1 research outputs found

    Distinct levels of quality of treated soybean seeds evaluated in alternative substrates to the germination test / Níveis distintos de qualidade de sementes de soja tratadas avaliadas em substratos alternativos ao teste de germinação

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    The aim was to investigate alternative substrates to the germination test with treated soybean seeds, considering distinct seed quality. Seeds with distinct levels of quality, the fungicide fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M+thiabendazole and the insecticides imidacloprid+thiodicarb, bifenthrin+imidacloprid and thiamethoxam, associated or not, were used to compose the treatments. The standard methods of the Rules for Seed Analysis, paper rolls and sand, and alternative methods, vermiculite between paper and sand between paper, were used as substrates. The variables evaluated were: first count, abnormal seedlings and germination. For the first count there were interactions among the chemical treatment and the substrate, the chemical treatment and the quality level, and among the substrate and the quality level. For the variables abnormal seedlings and germination, both with triple interactions, T1 and T3 stood out in the distinct substrates and levels of quality with the greater abnormalities, and sand with the best percentages of normal seedlings between different treatments and levels of quality. The sand substrate presented greater stability of the results, being the most suitable for treatments considered a problem for the standard paper roll test. The grater the seed quality, the lower the problems with the germination test with treated seeds. 