearly. The paper describes an exergoeconomic evaluation of wind turbine power plant. The analysis of the field data demonstrates the proposed system is a viable option for wind turbine power plant (WTTP) installations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved