22 research outputs found

    Програми лояльності для споживачів на регіональному ринку первинної нерухомості

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    A company’s long-term and partnerly relations with consumers can be achieved by formation and maintenance of customer loyalty. The conducted research has allowed to interpret the basic theoretical foundations of the concept of «loyalty», and determine the main types of loyalty and characteristic features of loyal consumers. Loyalty is classified according to different types, the main of which are the behavioral (transactional) and the emotional (perceptual) ones. Criteria for assessing consumer behavioral (transaction) loyalty, in addition to re-purchasing, may be the frequency of purchases, the time of the last transaction, the total period of consumer’s cooperation with the enterprise, the volume of all consumer’s purchases, the number of assorted positions in one-time purchase, the average amount of each purchase. As the criteria for assessing emotional (perceptual) loyalty, besides the insensitivity of consumers to the actions of competitors, one can mention their attitude towards the brand enterprise, the popularity of the enterprise loyalty program, the willingness to advise the brand enterprise to their friends, other consumers, the intention to make re-purchases. Loyalty is being best revealed in combination with three main elements: trust, commitment to values, and long-term relationships. A loyal consumer must have the following characteristics: to do multiple re-purchases; to buy different assortment positions of the enterprise; to encourage other consumers to buy products of the enterprise; to not react to the actions of competitors, including very attractive offers; to testify a positive attitude towards the enterprise of its goods; to cooperate with the company for a long period of time; to recommend to his/her social circle to use the goods and services of the given enterprise, and, thus, to voluntarily become agitators, «advocates» or «partners» of the company. Having analyzed the use of loyalty programs in the consumer and industrial markets, the experience of implementing programs for buyers of goods with specific characteristics, such as primary real estate, has been characterized. In recent years, the domestic real estate market has suffered a total decline in sales and construction due to military, political, economic, financial and social factors. In almost all segments of residential real estate sales have decreased, with the exception of economy class housing, which enjoyed a diminished but stable demand, and its purchase became one of the best ways to save savings in conditions of economic instability. The primary real estate market in the Lviv region, and in the city of Lviv in particular, is developing according to factors specific to the region, namely: an increase in housing objects, the number of developers, an increase in demand for housing coming from the part of a solvent resettled population from the occupied territories, an increase in property investing in order to protect savings from exchange rate fluctuations, a dynamic growth in the volume of performed construction work for all types of construction products. The regional market employs more than 60 construction companies (developers, investors, housing companies), which are engaged in the construction of residential real estate from a zero cycle. Under severe competition, most companies practice the use of marketing tools, and in particular loyalty programs, which, under a detailed analysis, are being stimulation measures. «ZhBK «Your House» Ltd. has an extensive experience working in the regional primary real estate market and, for a long time, has been practicing innovative loyalty programs with regard to its customers, who have already become buyers of residential real estate. The emphasis on working with clients, whose probability of re-purchase is no more than 5%, ensures their loyalty, which manifests itself in the powerful promotion of the company and its products by its customers. A key aspect of loyalty programs for real estate buyers LLC «ZBK «Your House» was their extension for owners and residents of apartments built by the company. The process of formation, maintenance, and increase of loyalty of buyers of primary real estate in LLC «ZHBK «Your house» is being submitted. A system of indicators for estimating the efficiency of real estate buyers loyalty, taking into the account the necessity of increasing their perceptual loyalty, is being proposed.