13 research outputs found

    Thrombolyse d’un AVC ischémique vertébro-basilaire à N’Djamena, République du Tchad

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    L’accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique est une pathologie rare chez les militaires français, mais les médecins militaires projetés en opérations extérieures peuvent être amenés à en prendre en charge, notamment en Afrique Sub-Saharienne. Dès lors, il s’agit d’une urgence vitale nécessitant de réagir rapidement avec des moyens limités, de façon multidisciplinaire avec les médecins neurologues de France métropolitaine, afin d’assurer au patient une prise en charge optimale. Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient victime d’un accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique sur le territoire vertébro-basilaire, traité par thrombolyse intraveineuse

    273 New cardiac biomarkers after marathon in woman

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    In a prospective study we evaluated kinetic of hFABP, CAIII and GPBB during the 2008 Marathon du Médoc by 67 healthy volunteered. Blood were collected at baseline (T1), immediately after (T2) and 3 h after (T3). Biomarkers were assayed by Cardiac array on Evidence Investigator (EI) RANDOX, cTnI and myoglobine by Dimension RxL too. 10 (5%) TnIc values disagreed between RxL and EI, all at T2 and T3. cTnI (EI) was negative in all subjects before, increased transiently in 4 (6%) at T2 then normalized. Increased ratio of Myo to FABP from [4-46] to [5-1208] then [5-43] indicated that Myo was more likely to originate from muscle. hFABP normal at T1 but for one, increased for all but one at T2 [4->150] and T3 [5->150]. CAIII increased from [8-68 ng/mL] to [45->145] then [57->145] indicated skeletal muscle damage. GPBB baseline was in [2-7 ng/mL] but for one. 13 (19%) rates increased at T2 [8-27], which 7 returned to baseline after 3 h and 6 remained high. 6 (9%) increased only at T3 [8,5-141]. Combination of markers showed that by the 4 women who had elevated cTnI (T3), Myo, hFABP and CAIII increased in all cases and GPBB in two. GPBB, presented as released early from injured myocardial cells, increased however in 19 (28%) women after marathon. Moderate elevation of GPBB would more likely reflect active glycogenolysis and heart fatigue than injury. These new markers don’t offer adequate cardiospecificity to rule out myocardial damage in runners

    Recension de l'ouvrage "Tri et sélection des populations dans le logement social. Une ethnographie comparée de trois villes françaises" de Marine Bourgeois, Éditions Dalloz (2019). Revue française de science politique, vol. 70, n° 3-4

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    Recension de l'ouvrage de Marine Bourgeois "Tri et sélection des populations dans le logement social. Une ethnographie comparée de trois villes françaises

    Recherche d'une altération myocardique chez 67 marathoniennes

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    CONTEXTE : L'éventuel retentissement cardiaque d'un marathon est mal apprécié. Les travaux publiés sur l'évolution des enzymes cardiaques chez le coureur de grand fond sont controversés et aucun travail publié ne s'est intéressé spécifiquement aux femmes. OBJECTIFS : Rechercher une altération myocardique après un marathon. Utiliser une technique de dosage sur biochips de marqueurs "modernes" à sa recherche. Etudier les variations cliniques et biologiques standards. METHODE : Etude prospective portant sur 67 marothoniennes lors du marathon du Médoc 2008. Les participantes ont été interrogées et examinées, et des prélèvements sanguins ont été réalisés la veille de la course. Un nouvel examen clinique et de nouveaux prélèvements sanguins ont été effectués à l'arrivée et après 4 h. RESULTATS : Les examens cliniques et biologiques réalisés la veille du départ sont normaux. On retrouve à l'arrivée une élévation de la leucocytémie. On observe 2 cas d'hyponatrémies modérées à l'effort. La créatininémie s'est élevée transitoirement à l'arrivée. La concentration moyenne en NT-proBNP est augmentée : 31 ng/ml la veille, 117 à l'arrivée, 5 d'entre elles (7 %) dépassent le seuil de 300 ng/ml. 4 h après, la concentration moyenne était de 127 ng/ml, elles sont encore 3 à dépasser ce seuil. Les concentrations en Tnlc sont toutes inférieures au seuil de positivité la veille du départ. A l'arrivée, elles sont 3 (4 %) à dépasser ce seuil, et 7 après 4 h (10 %). 5 d'entre elles déclarent avoir souffert physiquement pendant la course, une autre présenté un syndrome grippal quelques jours avant le marathon. Leurs contrôles biologiques et cliniques à distance n'ont révélé aucune séquelle ou anomalie persistante.DISCUSSION : Ces résultats semblent être plutôt le reflet d'une fatigue cardiaque que d'une altération myocardique. Le marathon n'a pas de retentissement sur la fonction cardiaque des femmes, d'autant plus si elles sont bien entraînées et courent à distance de toute maladie intercurrente.BORDEAUX2-BU Santé (330632101) / SudocPARIS-Bib. Serv.Santé Armées (751055204) / SudocSudocFranceF

    279 Woman and marathon: impact on the heart?

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    During the 2008 “Marathon du Medoc”, 67 healthy voluntary female runners (47±7 years) had clinical, ECG and biological evaluation before the race, at the arrival (T2) and 3 hours after (T3). Mean NT-pro-BNP value significantly increased from 31 to 117 ng/L at T2 and was at 126 ng/l at T3. Nineteen (28%) had values >150 ng/l without clinical or ECG signs. CTnIc increased transiently (ranging from 0.20 to 1,64 ng/l) in 4 racers and decrease after. One had an initial inflammatory syndrome and finished exhausted. 3 another runners had moderate and transient creatinine increase. None had ECG abnormality. Marathon has no heart impact in woman who respects advice of regular training, correct hydratation and running without fever

