8 research outputs found

    pysal/libpysal: v4.8.1rc1

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    <p><!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v4.8.1rc1 --></p> <p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>: https://github.com/pysal/libpysal/compare/v4.8.0...v4.8.1rc1</p&gt

    pysal/libpysal: v4.9.2

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    <p><!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v4.9.2 --></p> <h2>What's Changed</h2> <h3>Maintenance</h3> <ul> <li>remove <code>xarray</code> as hard dependency by @jGaboardi in https://github.com/pysal/libpysal/pull/629</li> </ul> <p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>: https://github.com/pysal/libpysal/compare/v4.9.1...v4.9.2</p&gt

    pyproj4/pyproj: 3.6.1 Release

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    What's Changed WHL: Update to PROJ 9.3 by @snowman2 in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1334 DEP: Add Python 3.12 support by @snowman2 in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1341 BUG: Cython 3 compatibility fixes by @snowman2 in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1322 BUG: Remove pkg_resources from setup.py by @snowman2 in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1314 DOC: Fixed typos by @djm93dev in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1305 & https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1306 DOC: Fix logo view on Pypi by @cyschneck in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1308 DOC: Spelling permimeter -> perimeter by @zanejgr in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1310 New Contributors @djm93dev made their first contribution in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1305 @cyschneck made their first contribution in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1308 @zanejgr made their first contribution in https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/pull/1310 Other contributions: @sebastic - testing Debian builds @jdkloe - testing Fedora builds Full Changelog: https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/compare/3.6.0...3.6.

    pysal/libpysal: v4.9.1

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    <p><!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v4.9.1 --></p> <h2>What's Changed</h2> <h3>Other Changes</h3> <ul> <li>pass kwargs to explore by @martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/libpysal/pull/627</li> </ul> <p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>: https://github.com/pysal/libpysal/compare/v4.9.0...v4.9.1</p&gt

    pysal/libpysal: v4.0.1

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    Changes Version 4.0.1 (2018-10-27) We closed a total of 21 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 8 pull requests, since our last release on 2018-08-22. Issues Closed weights.distance.KNN.from_dataframe ignoring radius (#116) Always make spherical KDTrees if radius is passed (#117) [ENH] should weights.util.get_ids() also accept a geodataframe? (#97) enh: add doctests to travis (#2) (#112) sphinx docs need updating (#49) Add notebooks for subpackage contract (#108) Api docs complete (#110) Doctests and start of documentation for libpysal (#109) Add dependencies to requirements_plus.txt for test_db (#107) Weights/util/get ids gdf (#101) missing adjustments to lower case module names (#106) Pull Requests Always make spherical KDTrees if radius is passed (#117) enh: add doctests to travis (#2) (#112) Api docs complete (#110) Doctests and start of documentation for libpysal (#109) Add dependencies to requirements_plus.txt for test_db (#107) Weights/util/get ids gdf (#101) missing adjustments to lower case module names (#106) The following individuals contributed to this release: Serge Rey Levi John Wolf Wei Kan

    PDAL/PDAL: 1.9.0 RC1

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    Changes of Note PDAL now requires at least version 2.2 of GDAL. Pipelines can optionally be specified as an array of stages (without an encapsulating "pipeline" object). The location of installed cmake files has been changed to match the cmake convention. filters.delaunay now uses the delaunator library instead of geogram. PDAL no longer depends on the GEOS library. However, some polygon functions will not work if PDAL isn't built with a version of the GDAL library that has GEOS support. PDAL now uses the standard cmake script to locate the necessary GDAL files when building. readers.sbet now reads angles as degrees rather than radians. (#2354) The tindex command now requires one of the subcommands create or merge. It no longer accepts the merge option, which has been replaced by the merge subcommand. The argument for the function PipelineManager::executeStream is now of type StreamPointTable& instead of FixedPointTable&. Enhancements All readers now accept the default_srs and override_srs options. override_srs is an alias for the existing spatialreference option. default_srs applies only if no spatial reference exists in the source file. (#2194, #2195) Added some dimension detection capability to readers.pts. (#2317) Hardened API use of LASzip in writers.las for points with data format 6 and above and set the extended_point_type variable. (#2320, #2329) Support the libgeotiff path suffix when searching for the geotiff library with cmake. Added a resolution option to readers.ept to limit the number of points read. (#2331) readers.rxp now supports stream mode. Added the invert option to filters.head and filters.tail. Added support for subcommands in kernels. (#2293) New stages filters.mongo - Filtering of points using the mongo expression language. readers.tiledb - Reads points from the tileDB database. writers.tiledb - Writes points to the tileDB database. writers.ept_addon - Adds sidecar data to an existing EPT dataset. Deprecated stages filters.kdistance - Replaced by filters.nndistance. filters.kdistance will be removed in the next PDAL release. filters.mongus - Replaces by filters.pmf and filters.smrf Bug fixes The tindex command now uses sufficient precision when using the fast_boundary option (#2271) filters.smrf and filters.pmf now process all points if the NumberOfReturns or ReturnNumber dimension is missing. This fixes a regression introduced with PDAL 1.8. (#2275) The density command is now found by pdal. This fixes a regression introduced with PDAL 1.8. (#2378) The scale=auto and offset=auto options now work with writers.bpf in stream mode. (#1983) Pipelines with diamond shapes now properly re-execute ancestor stages. This fixes a regression introduced with PDAL 1.8. (#2290) filters.crop now uses the correct logic when the outside option is used in standard mode. (#2305) A bug in writers.gdal with streaming mode that caused an improper location shift in some instances has been fixed. (#2292) Added an explicit dependency on the arbiter library for curl. This fixes build issues on some Unix platforms. (#1822) Fixed a bug in filters.icp introduced by a change in PCL (see: https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/issues/2724) that improperly removed a function call. (#2319) readers.tindex now provides a default of "EPSG:4326" for the filter_srs option. (#2316) Points in buffer corners are now properly placed in tiles in filters.splitter. (#2372) Fixed reference counting in filters.python that might have caused a crash in some circumstances. Generalized the python library re-loaded by PDAL when being used as a python extension. This is only relevant on some Unix distributions