341 research outputs found
Magnetic scaling in cuprate superconductors
We determine the magnetic phase diagram for the YBaCuO and
LaSrCuO systems from various NMR experiments. We discuss the
possible interpretation of NMR and neutron scattering experiments in these
systems in terms of both the non-linear -model of nearly localized
spins and a nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid description of magnetically
coupled quasiparticles. We show for both the 2:1:4 and 1:2:3 systems that bulk
properties, such as the spin susceptibiltiy, and probes at the
antiferromagnetic wavevector , such as , the
spin relaxation time, both display a crossover at a temperature , which
increases linearly with decreasing hole concentration, from a non-universal
regime to a scaling regime characterized by spin pseudogap behavior. We
pursue the consequences of the ansatz that corresponds to a fixed
value of the antiferromagnetic correlation length, , and show how this
enables one to extract the magnitude and temperature dependence of from
measurements of alone. We show that like , the temperature
which marks a crossover at low temperatures from the scaling regime to a
quantum disordered regime, exhibits the same dependence on doping for the 2:1:4
and 1:2:3 systems, and so arrive at a unified description of magnetic behavior
in the cuprates, in which the determining factor is the planar hole
concentration. We apply our quantitative results for YBaCuO to the
recent neutron scattering experiments of Fong {\em et al}, and show that the
spin excitation near measured by them corresponds to a spin gap
excitation, which is overdamped in the normal state, but becomes visible in the
superconducting state.Comment: 18 pages, RevTex, 18 figures are available upon request; submitted to
Phys. Rev.
Unconventional properties of superconducting cuprates
We present an explanation of the unusual peak/dip/hump features observed in
photoemission experiments on Bi2212 at . We argue that these
features arise from the interaction of the fermionic quasi-particles with
overdamped spin fluctuations. We show that the strong spin-fermion interaction
combined with the feedback effect on the spin damping due to superconductivity
yields a Fermi-liquid form of the fermionic spectral function for where is the maximum value of the superconducting gap, and a
non-Fermi-liquid form for . In the Fermi-liquid regime,
the spectral function displays a quasiparticle peak at
; in the non-Fermi-liquid regime it possesses a broad
maximum (hump) at . In between the two regimes, the
spectral function has a dip at . We argue that our
theory also explains the tunneling data for the superconducting density of
states.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps figures embedded in the tex
Pairing state in multicomponent superconductors
We use the microscopic weak coupling theory to predict the pairing state in
superconductors of cubic, hexagonal, or tetragonal symmetry, where the order
parameter is multicomponent, i.e., transforms according to either a
2-dimensional or a 3-dimensional representation of the crystal point group. We
show that the superconducting phase usually breaks the time-reversal symmetry
for singlet multicomponent superconductors. The superconducting order parameter
for triplet superconductors in most cases turns out to be non-magnetic.Comment: 7 page
Phases of the 2D Hubbard model at low doping
We show that the planar spiral phase of the 2D Hubbard model at low doping,
x, is unstable towards a noncoplanar spin configuration. The novel equilibrium
state we found at low doping is incommensurate with the inverse pitch of the
spiral varying as x^(1/2), but nevertheless has a dominant peak in the
susceptibility at (\pi,\pi). Relevance to the NMR and neutron scattering
experiments in La_2-xSr_xCuO_4 is disccussed.Comment: 12 pages, emtex v.3.
Theory of Unconventional Spin Density Wave: A Possible Mechanism of the Micromagnetism in U-based Heavy Fermion Compounds
We propose a novel spin density wave (SDW) state as a possible mechanism of
the anomalous antiferromagnetism, so-called the micromagnetism, in URu_2Si_2
below 17.5[K]. In this new SDW, the electron-hole pair amplitude changes its
sign in the momentum space as in the case of the unconventional
superconductivity. It is shown that this state can be realized in an extended
Hubbard model within the mean field theory. We also examine some characteristic
properties of this SDW to compare with the experimental results. All these
properties well explain the unsolved problem of the micromagnetism.Comment: REVTeX v3.1, 4 pages, 5 figure
On superconducting and magnetic properties of iron-oxypnictides
Pairing symmetry in oxypnictides, a new family of multiband high-Tc
superconductors, is partially imposed by the positions of multiple Fermi
pockets, which itself can give rise to new order parameters, such as s+,-
states or the state of dx^2-y^2 symmetry. Other pairing states may appear on
small pockets for long range interactions, but they are expected to be
sensitive to defects. We identify the competing antiferromagnetic order with
the triplet exciton transition in the semi- metallic background and discuss
whether its coexistence with superconductivity explains the doping dependence
of Tc.Comment: Fig1b replace
Exotic ground states and impurities in multiband superconductors
We consider the effect of isotropic impurity scattering on the exotic
superconducting states that arise from the usual BCS mechanism in substances of
cubic and hexagonal symmetry where the Fermi surface contains inequivalent but
degenerate pockets (e.g. around several points of high symmetry). As examples
we look at CeCo, CeRu, and LaB; all of which have such Fermi
surface topologies and the former exhibits unconventional superconducting
behavior. We find that while these non s-wave states are suppressed by
non-magnetic impurities, the suppression is much weaker than would be expected
for unconventional superconductors with isotropic non-magnetic impurity
scattering.Comment: 4 pages, no figure
Correlation length in cuprates deduced from the impurity-induced magnetization
We report a new multi-nuclei based NMR method which allows us to image the
staggered polarization induced by nonmagnetic Li impurities in underdoped O6.6
and slightly overdoped O7 YBa2Cu3O6+y above T_C. The spatial extension of the
polarization xi_imp approximately follows a Curie law, increasing up to six
lattice constants at T=80K at O6.6 in the pseudogap regime. Near optimal
doping, the staggered magnetization has the same shape, with xi_imp reduced by
a factor 2. xi_imp is argued to reveal the intrinsic magnetic correlation
length of the pure system. It is found to display a smooth evolution through
the pseudogap regime.Comment: 8 latex pages + 8 figures, to appear in Physical Review B, this
resubmitted version is twice longer than the previous one : we detail here
our method to determine the impurity-induced magnetizatio
Superconductivity in an organic insulator at very high magnetic fields
We investigate by electrical transport the field-induced superconducting
state (FISC) in the organic conductor -(BETS)FeCl. Below 4 K,
antiferromagnetic-insulator, metallic, and eventually superconducting (FISC)
ground states are observed with increasing in-plane magnetic field. The FISC
state survives between 18 and 41 T, and can be interpreted in terms of the
Jaccarino-Peter effect, where the external magnetic field {\em compensates} the
exchange field of aligned Fe ions. We further argue that the Fe
moments are essential to stabilize the resulting singlet, two-dimensional
superconducting stateComment: 9 pages 3 figure
Temperature dependence of magnetism near defects in SrB_6
The T-dependence of magnetic moments in SrB_6 is studied through
spin-polarized band calculations for a supercell of Sr_{27}B_{156} containing a
B_6 vacancy. The magnetic moment decays rather quickly with T despite the fact
that only electronic Fermi-Dirac effects are included. This result and the
T-dependence of moments near a La impurity can hardly explain the reports of a
very high Curie temperature in hexaborides, but suggest that the magnetism is
caused by some other type of impurity.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure
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