Довготривалих і партнерських відносин підприємства зі споживачами можна досягти за допомогою формування та підтримання лояльності клієнтів. Проведене дослідження дозволило інтерпретувати основні теоретичні засади поняття «лояльність», визначити основні види лояльності та характерні риси лояльного споживача. Лояльність класифікують за різними видами, основними з яких є поведінкова (трансакційна) й емоційна (перцепційна). Критеріями оцінки поведінкової (трансакційної) лояльності споживача, окрім повторної купівлі, може бути частота здійснення купівлі, час здійснення останньої трансакції, повний період співпраці споживача з підприємством, обсяг усіх здійснених споживачем купівель, кількість асортиментних позицій у разовій купівлі, середня сума кожної з купівель. Критеріями оцінки емоційної (перцепційної) лояльності, окрім нечутливості споживачів до дій конкурентів, можна назвати також їхнє ставлення до бренду підприємства, популярність програми лояльності підприємства, готовність порадити бренд підприємство своїм друзям, іншим споживачам, намір здійснити повторні купівлі. Лояльність найкраще розкривається у сукупності трьох основних елементів: довіра, прихильність до цінностей і довготермінові відносини. Лояльний споживач повинен володіти такими характеристиками: здійснювати багаторазові повторні купівлі; купувати різні асортиментні позиції підприємства; заохочувати інших споживачів купувати продукцію підприємства; не реагувати на дії конкурентів, в тому числі на дуже привабливі пропозиції; засвідчувати позитивне ставлення до підприємства його товарів; співпрацювати з підприємством тривалий період часу; рекомендувати своєму оточенню користуватись товарами, послугами даного підприємства, тобто добровільно стати агітаторами, «адвокатами» або «партнерами» компанії. Проаналізувавши використання програм лояльності на споживчих і промислових ринках, було охарактеризовано досвід впровадження програм для покупців товарів зі специфічними характеристиками, до яких слід віднести первинну нерухомість. За останні роки вітчизняний ринок нерухомості зазнав тотального зниження продажу і будівництва через військові, політичні, економічні, фінансові та соціальні чинники. Практично в усіх сегментах житлової нерухомості зменшився обсяг продажу, за винятком житла економ-класу, який користувався зменшеним, проте стабільним попитом, його купівля стала одним з найкращих способів зберегти заощадження в умовах економічної нестабільності. Ринок первинної нерухомості Львівської області та м. Львова зокрема розвивається з урахуванням притаманних регіону чинників, а саме: збільшення об’єктів житлового будівництва, кількості забудовників, збільшення попиту на житло з боку платоспроможного переселеного населення з окупованих територій, збільшення вкладень заощаджень для убезпечення коштів від коливань валютних курсів, динамічне зростання обсягу виконаних будівельних робіт за усіма видами будівельної продукції. На регіональному ринку працюють понад 60 будівельних компаній (забудовники, інвестори, компанії з продажу житла), які займаються зведенням житлової нерухомості з нульового циклу. В умовах жорсткої конкуренції більшість компаній практикують використання маркетингового інструментарію та зокрема програм лояльності, які при детальному аналізі являють собою заходи стимулювання. ТОВ «ЖБК «Ваш дім» має великий досвід роботи на регіональному ринку первинної нерухомості та тривалий час практикує інноваційні програми лояльності клієнтів, які вже стали покупцями житлової нерухомості. Акцент на роботі з клієнтами, ймовірність здійснення якими повторної купівлі складає не більше 5%, забезпечує їх лояльність, яка проявляється у потужному рекламуванні покупцями компанії та її продуктів. Ключовим аспектом програм лояльності для покупців нерухомості ТОВ «ЖБК «Ваш дім» стало їх продовження для власників і мешканців збудованих компанією квартир. Подано процес формування, підтримання і підвищення лояльності покупців первинної нерухомості у ТОВ «ЖБК «Ваш дім». Запропоновано систему показників оцінки ефективності лояльності покупців нерухомості з урахуванням необхідності підвищення їх перцепційної лояльності

