413 research outputs found

    Fully Hyperbolic Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have recently seen tremendous success in various computer vision tasks. However, their application to problems with high dimensional input and output, such as high-resolution image and video segmentation or 3D medical imaging, has been limited by various factors. Primarily, in the training stage, it is necessary to store network activations for back propagation. In these settings, the memory requirements associated with storing activations can exceed what is feasible with current hardware, especially for problems in 3D. Motivated by the propagation of signals over physical networks, that are governed by the hyperbolic Telegraph equation, in this work we introduce a fully conservative hyperbolic network for problems with high dimensional input and output. We introduce a coarsening operation that allows completely reversible CNNs by using a learnable Discrete Wavelet Transform and its inverse to both coarsen and interpolate the network state and change the number of channels. We show that fully reversible networks are able to achieve results comparable to the state of the art in 4D time-lapse hyper spectral image segmentation and full 3D video segmentation, with a much lower memory footprint that is a constant independent of the network depth. We also extend the use of such networks to Variational Auto Encoders with high resolution input and output.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, Updated work to include additional numerical experiments, a section about VAEs and learnable wavelet

    Deep connections between learning from limited labels & physical parameter estimation -- inspiration for regularization

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    Recently established equivalences between differential equations and the structure of neural networks enabled some interpretation of training of a neural network as partial-differential-equation (PDE) constrained optimization. We add to the previously established connections, explicit regularization that is particularly beneficial in the case of single large-scale examples with partial annotation. We show that explicit regularization of model parameters in PDE constrained optimization translates to regularization of the network output. Examination of the structure of the corresponding Lagrangian and backpropagation algorithm do not reveal additional computational challenges. A hyperspectral imaging example shows that minimum prior information together with cross-validation for optimal regularization parameters boosts the segmentation accuracy

    Point-to-set distance functions for weakly supervised segmentation

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    When pixel-level masks or partial annotations are not available for training neural networks for semantic segmentation, it is possible to use higher-level information in the form of bounding boxes, or image tags. In the imaging sciences, many applications do not have an object-background structure and bounding boxes are not available. Any available annotation typically comes from ground truth or domain experts. A direct way to train without masks is using prior knowledge on the size of objects/classes in the segmentation. We present a new algorithm to include such information via constraints on the network output, implemented via projection-based point-to-set distance functions. This type of distance functions always has the same functional form of the derivative, and avoids the need to adapt penalty functions to different constraints, as well as issues related to constraining properties typically associated with non-differentiable functions. Whereas object size information is known to enable object segmentation from bounding boxes from datasets with many general and medical images, we show that the applications extend to the imaging sciences where data represents indirect measurements, even in the case of single examples. We illustrate the capabilities in case of a) one or more classes do not have any annotation; b) there is no annotation at all; c) there are bounding boxes. We use data for hyperspectral time-lapse imaging, object segmentation in corrupted images, and sub-surface aquifer mapping from airborne-geophysical remote-sensing data. The examples verify that the developed methodology alleviates difficulties with annotating non-visual imagery for a range of experimental settings

    Algorithms and software for projections onto intersections of convex and non-convex sets with applications to inverse problems

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    We propose algorithms and software for computing projections onto the intersection of multiple convex and non-convex constraint sets. The software package, called SetIntersectionProjection, is intended for the regularization of inverse problems in physical parameter estimation and image processing. The primary design criterion is working with multiple sets, which allows us to solve inverse problems with multiple pieces of prior knowledge. Our algorithms outperform the well known Dykstra's algorithm when individual sets are not easy to project onto because we exploit similarities between constraint sets. Other design choices that make the software fast and practical to use, include recently developed automatic selection methods for auxiliary algorithm parameters, fine and coarse grained parallelism, and a multilevel acceleration scheme. We provide implementation details and examples that show how the software can be used to regularize inverse problems. Results show that we benefit from working with all available prior information and are not limited to one or two regularizers because of algorithmic, computational, or hyper-parameter selection issues.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figure

    Generalized Minkowski sets for the regularization of inverse problems

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    Many works on inverse problems in the imaging sciences consider regularization via one or more penalty functions or constraint sets. When the models/images are not easily described using one or a few penalty functions/constraints, additive model descriptions for regularization lead to better imaging results. These include cartoon-texture decomposition, morphological component analysis, and robust principal component analysis; methods that typically rely on penalty functions. We propose a regularization framework, based on the Minkowski set, that merges the strengths of additive models and constrained formulations. We generalize the Minkowski set, such that the model parameters are the sum of two components, each of which is constrained to an intersection of sets. Furthermore, the sum of the components is also an element of another intersection of sets. These generalizations allow us to include multiple pieces of prior knowledge on each of the components, as well as on the sum of components, which is necessary to ensure physical feasibility of partial-differential-equation based parameters estimation problems. We derive the projection operation onto the generalized Minkowski sets and construct an algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers. We illustrate how we benefit from using more prior knowledge in the form of the generalized Minkowski set using seismic waveform inversion and video background-anomaly separation.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Automatic classification of geologic units in seismic images using partially interpreted examples

