669 research outputs found

    Flight Data Analysis and Parameter Estimation for LCA - Phase III - Final Report

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    The Document Briefly Describes The Major Tasks Accomplished In Phase III Of The Project . Flight Test Data Were Generated From Planned Maneuvers At Various Test Points In The Flight Envelope. The Analysis Was No Longer Restricted To Small Amplitude Maneuvers ; Data From Large Amplitude Maneuvers Were Analyzed As Well To Obtain Parameter Estimates Over A Wider Range Of Angle Of Attack . Most Of The Estimates Adhered Closely To The Trends Predicted By Wind Tunnel Database And There Were No Major Surprises Except For The Reduction In Direction Stability And Aileron Control Effectiveness . Results Were Also Obtained For Coefficient Level Matching, Drag-Polar Estimation And Flight Data Analysis With Airbrakes . The Tasks Carried Out Are Discussed In Detail In The Interim Reports/Project Documents (A Complete List Is Provided At The End Of The Report).The Document Also Highlights Certain. Issues That Need To Be Investigated

    Estimation Of Longitudinal Moment Derivatives Of Missile Configuration Using Semi Free Flying Technique

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    A Semi-Free Dynamic Flying Test Technique Has Been Used To Estimate The Pitching Moment Derivatives Of A Missile Model. Wind Tunnel Tests Were Carried Out On A 1 :8 Scale Model Of PJ08 Missile Configuration. The Pitching Moment Derivatives Were Estimated From The Angular Motion Responses Of The Model To Doublet Input Using MLE Method. The Results Of Tests On Configuration 1 For Three CG Positions Are Detailed

    Inter Folk and Intercultural Communication and Ethnic Identity of Folk Societies around the World

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    This paper tries to investigate and has a glance over inter folk and intercultural communication and ethnic identity of folk societies around the world. The folk communication of a folk society has its own cultural identity with its register features and pidgins. Colloquial language of a folk society is an ethnic identity of the society and does not communicate as easily with some other folk society due to intercultural communication aspects. Folk communication of a cultural group is almost unique ethnic identity of the society. Intercultural communication investigations flow of communication when 'unique' societies 'meet'. In Inter people communication it is the manner by which the 'current' social circumstance of 'concordance' is kept up through conventional methods of communication between 'existing together' folk(s) and changing dynamisms happens. The 'concurrence' of territorially created social factions are the basic topic and no 'outsiders' are here in our general vicinity of concentrate other than the backhanded impacts acquired. A colossal number of such villas are there in India of which as far as possible generally contrast between each other. Social concordance of each such locales adds to the amicability of entire country as its own cost of an activity. The accompanying outline separates Inter-people communication from Intercultural communication

    Influence of liming on the yield and uptake of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus by soybeans grown on two different soils

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    Recent developments in the field of agricultural science, has helped in understanding many of the soil fertility problems. Soil fertility problems are not concerned with one or two interacting factors but concerned with many. The living plant is a complex system that responds continually to the environmental conditions. The soil in which the plant grows is a heterogeneous medium and plants respond by effecting a sort of physiological integration of the various factors concerned with growth. The specific study on the nutritional requirement for a particular crop depends mainly on the species, to which the crop belongs and the nutritional status of the soil. The soybean–a legume–has assumed great importance in recent years because of its varied usefulness and offers far reaching possibilities in the agriculture of the future. The problem of raising the soybean yields is not simple because it is a plant of great genetic and morphological diversity. It varies in height from less than a foot to more than six feet and in habit of growth from stiffly erect to prostrate. The seed varies greatly in size, shape, color and in its chemical composition. Because of its distinct and variable growth characteristics, research workers are heading towards solving some of perplexing problems of soybean nutrition. Because of the feet that the proper nutrition requirement for different crops varies with the fertility status of soil, a close study for a particular crop is required. In order to control the environmental factors, other than the one being studied, a controlled study is required. To accomplish this the present study was made under greenhouse conditions. The present study was made in order to determine the effect of different rates of lime, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium application on the soybean yield and nutrient uptake of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium on two different soil types by soybeans. Two soils used for the study were Tunica clay loam and Loring silt loam. These soils occur in the areas where soybeans are grown in Tennessee

    Effect of cmvIL-10 on Exosome Production by Human Breast Cancer Cells

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a ubiquitous virus that infects 70-90% of the general population, primarily the immunocompromised, but has been implicated in several forms of cancer, including breast cancer. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in women in North America, usually from metastasis. Exosomes are 30-100nm vesicles produced by most cells which carry protein and RNA to cells in their microenvironment. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of HCMV-infection of a secreted viral cytokine, cmvIL-10, on exosome production by highly metastatic breast cancer cells. MDA-MB-231 cells were cultured in vitro, and were treated with cmvIL-10. Exosomes were isolated from cell media via ultracentrifugation. A subsequent quantification colorimetric assay, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), Western Blot and fluorescent tagging and reintroduction to untreated cells were used to determine number, content and localization of collected exosomes. The results showed that there was a definite difference in the number of exosomes produced between MDA cells treated or not treated with cmvIL-10. There were significant quantities of exosomes produced by MDA cells treated for 72hrs, but not at earlier time points, nor in HEK293 cells at any time point, that could be measured. There was a statistically significant fold change in the amount of total RNA isolated from exosomes of MDA cells treated with cmvIL-10 (p=0.011). These data were further confirmed during the introduction of fluorescently tagged exosomes to untreated MDA cells, which demonstrated a perceptibly greater fluorescence in cells that took up exosomes treated with cmvIL-10. More exosomes per sample will need to be isolated to investigate miRNA or specific protein difference between groups; optimization of the protocol is required prior to further miRNA profiling and Western blot. This study demonstrated that there is a difference in the quantity and content of exosomes produced by MDA-MB-231 cells following treatment with cmvIL-10. Further research may show whether these exosomic profiles can be viable biomarkers to indicate cancer and HCMV status