    First report of the parasitoid wasps, Microchelonus subcontractus and Bracon intercessor (Hym.: Braconidae), from Iran

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    This paper reports the occurrence of the hymenoterous parasitoids of the beet moth, Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd larvae in Iran for the first time. Two braconid species of Microchelonus subcontractus Abdinbekova and Bracon intercessor Nees were collected from the larvae of S. ocellatella in the sugar beet fields located in Ray, the southern district of Tehran. These parasitoids are belonging to the subfamilies Cheloninae and Braconinae, respectively

    First report of the parasitoid wasp, Diadegma pusio (Hym.: Ichneumonidae), from Iran

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    This is a report on the occurrence of the hymenoterous parasitoid of the beet moth, Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd (Lep.: Gelechiidae), in Iran for the first time. Diadegma pusio (Holmgren) was collected from the larvae of S. ocellatella in the sugar beet fields located in Ray, the southern district of Tehran. This ichneumonid species is belonging to the subfamily Campopleginae and tribe Limneriini

    Design And Development Of A Miniaturized Combined Ultrasound /photoacoustic Endoscopic System

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    Gynecological cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women in the worldwide. As is the case for most kinds of cancers, early detection can increase the chances of treatment success. One of the significant challenges in diagnosing patients with cervical cancer involves detecting tumor extension within the cervical canal. Currently, conization or cone biopsy is a clinical procedure that involves the surgical resection of the cone-shaped volume of the high-grade dysplastic or cancerous cervical tissue size of the resected tissue. However, there are risks associated with this procedure, including primary or secondary hemorrhage, cervical stenosis, and subsequent infertility or an abnormal pregnancy. Thus, there is currently an unmet clinical need for developing an imaging system capable of providing accurate structural, functional, and molecular data for the early-stage detection of clinical biomarkers in cervical cancers. This Ph.D. dissertation introduces a miniaturized phased-array ultrasound (US) and photoacoustic (PA) theranostic system capable of providing multi-modal diagnostic information of gynecologic diseases such as cervical cancer. Additionally, it is capable of simultaneous tissue ablation. The developed PA/US endoscope consists of two parts: (1). an integrated endoscopic system that consists of a phased-array ultrasound endoscope, a compact light delivery system, and a sheath for imaging through the cervical canal, and (2) an external illumination system for delivering light to cervix tissue through the ectocervix. The integrated internal US/PA system consists of a 64-element phased-array US probe for providing a high-resolution 90-degrees sector imaging and seven silica core optical fibers (550 µm core diameter) for our internal light delivery system. The US probe is surrounded by these fibers, which project the laser light and ablation beam toward the tissue in front of the active aperture and yield aligned and overlapped US waves and light beams. In addition, a custom-built housing is designed to integrate light delivery and US imaging into a portable and compact system for cross-patient imaging. The total size of the internal theranostic system measures 6.89 mm, which allows it to access the cervical tissue in close proximity when positioned through the cervical canal. The external illumination is comprised of seven optical fibers polished and encapsulated inside a borosilicate capillary tube. Several simulations and ex vivo phantom studies have been conducted to characterize and evaluate the performance of the endoscope. Preliminary ex vivo phantom and tissue studies have shown high resolution and high contrast PA images. Additional ex-vivo studies have verified the tissue distinguishing capability of the theranostic endoscope by analyzing the measurable differences in the PA signal between pre-and post-ablated tissue. The results of an increase in the PA signal with temperature variations confirmed the ability of the proposed endoscope to provide real-time temperature feedback


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    The leafminer, Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, is distributed around the world and is an important pest of vegetables and ornamentals. Given the resistance potential of the leafminer to current insecticides, the use of resistant plant cultivars and parasitoids could be effective integrated pest management (IPM) strategies against it. Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) is a preferred host for this insect. Seventeen cultivars of cucumber have been evaluated to study resistance mechanisms to L. sativae. All cucumber cultivars were evaluated in screening tests in greenhouse with indices such as the number of leafminer stings, the number of larval mines, the proportion of larval mines to leafminer stings, and the rate of injury. Significant differences (p < 0.01) were found among cultivars, as well as significant correlations among all evaluated indices. Cucumber cultivars were ranked by the cluster method based on all measured characters and were classified into four groups: susceptible, semi-susceptible, semi-resistant, and resistant. Trials of antibiosis resistance of cucumber cultivars were conducted in a growth chamber and were evaluated with biological indices of insect activity including oviposition period, larval and pupal duration, percentage of larval and pupal mortality, and the sex ratio among selected cultivars. Significant differences were found for all indices except pupal weight and the sex ratio. The cultivars were analyzed by the cluster method based on all measured characters and were divided into three groups including sensitive, slightly resistant, and semi-resistant. No cultivar was immune to injury

    Integrated Ultrasound and Photoacoustic-Guided Laser Ablation Theranostic Endoscopic System

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    Advancements in ablation techniques have paved the way towards the development of safer and more effective clinical procedures for treating various maladies such as atrial fibrillation (AF). AF is characterized by rapid, chaotic atrial activation and is commonly treated using radiofrequency applicators or laser ablation catheters. However, the lack of thermal lesion formation and temperature monitoring capabilities in these devices prevents them from measuring the treatment outcome directly. In addition, poor differentiation between healthy and ablated tissues leads to incomplete ablation, which reduces safety and causes complications in patients. Hence, a novel photoacoustic (PA)-guided laser ablation theranostic device was developed around a traditional phased-array endoscope. The proposed technology provides lesion formation, tissue distinguishing, and temperature monitoring capabilities. Our results have validated the lesion monitoring capability of the proposed technology through PA correlation maps. The tissue distinguishing capability of the theranostic device was verified by the measurable differences in the PA signal between pre-and post-ablated mice myocardial tissue. The increase in the PA signal with temperature variations caused by the ablation laser confirmed the ability of the proposed device to provide temperature feedback

    Validation of delay-multiply-and-standard-deviation weighting factor for improved photoacoustic imaging of sentinel lymph node

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    Delay-and-sum (DAS) is one of the most common algorithms used to construct the photoacoustic images due to its low complexity. However, it results in images with high sidelobes and low resolution. Delay-and-standard-deviation (DASD) weighting factor can improve the contrast of the images compared to DAS. However, it still suffers from high sidelobes. In this work, a new weighting factor, named delay-multiply-and-standard-deviation (DMASD) is introduced to enhance the contrast of the reconstructed images compared to other mentioned methods. In the proposed method, the standard deviation of the mutual multiplied delayed signals are calculated, normalized and multiplied to DAS beamformed data. The results show that DMASD improves the signal-to-noise-ratio about 19.29 dB and 7.3 dB compared to DAS and DASD, respectively, for in vivo imaging of the sentinel lymph node. Moreover, the contrast-ratio is improve by the DMASD about 23.61 dB and 10.81 dB compared to DAS and DASD, respectively.Accepted versio

    Toxicidad Fumigante de Algunos Aceites Esenciales sobre Adultos de algunas Plagas de Productos Almacenados.

