17 research outputs found

    Adaptation of students to distance learning during COVID-19 in terms of cardiovascular indicators

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    The spread and danger of coronavirus infection for public health led to the transition of educational organizations to distance learning. The article presents the results of studying the adaptation of the cardiovascular system of students to distance learning during the period of COVID-19. To determine the capabilities of bodies to the conditions of distance learning using ICT, we used the Belgian test. The results of the study showed that the health level of boys is undesirable, while that of girls is average. © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Problems of psychophysiological status of human capital in the cyclic conditions of Arctic

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    The problem of studying the psychophysiological status of labor resources, carrying out their professional activities in the complex cyclical conditions of the Arctic latitudes, is extremely important. The human research and his work activities are being actively developed in various areas of the medical, biological and psychological sciences. However, a systematic study of the psychophysiological status of human capital in the cyclical conditions of the Arctic, using its scientific terminology, has been identified individually. In this connection, it remains unclear whether the mechanism of integral adaptation to the conditions of the complex effect of stress factors of different nature, important for identifying the psycho-physiological status and psychological portrait of human capital in the special cyclical conditions of the Arctic. In the studied literature, we have not encountered a synergistic approach to the problems under study. It should be understood that human resources were not considered as a dissipative system and therefore we see in the results only the principle of determinism, but not the fractal one. The obtained information about the psychophysiological problems of human capital in the cyclical conditions of professional activity is necessary to create areas of medical and environmental monitoring of the Arctic. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Functional behavior of workers and employees in the industrial disaster prevention system

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    The study of the functional behaviour of workers and employees in the industrial disaster prevention system is a relevant research topic. Situations related to the human factor require the development of psychodiagnostic techniques that are sensitive to the state of the body and ensure the safety of the production process. Our research results show that men aimed at solving production problems solve them faster, more efficiently than they solve women faster, and more efficiently than women do. Men focused on emotions, experience significantly more emotional burnout in professional activities. Most men and women working in the workplace have an average level of coping with stress. In male workers, in fulfilling professional tasks, stable adaptation arises. They often find themselves in various extreme conditions/situations than male employees and contributes to the resistance of workers to a complex of stress factors of various nature. © 2020 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences

    Health Indicators of Students in Weekly Dynamics in Conditions of Distance Learning and Self-Isolation During the Period of COVID-19

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    The article presents the results of a study of students' health in terms of cardiovascular system indicators in conditions of distance learning and self-isolation during the period of COVID-19. The analysis of circus-septal (near-weekly) rhythms in students revealed the dominance of synchronization of indicators of the cardiovascular system in conditions of distance learning. It indicates that the students chose the same mode of educational activity, living independently of each other at a considerable distance, and it turned out to be safe for the cardio-respiratory system of students. The data obtained make it possible to recommend a combination of traditional and distance learning modes using modern IT technologies, subject to the development of sanitary and hygienic standards that are safe for health

    Assessment of driver biorhythms as a factor of labor safety

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    The paper provides a biorhythmological assessment of the health of a driver's team in conditions of joint activity in terms of heart rate variability. Measurements were taken during the working day using Holter monitoring in AnnaFlash2000 software and statistical processing ISCIM6. The cardiogram of the heart was recorded during the working day from 8.00 to 18.00 hours. It was revealed that the rhythmic processes of acrophase and heart rate bathyphase, which testify to the leading role of hypoxia, hypercapnia and desynchronosis of ultradian rhythms, influence the joint professional activity of drillers. The examined drivers found a violation of the synchronization of biological rhythms and desynchronosis at various levels of regulation of heart rhythm regulation. Both drivers, working in different biological rhythms, have a low degree of compatibility and belong to the group of production risk, which negatively affects occupational safety. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Assessment of public health of production workers according to HRV

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    The study of the social health of labour resources as human capital is an actual problem. In production workers, the vegetative status was studied in terms of heart rate variability. By the concept of autonomic reactivity A.M. Greenberg, the results of the study found that the vegetative status of male employees and workers differs. The employees performing functions related to the organization of the production process showed general sympathicotonia. Workers performing specific production tasks have a general sympathicotonia. The results of the study found that vegetative status makes it possible to assess the social health of production workers. In the context of the intensive introduction of neural networks and nanotechnology into industrial production, the number of employees will increase. As a result, there will be an increase in the likelihood of cardio-respiratory system diseases among this contingent of workers. This will entail the development of corrective programs for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and the introduction of changes in the classifier of occupational diseases. © 2020 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences

    Adaptation of students to distance learning in COVID-19 conditions in terms of ultradian rhythms of the cardiovascular system

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    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the transition of educational organizations to self-isolation and distance learning. Once in the new conditions, it was necessary to adapt to the fact that the training format had changed. One of the important tasks for us was to study students' health and the peculiarities of their adaptation to the acquisition of knowledge and skills using information and communication technologies remotely. Based on Ryazan State University, studies carried out aimed at studying the adaptation and mental health of students to the conditions of distance learning during the period of COVID-19 in terms of ultradian rhythms of the cardiovascular system using the Belgian test "Reaction of the cardiovascular system to load in the form of inclinations torso. "The obtained biorhythmological data of health status according to the Belgian test showed that the health status of students in the conditions of distance learning in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and selfisolation corresponded to the working state. Distance education satisfied introverts, not extroverts. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020


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    The article presents data on implementation of European Initiative “Stent for Life” (modern system of care organization for myocardial infarction patients) inRussian Federation