    Interpretations of War Theme in English Literature and Human Culture

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    This research paper tried to explore the interpretations of war themes and impact of the war in English literature and human culture. There is a known truth that in one or the other place in these world crises, conflicts and wars are seen. Nowadays we do witness this with the help of mass media and social networks. War do brings bad omen and loss of resources including human culture. To revive from the trauma of war it takes a long time to revive and settle again into the routine life. Both first and second World Wars impressed among the wide mass and transferring the memories in literature. Paul Fussell puts it, "Every war is ironic because every war is worse than expected. Every War constitutes an irony of situation because its means are so melodramatically disproportionate to its ends." Writers like George Orwell and Rupert Brook and many others did put their views as well as the real impact of the war in the form of a novel, play, poem and other forms of literature

    A case of maxillary sinus carcinoma: An occult aggressive entity

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    Carcinoma of the maxillary sinus is a rare aggressive entity. Squamous cell carcinoma of maxillary sinus has the highest incidence among the tumors developing within the sinonasal compartment and has one of the worst outcomes in comparison with other head and neck tumors. Management of these tumors often presents an uphill task to clinicians. In the present case, the patient presented with a swelling in the left cheek region with a history of trauma and altered sensation and no other signs and symptoms. Based on the history and clinical examination, a provisional diagnosis of infraorbital fracture was given. Further, radiographic and histopathological evaluation was done which leads to the final diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the left maxillary sinus. As oral physicians, we come across diseases of the maxillary sinus; thereby, complete assessment of any pathology of the sinuses may help in early diagnosis of this deadly disease

    Contrast Between Women Empowerment and Hidden Issues of Women Folks in India

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    This paper tried to explore the contrast between empowerment and hidden issues of Indian women folks. We are all well aware that empowering women means providing all sorts of facilities in order to achieve in all fields equal to men folks. Both Central and State Governments have been implementing many more programmes to empower women in India. But rural illiterate women have already acquired some sort of managerial skills and leading happy and contented life. In the name of empowerment we are trying to expose women folks in India don’t have ability to lead life comparing to the men. Educated women have been empowering with education and serving in all fields equal to men. Both of these are achieving a lot after facing many more problems. It is a myth that educated women are leading happy life and uneducated are facing problems because of empowerment. “Women empowerment can also be called gender empowerment. Women empowerment has five components: women’s sense of self worth; their right to have and determine choices; their right to have opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives both within and outside the house; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally” (UN’s Guidelines to Women’s Empowerment). Both have been facing problems even though they have capacity to lead independent life. Rural illiterate women folks have sharp managerial skills in domestic and workplace where ever they are working. Most of such women folks deprived with one or the other reasons but it does not mean that they are weak and unable to lead life. In the same way educated women are able to lead life with their education and facing many challenges in workplace. The managerial skills are sharp and good comparing to the men. It can be seen in coastal region and Karnataka and some parts of Kerala state where there is female dominated society. With the help of managerial skills women folks are showing their knowledge and intelligence in male dominated society and leading life. Empowered women folks are facing many emotional and physical problems but all these are invisible because they are more concentrating on their work. Such emotional and physical problems are intentionally hidden by them. It is some sort of sacrifice in male dominated society. She is ignoring tortures, coping with stress, hiding body ailments, family problems and moreover biological problems. Male dominated society is expecting quality service and uninterrupted work schedule. Coping with many problems women folks are showing their excellent performance, dedication, prompt service with smiling face. Is it not a contrast between empowerment and hidden issues related to women in India

    Investigation of Basic mechanical properties of Jute Reinforced polyster composites for Patellar Implant Application

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    n this study, Polyester resin matrix was reinforced with Jute fibers in different compositions and orientations. The polymer composites were prepared using Hand layup technique. Mechanical tests such as tensile test, compression test and bending test were conducted on the samples prepared to the standard dimensions. Also compared with the properties of UHMWPE, which is the presently used material.Thus it is concluded that Jute reinforced polymer composite is a low density material and the induced stresses are within the permissible range. So, existing implants can be replaced by polymer composite implants based on strength properties

    Edge-Vertex Dominating Set in Unit Disk Graphs

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    Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a vertex vVv\in V is edge-vertex (ev) dominated by an edge eEe\in E if vv is either incident to ee or incident to an adjacent edge of ee. A set SevES^{ev}\subseteq E is an edge-vertex dominating set (referred to as ev-dominating set) of GG if every vertex of GG is ev-dominated by at least one edge of SevS^{ev}. The minimum cardinality of an ev-dominating set is the ev-domination number. The edge-vertex dominating set problem is to find a minimum ev-domination number. In this paper we prove that the ev-dominating set problem is {\tt NP-hard} on unit disk graphs. We also prove that this problem admits a polynomial-time approximation scheme on unit disk graphs. Finally, we give a simple 5-factor linear-time approximation algorithm