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    Geologic interpretation of large seismic stacked or migrated seismic images can be a time-consuming task for seismic interpreters. Neural network based semantic segmentation provides fast and automatic interpretations, provided a sufficient number of example interpretations are available. Networks that map from image-to-image emerged recently as powerful tools for automatic segmentation, but standard implementations require fully interpreted examples. Generating training labels for large images manually is time consuming. We introduce a partial loss-function and labeling strategies such that networks can learn from partially interpreted seismic images. This strategy requires only a small number of annotated pixels per seismic image. Tests on seismic images and interpretation information from the Sea of Ireland show that we obtain high-quality predicted interpretations from a small number of large seismic images. The combination of a partial-loss function, a multi-resolution network that explicitly takes small and large-scale geological features into account, and new labeling strategies make neural networks a more practical tool for automatic seismic interpretation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Multi-resolution neural networks for tracking seismic horizons from few training images

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    Detecting a specific horizon in seismic images is a valuable tool for geological interpretation. Because hand-picking the locations of the horizon is a time-consuming process, automated computational methods were developed starting three decades ago. Older techniques for such picking include interpolation of control points however, in recent years neural networks have been used for this task. Until now, most networks trained on small patches from larger images. This limits the networks ability to learn from large-scale geologic structures. Moreover, currently available networks and training strategies require label patches that have full and continuous annotations, which are also time-consuming to generate. We propose a projected loss-function for training convolutional networks with a multi-resolution structure, including variants of the U-net. Our networks learn from a small number of large seismic images without creating patches. The projected loss-function enables training on labels with just a few annotated pixels and has no issue with the other unknown label pixels. Training uses all data without reserving some for validation. Only the labels are split into training/testing. Contrary to other work on horizon tracking, we train the network to perform non-linear regression, and not classification. As such, we propose labels as the convolution of a Gaussian kernel and the known horizon locations that indicate uncertainty in the labels. The network output is the probability of the horizon location. We demonstrate the proposed computational ingredients on two different datasets, for horizon extrapolation and interpolation. We show that the predictions of our methodology are accurate even in areas far from known horizon locations because our learning strategy exploits all data in large seismic images.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Fully reversible neural networks for large-scale surface and sub-surface characterization via remote sensing

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    The large spatial/frequency scale of hyperspectral and airborne magnetic and gravitational data causes memory issues when using convolutional neural networks for (sub-) surface characterization. Recently developed fully reversible networks can mostly avoid memory limitations by virtue of having a low and fixed memory requirement for storing network states, as opposed to the typical linear memory growth with depth. Fully reversible networks enable the training of deep neural networks that take in entire data volumes, and create semantic segmentations in one go. This approach avoids the need to work in small patches or map a data patch to the class of just the central pixel. The cross-entropy loss function requires small modifications to work in conjunction with a fully reversible network and learn from sparsely sampled labels without ever seeing fully labeled ground truth. We show examples from land-use change detection from hyperspectral time-lapse data, and regional aquifer mapping from airborne geophysical and geological data

    Mechanisms for division problems with single-dipped preferences

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    A mechanism allocates one unit of an infinitely divisible commodity among agents reporting a number between zero and one. Nash, Pareto optimal Nash, and strong equilibria are analyzed for the case where the agents have single-dipped preferences. One of the main results is that when the mechanism is anonymous, monotonic, standard, and order preserving, then the Pareto optimal Nash and strong equilibria coincide and assign Pareto optimal allocations that are characterized by so-called maximal coalitions: members of a maximal coalition prefer an equal coalition share over obtaining zero, whereas the outside agents prefer zero over obtaining an equal share from joining the coalition

    Neural-networks for geophysicists and their application to seismic data interpretation

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    Neural-networks have seen a surge of interest for the interpretation of seismic images during the last few years. Network-based learning methods can provide fast and accurate automatic interpretation, provided there are sufficiently many training labels. We provide an introduction to the field aimed at geophysicists that are familiar with the framework of forward modeling and inversion. We explain the similarities and differences between deep networks to other geophysical inverse problems and show their utility in solving problems such as lithology interpolation between wells, horizon tracking and segmentation of seismic images. The benefits of our approach are demonstrated on field data from the Sea of Ireland and the North Sea.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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