18 research outputs found

    Assessment of selected cognitive processes in elderly patients after urologic surgery

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    Introduction The issue of postoperative disorders of cognitive functions is a highly topical problem as more and more elderly people undergo medical treatments. Patients may lose the ability of assimilating information and their linguistic functions may deteriorate. Cognitive disorders may result in the temporary exclusion of the patient from social activity. Aim The purpose of the paper was to assess the incidence of certain cognitive disorders in the elderly after urological surgeries. Material and methods The study was conducted in a group of 218 patients aged over 65, male and female, after an urological surgery under different types of anesthesia. Standardized neuropsychological tests of cognitive functions were employed in the study. Results Analysis of the data showed that in the control group were obtained similar results in the study of the first and second. However, in the test group demonstrated a reduction cognitive function in all the tests in a second study. Conclusions The reduction of cognitive functions in the study group was observed in all the domains but it was the most marked in visual memory tests. Postoperative reduction of cognitive functions is correlated with the patient's age, education and mood. Postoperative reduction of cognitive functions is not correlated with the type of surgery, anesthesia and its duration

    Resuscytacja krążeniowo-oddechowa u dorosłych. Postępowanie w zadławieniu

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    Podstawowe czynności resuscytacyjne muszą być wykonywane przy każdym zatrzymaniu krążenia. Niezbędne działania to uciski klatki piersiowej i oddechy ratunkowe w stosunku 30:2. Najczęstszą przyczyną zatrzymania krążenia u osób dorosłych jest migotanie komór. Bardzo ważne jest wtedy wykonanie defibrylacji - w warunkach pozaszpitalnych należy zastosować automatyczną zewnętrzną defibrylację (AED) - jej wczesne wykonanie zwiększa szansę przeżycia. Ważną umiejętnością jest również pomoc w nagłym zachłyśnięciu. Wiedza na temat podstawowych czynności resuscytacyjnych (BLS) w znacznym stopniu powinna przyczynić się do poprawy przeżywalności pacjentów, u których doszło do nagłego zatrzymania krążenia lub zachłyśnięcia

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pregnancy – European Resuscitation Council guidelines

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    Abstract Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is a life-saving technique that should be familiar to all people, even those without medical education. There are two basic life-saving levels: BLS (Basic Life Support) and ALS (Advanced Life Support). ALS a medical procedure that is restricted to medical practitioners. Cessation of circulation may happen to anyone. Cardiac arrest in case of pregnant women is a very specific state. The cause of life- threatening states during pregnancy can be connected with new infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as changes connected with the pregnancy itself. In those situations, due to physiological and anatomical changes which occur during pregnancy, some modifications in the procedure of resuscitation are necessary

    Primary pulmonary hypertension in pregnancy – a case report

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    Summary Primary pulmonary arterial hypertension, so called idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), is a rare and progressive disease with poor prognosis. Pregnancy in patients with this condition is hazardous and makes the prognosis significantly worse. According to WHO, IPAH is a contraindication to pregnancy because of high risk of maternal death and WHO advises to discuss termination in the event of pregnancy. Below we describe a case of a young woman at 16 weeks pregnancy with severe decompensated primary pulmonary hypertension. The patient was admitted to our department because of increasing dyspnoea and swollen legs occurring from 14th week of pregnancy. In the past the patient had been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, which had been defined during differential diagnostics as primary pulmonary hypertension. Echocardiographic examination over the last 4 years revealed stable mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) of about 50mmHg. The patient was treated efficiently with sildenafil for the last 2 years, but the therapy was discontinued after finding pregnancy. On admission it was established that pregnancy should be terminated. Other reasons of circulatory decompensation, uch as pulmonary embolism, cardiac tamponade or pulmonary diseases, were excluded

    Treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome: Recommendations for medical emergency teams: Focus on antiplatelet therapies. Updated experts’ standpoint

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    A group of Polish experts in cardiology and emergency medicine, encouraged by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines, have recently published common recommendations for medical emergency teams regarding the pre-hospital management of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Due to the recent publication of the 2017 ESC guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation and 2017 focused update on dual antiplatelet therapy in coronary artery disease the current panel of experts decided to update the previous standpoint. Moreover, new data coming from studies presented after the previous document was issued were also taken into consideration

    Searching for the Optimal Method of Financing Hospital Emergency Departments—Comparison of Polish and Selected European Solutions

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    Hospital emergency departments are units of the State Medical Rescue system in Poland, which was established to help people in a state of a health emergency. The aim of this study is to develop an optimal method of financing emergency departments in Poland. The study used Polish data from 2016–2019 on the financing of services at the Clinical Emergency Department of the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk. For benchmarking and mathematical modeling, data for the Czech Republic, Germany and Latvia was used. The results of the analysis shows significant differences, to the disadvantage of Clinical Emergency Department, between the potential contract values in the tested models and the actual amounts of funds transferred by the National Health Fund Pomeranian Voivodeship Branch for the activities of Clinical Emergency Department under the concluded contracts. The introduction of co-payment on the part of patients reporting to the emergency departments with minor ailments that do not require hospitalization generates financial revenues, but does not significantly improve the financial results of the analyzed ward. However, it may be educational for patients in terms of raising their awareness of the correct place to seek assistance in the event of a sudden illness