97 research outputs found

    Nanotubular structures developed from whey-based α-lactalbumin fractions for food applications

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    Whey proteins have high nutritional value providing use in dietary purposes and improvement of technological properties in processed foods. Functionality of the whey-based α-lactalbumin (α-La) may be increased when assembled in the form of nanotubes, promising novel potential applications subject to investigation. The purpose of this study was to extract highly pure α-La from whey protein isolate (WPI) and whey powder (WP) and to construct protein nanotubes from them for industrial applications. For protein fractionation, WPI was directly fed to chromatography, however, WP was first subjected to membrane filtration and the retentate fraction, whey protein concentrate (WPC), was obtained and then used for chromatographic separation. α-La and, additionally β-Lg, were purified at the same batches with the purities in the range of 95%-99%. After enzymatic hydrolysis, WPI-based α-La produced chain-like and long nanotubules with ∼20 nm width while WPC-based α-La produced thinner, miscellaneous, and fibril-like nanostructures by self-assembly. Raman and FT-IR spectroscopies revealed that α-La fractions, obtained from both sources and the nanostructures, developed using both fractions have some structural differences due to conformation of secondary structure elements. Nanotube formation induced gelation and nanotubular gel network entrapped a colorant uniformly with a transparent appearance. Dairy-based α-La protein nanotubules could be served as alternative gelling agents and the carriers of natural colorants in various food processes.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey(109O866); Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE03

    Development of reverse phase protein microarrays for the validation of clusterin, a mid-abundant blood biomarker

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many putative disease blood biomarkers discovered in genomic and proteomic studies await validation in large clinically annotated cohorts of patient samples. ELISA assays require large quantities of precious blood samples and are not high-throughput. The reverse phase protein microarray platform has been developed for the high-throughput quantification of protein levels in small amounts of clinical samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study we present the development of reverse-phase protein microarrays (RPPMs) for the measurement of clusterin, a mid-abundant blood biomarker. An experimental protocol was optimized for the printing of serum and plasma on RPPMs using epoxy coated microscope slides and a non-denaturing printing buffer. Using fluorescent-tagged secondary antibodies, we achieved the reproducible detection of clusterin in spotted serum and plasma and reached a limit of detection of 780 ng/mL. Validation studies using both spiked clusterin and clinical samples showed excellent correlations with ELISA measurements of clusterin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Serum and plasma spotted in the reverse phase array format allow for reliable and reproducible high-throughput validation of a mid-abundant blood biomarker such as clusterin.</p

    Annotation and query of tissue microarray data using the NCI Thesaurus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Stanford Tissue Microarray Database (TMAD) is a repository of data serving a consortium of pathologists and biomedical researchers. The tissue samples in TMAD are annotated with multiple free-text fields, specifying the pathological diagnoses for each sample. These text annotations are not structured according to any ontology, making future integration of this resource with other biological and clinical data difficult.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed methods to map these annotations to the NCI thesaurus. Using the NCI-T we can effectively represent annotations for about 86% of the samples. We demonstrate how this mapping enables ontology driven integration and querying of tissue microarray data. We have deployed the mapping and ontology driven querying tools at the TMAD site for general use.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have demonstrated that we can effectively map the diagnosis-related terms describing a sample in TMAD to the NCI-T. The NCI thesaurus terms have a wide coverage and provide terms for about 86% of the samples. In our opinion the NCI thesaurus can facilitate integration of this resource with other biological data.</p

    The Effect of Pre-Analytical Variability on the Measurement of MRM-MS-Based Mid- to High-Abundance Plasma Protein Biomarkers and a Panel of Cytokines

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    Blood sample processing and handling can have a significant impact on the stability and levels of proteins measured in biomarker studies. Such pre-analytical variability needs to be well understood in the context of the different proteomics platforms available for biomarker discovery and validation. In the present study we evaluated different types of blood collection tubes including the BD P100 tube containing protease inhibitors as well as CTAD tubes, which prevent platelet activation. We studied the effect of different processing protocols as well as delays in tube processing on the levels of 55 mid and high abundance plasma proteins using novel multiple-reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry (MRM-MS) assays as well as 27 low abundance cytokines using a commercially available multiplexed bead-based immunoassay. The use of P100 tubes containing protease inhibitors only conferred proteolytic protection for 4 cytokines and only one MRM-MS-measured peptide. Mid and high abundance proteins measured by MRM are highly stable in plasma left unprocessed for up to six hours although platelet activation can also impact the levels of these proteins. The levels of cytokines were elevated when tubes were centrifuged at cold temperature, while low levels were detected when samples were collected in CTAD tubes. Delays in centrifugation also had an impact on the levels of cytokines measured depending on the type of collection tube used. Our findings can help in the development of guidelines for blood collection and processing for proteomic biomarker studies