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    Plant materials with insecticidal properties have been traditionally used for generations in some parts of the world. In this study, fumigant toxicity of some essential oils extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis L., Mentha pulegium L., Zataria multiflora, and Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck var. hamlin on adults of stored-product pests, including Tribolium castaneum, Sitophilus granarius, Callosobruchus maculatus, and Plodia interpunctella were investigated. Pure essential oils were used in glass vials for the bioassay. LC50 values of Citrus sinensis var. hamlin against T. castaneum , S. granarius , and C. maculatus were 391.28, 367.75, and 223.48 μL L-1 air after 24 h, 362.40, 20.45, and 207.17 μL L-1 air after 48 h, respectively. Furthermore, LC50 values of the fumigant test of C. sinensis and M. pulegium essential oils against S. granarius were 0.038 and 367.75 μL L-1 air after 24 h, 0.025 and 320.45 μL L-1 air after 48 h, respectively. On the other hand, LC50 values of R. officinalis and Z. multiflora on P. interpunctella moths were 0.93 and 1.75 μL L-1 after 24 h. Results showed that among tested essential oils, C. sinensis var. hamlin had good fumigant toxicity on T. castaneum , S. granarius , and C. maculatus . In addition, M. pulegium essential oil was stronger than C. sinensis var. hamlin on S. granarius . Results also indicated that both Z. multiflora and R. officinalis had fumigant toxicity on P. interpunctella adults. In summary, results indicated that these essential oils have good fumigant toxicity on stored-product pests.Materiales vegetales con propiedades insecticidas han sido usados tradicionalmente por generaciones en algunas partes del mundo. En este estudio se estudió la toxicidad fumigante de algunos aceites esenciales extraídos desde Rosmarinus officinalis L., Mentha pulegium L., Zataria multiflora y Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck var. hamlin sobre adultos de plagas de productos almacenados, incluyendo Tribolium castaneum, Sitophilus granarius, Callosobruchus maculatus y Plodia interpunctella. Para los bioensayos se usaron aceites esenciales puros en frascos de vidrio. Los valores de LC50 de C. sinensis var. hamlin contra T. castaneum , S. granarius y C. maculatus fueron 391.28, 367.75 y 223.48 después de 24 h y 362.40, 20.45 y 207.17 μL L-1 aire después de 48 h, respectivamente. Además, los valores de LC50 de la prueba fumigante del aceite esencial de C. sinensis y M. pulegium contra S. granarius después de 24 h fueron 0,038 y 367,75 μL L-1 aire y fueron 0,025 y 320,45 después de 48 h, respectivamente. Por otra parte, los valores de LC50 de R. officinalis y Z. multiflora en polillas de P. interpunctella después de 24 h fueron 0,93 y 1,75 μL L-1. Los resultados mostraron que entre los aceites esenciales, C. sinensis var. hamlin tuvo una buena toxicidad fumigante sobre T. castaneum , S. granarius , C. maculatus . Además, el aceite esencial de M. pulegium fue más fuerte que C. sinensis var. hamlin sobre S. granarius . Los resultados además indicaron que Z. multiflora and R. officinalis tuvieron toxicidad fumigante sobre adultos de P. interpunctella . En conclusión, los resultados indicaron que estos aceites esenciales tienen buena toxicidad fumigante sobre plagas de productos almacenados

    Photoacoustic-MR Image Registration Based on a Co-Sparse Analysis Model to Compensate for Brain Shift

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    Brain shift is an important obstacle to the application of image guidance during neurosurgical interventions. There has been a growing interest in intra-operative imaging to update the image-guided surgery systems. However, due to the innate limitations of the current imaging modalities, accurate brain shift compensation continues to be a challenging task. In this study, the application of intra-operative photoacoustic imaging and registration of the intra-operative photoacoustic with pre-operative MR images are proposed to compensate for brain deformation. Finding a satisfactory registration method is challenging due to the unpredictable nature of brain deformation. In this study, the co-sparse analysis model is proposed for photoacoustic-MR image registration, which can capture the interdependency of the two modalities. The proposed algorithm works based on the minimization of mapping transform via a pair of analysis operators that are learned by the alternating direction method of multipliers. The method was evaluated using an experimental phantom and ex vivo data obtained from a mouse brain. The results of the phantom data show about 63% improvement in target registration error in comparison with the commonly used normalized mutual information method. The results proved that intra-operative photoacoustic images could become a promising tool when the brain shift invalidates pre-operative MRI