    Sea floor morphology of north-western Gulf of Corinth (Greece): combined impacts of Late Quaternary eustatism and active tectonics

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    Two high-resolution seismic reflection surveys (single channel sparker) were performed in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth. aboard HCMR’s R/V ALKYON, within the frame of SISCOR ANR Project. This intra-continental marine basin is related to Late Cenozoic to Present extension separating “continental” Greece from Peloponnese. The connection of this active rift with the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean) is nowadays a 62 m deep sill, a situation which implies possible separations during low stands of global sea level, especially the last ones (MIS 2 and MIS 6). The western part of the Gulf, which is the most seismo-tectonically active part, appears as a transfer zone with both normal and strike slip faulting, identified through a dense grid of seismic lines. As a consequence, the offshore northern edge between the Mornos River delta and the Trizonia island shows a complex morphology due to the interaction between these structures, huge terrigenous feeding, deltaic development and sediment failures. Pre-Quaternary basement (Hellenids) was partly submitted to aerial erosion and paleodeltas are superimposed on the induced relief, visible at a depth of 110 m below Present sea level. The paleovalleys are filled with onlapping layered sediments, affected by several WSW-ENE and W-E oriented faults, part of them still active. An attempt to decipher both sources of relief genesis and evolution is presented. Beside, location and slip rate of active faults are discussed.SISCO

    Sédimentation et géométrie des failles à l'extrémité ouest du golfe de Corinthe, Grèce

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    The Gulf of Corinth is one of the fastest-spreading intracontinental rift on Earth, a 120km long E-W structure propagating westward toward the Aegean subduction zone. Present day kinematics (GPS data) indicates an opening direction oriented NNE-SSW and an opening rate increasing westward from 11 mm y-1 in the central part to 16 mm y-1 in the westernmost part. The high extension rate in the western part of the rift would imply a high seismic hazard if faults are not creeping. Our work concerns this western extremity of the Gulf of Corinth, for which we propose an accurate map of submarine faults as well as first chronostratigraphic interpretations. The map is based on two high-resolution seismic reflection surveys (single channel sparker) performed aboard HCMR’s R/V ALKYON, within the frame of SISCOR ANR Project. About 600 km of seismic lines were acquired, with a 200 msTWTT maximum penetration. We identified last glacial maximum (LGM) lowstand erosion surfaces along the northern coast. They made possible the mapping of post-LGM sediment thickness as well as estimates of subsidence rates. Depocenters location is controlled by river deltas where up to 75m of post-LGM sediments are stored. Numerous, up to 15m thick, mass transport deposits fill the central and eastern parts. Seafloor erosion is observed on 7.5 km2 in the western part, involving action of marine currents. The northern coast is subsiding between 1.7 and 2.2 mm y-1. We also mapped the following fault network described from east to west. In the eastern part, the sedimentary infill is faulted by the known North Eratini, South Eratini and West Channel faults. At the longitude of the Trizonia Island, the seafloor is mainly horizontal and the only fault is the south dipping Trizonia fault. Between the Trizonia Island and the Mornos Delta, the shallower northern part of the gulf shows a diffuse pattern of deformation with faults striking mainly E-W and ESE-WNW. In the southern part of the rift, no fault has been observed between the Psatopyrgos fault bounding the southern side of the Gulf and the Mornos Delta. To the West, between the Mornos Delta and the Rion Straits, three main south dipping, normal and oblique faults have been identified. This NE-SW striking fault system could be part of a local transfer zone linking the Patras and the Corinth Basins, or of the NE-SW right-lateral slip fault system interconnecting the Gulf of Corinth to the Kephalonia transform Fault and the Hellenic subduction

    Late Quaternay sedimentation and active faulting in the Western tip of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece

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    The Gulf of Corinth is one of the fastest-spreading intracontinental rifts on Earth. Present day kinematics (GPS data) indicates an opening direction oriented NNE-SSW and an opening rate increasing westward from 11 mm y-1 in the central part to 16 mm y-1 in the westernmost part. A significant part of the deformation is localized offshore, where the fault geometry was not well known yet. The high extension rate would imply a high seismic hazard if faults are not creeping. We propose an accurate map of submarine faults in the western extremity of the Gulf of Corinth. The map is based on two high-resolution seismic reflection surveys (single channel sparker) performed aboard HCMR’s R/V ALKYON, within the frame of SISCOR ANR Project. About 600 km of seismic lines were acquired, with a 200 msTWTT maximum penetration down to what we infer to represent the MIS 5 discontinuity. Depocenters location is controlled by river deltas where up to 75m of post-LGM sediments are stored. Numerous, up to 15m thick, mass transport deposits fill the central and eastern parts. In the eastern part, the sedimentary infill is faulted by the known North Eratini, South Eratini and West Channel faults. At the longitude of the Trizonia Island, the seafloor in mainly horizontal and the only fault is the south dipping Trizonia fault. Between the Trizonia Island and the Mornos Delta, the shallower northern part of the gulf shows a diffuse pattern of deformation with faults striking mainly E-W and ESE-WNW. It shows south and north dipping normal faults, strike-slip faults, as well as an inherited basement relief. To the West, three young grabens have been identified, striking NE-SW and W-E. The northern, 6 km long, fault in this grabens system shows a clear strike-slip component (fig.1)