    Activation of MEK1 or MEK2 isoform is sufficient to fully transform intestinal epithelial cells and induce the formation of metastatic tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Ras-dependent ERK1/2 MAP kinase signaling pathway plays a central role in cell proliferation control and is frequently activated in human colorectal cancer. Small-molecule inhibitors of MEK1/MEK2 are therefore viewed as attractive drug candidates for the targeted therapy of this malignancy. However, the exact contribution of MEK1 and MEK2 to the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer remains to be established.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wild type and constitutively active forms of MEK1 and MEK2 were ectopically expressed by retroviral gene transfer in the normal intestinal epithelial cell line IEC-6. We studied the impact of MEK1 and MEK2 activation on cellular morphology, cell proliferation, survival, migration, invasiveness, and tumorigenesis in mice. RNA interference was used to test the requirement for MEK1 and MEK2 function in maintaining the proliferation of human colorectal cancer cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that expression of activated MEK1 or MEK2 is sufficient to morphologically transform intestinal epithelial cells, dysregulate cell proliferation and induce the formation of high-grade adenocarcinomas after orthotopic transplantation in mice. A large proportion of these intestinal tumors metastasize to the liver and lung. Mechanistically, activation of MEK1 or MEK2 up-regulates the expression of matrix metalloproteinases, promotes invasiveness and protects cells from undergoing anoikis. Importantly, we show that silencing of MEK2 expression completely suppresses the proliferation of human colon carcinoma cell lines, whereas inactivation of MEK1 has a much weaker effect.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MEK1 and MEK2 isoforms have similar transforming properties and are able to induce the formation of metastatic intestinal tumors in mice. Our results suggest that MEK2 plays a more important role than MEK1 in sustaining the proliferation of human colorectal cancer cells.</p

    SPEN, a new player in primary cilia formation and cell migration in breast cancer

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    Abstract Background The primary cilium is a microtubule-based and nonmotile organelle functioning as a cellular antenna that is involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration. In breast cancer cells, the primary cilium is a structure that decreases in incidence with increasing degrees of transformation and may be biologically more important in estrogen receptor (ERα)-negative breast cancer cells. Split ends (SPEN) is an ERα corepressor that we have identified as a tumor suppressor protein in ERα-positive breast cancer cells whose hormone-independent roles in breast cancer have never been explored. Methods We determined the hormone-independent transcriptional program regulated by the ERα cofactor SPEN in breast cancer using DNA microarrays. The biological functions regulated by SPEN independently of hormones were studied in vitro in ERα-positive and ERα-negative breast cancer cells. Finally, we examined the clinical relevance of SPEN expression in cohorts of breast cancer samples with outcome data. Results We found that SPEN is coexpressed with a number of genes involved in ciliary biology, including the ciliogenic transcription factor RFX3, in a hormone-independent manner. SPEN reexpression in T47D cells containing a nonsense mutation in SPEN restored the primary cilium, whereas its knockdown in MCF10A and Hs578T cells considerably decreased primary cilia levels. We also report that SPEN regulates migration in breast cells, but only in those harboring primary cilia, and that KIF3A silencing, a critical factor in primary cilia, partially reverses SPEN’s effects, suggesting that SPEN may coordinate cellular movement through primary cilia-dependent mechanisms. Finally, we found that high SPEN RNA levels were predictive of early metastasis in two independent cohorts of 77 (HR 2.25, P = 0.03) and 170 (HR = 2.23, P = 0.004) patients with ERα-negative breast cancer. Conclusions Together, our data demonstrate a role for SPEN in the regulation of primary cilia formation and cell migration in breast cancer cells, which may collectively explain why its expression is associated with time to metastasis in cohorts of patients with ERα-negative breast cancers
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