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    Kecerdasan Emosi Ditinjau Dari Keikutsertaan Dalam Program Meditasi

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    This study was aimed to see the difference between emotional intelligence of those who participated in meditation program and those who did not. The subjects of this study were university students. The subjects were divided into 3 groups:meditators who were currently participating in meditation program for 1ā€6 months, meditators who were currently participating in meditation program for more than 6 months, and nonā€meditators. Each group consisted 30 subjects. Anova analysis resulted a coefficient of F = 34. 703, and p < 0.01. The results indicated that there was a difference in emotional intelligence between the 3 groups. Meditators who participated in meditation for more than 6 months had higher emotional intelligence than those who had only participated for 1ā€6 months, and nonā€meditators. There was no difference in emotional intelligence between those who had only participated for 1ā€6 months and nonā€meditators