135 research outputs found

    Power law correlations in galaxy distribution and finite volume effects from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Four

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    We discuss the estimation of galaxy correlation properties in several volume limited samples, in different sky regions, obtained from the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The small scale properties are characterized through the determination of the nearest neighbor probability distribution. By using a very conservative statistical analysis, in the range of scales [0.5,~30] Mpc/h we detect power-law correlations in the conditional density in redshift space, with an exponent \gamma=1.0 \pm 0.1. This behavior is stable in all different samples we considered thus it does not depend on galaxy luminosity. In the range of scales [~30,~100] Mpc/h we find evidences for systematic unaveraged fluctuations and we discuss in detail the problems induced by finite volume effects on the determination of the conditional density. We conclude that in such range of scales there is an evidence for a smaller power-law index of the conditional density. However we cannot distinguish between two possibilities: (i) that a crossover to homogeneity (corresponding to \gamma=0 in the conditional density) occurs before 100 Mpc/h, (ii) that correlations extend to scales of order 100 Mpc/h (with a smaller exponent 0 < \gamma <1). We emphasize that galaxy distributions in these samples present large fluctuations at the largest scales probed, corresponding to the presence of large scale structures extending up to the boundaries of the present survey. Finally we discuss several differences between the behavior of the conditional density in mock galaxy catalogs built from cosmological N-body simulations and real data. We discuss some theoretical implications of such a fact considering also the super-homogeneous features of primordial density fields.Comment: 13 pages, 19 figures, to be publsihed in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Classical evolution of fractal measures on the lattice

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    We consider the classical evolution of a lattice of non-linear coupled oscillators for a special case of initial conditions resembling the equilibrium state of a macroscopic thermal system at the critical point. The displacements of the oscillators define initially a fractal measure on the lattice associated with the scaling properties of the order parameter fluctuations in the corresponding critical system. Assuming a sudden symmetry breaking (quench), leading to a change in the equilibrium position of each oscillator, we investigate in some detail the deformation of the initial fractal geometry as time evolves. In particular we show that traces of the critical fractal measure can sustain for large times and we extract the properties of the chain which determine the associated time-scales. Our analysis applies generally to critical systems for which, after a slow developing phase where equilibrium conditions are justified, a rapid evolution, induced by a sudden symmetry breaking, emerges in time scales much shorter than the corresponding relaxation or observation time. In particular, it can be used in the fireball evolution in a heavy-ion collision experiment, where the QCD critical point emerges, or in the study of evolving fractals of astrophysical and cosmological scales, and may lead to determination of the initial critical properties of the Universe through observations in the symmetry broken phase.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, version publiced at Physical Review

    Scale Dependence of Dark Energy Antigravity

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    We investigate the effects of negative pressure induced by dark energy (cosmological constant or quintessence) on the dynamics at various astrophysical scales. Negative pressure induces a repulsive term (antigravity) in Newton's law which dominates on large scales. Assuming a value of the cosmological constant consistent with the recent SnIa data we determine the critical scale rcr_c beyond which antigravity dominates the dynamics (rc1Mpcr_c \sim 1Mpc ) and discuss some of the dynamical effects implied. We show that dynamically induced mass estimates on the scale of the Local Group and beyond are significantly modified due to negative pressure. We also briefly discuss possible dynamical tests (eg effects on local Hubble flow) that can be applied on relatively small scales (a few MpcMpc) to determine the density and equation of state of dark energy.Comment: Contributed talk at the 2nd Hellenic Cosmology Workshop at NOA (Athens) Jan. 2001.To appear in the proceedings. Based on work done in collaboration with M. Axenides and E. Florato

    Galaxy distribution and extreme value statistics

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    We consider the conditional galaxy density around each galaxy, and study its fluctuations in the newest samples of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. Over a large range of scales, both the average conditional density and its variance show a nontrivial scaling behavior, which resembles to criticality. The density depends, for 10 < r < 80 Mpc/h, only weakly (logarithmically) on the system size. Correspondingly, we find that the density fluctuations follow the Gumbel distribution of extreme value statistics. This distribution is clearly distinguishable from a Gaussian distribution, which would arise for a homogeneous spatial galaxy configuration. We also point out similarities between the galaxy distribution and critical systems of statistical physics

    Exact isotropic cosmologies with local fractal number counts

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    We construct an exact relativistic cosmology in which an inhomogeneous but isotropic local region has fractal number counts and matches to a homogeneous background at a scale of the order of 10210^2 Mpc. We show that Einstein's equations and the matching conditions imply either a nonlinear Hubble law or a very low large-scale density.Comment: revised version, to appear Class. Q. Grav.; minor corrections following eqn 16, additional comments on relation to other work, some new reference

    Breaking the self-averaging properties of spatial galaxy fluctuations in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - Data Release Six

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    Statistical analyses of finite sample distributions usually assume that fluctuations are self-averaging, i.e. that they are statistically similar in different regions of the given sample volume. By using the scale-length method, we test whether this assumption is satisfied in several samples of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Six. We find that the probability density function (PDF) of conditional fluctuations, filtered on large enough spatial scales (i.e., r>30 Mpc/h), shows relevant systematic variations in different sub-volumes of the survey. Instead for scales r<30 Mpc/h the PDF is statistically stable, and its first moment presents scaling behavior with a negative exponent around one. Thus while up to 30 Mpc/h galaxy structures have well-defined power-law correlations, on larger scales it is not possible to consider whole sample average quantities as meaningful and useful statistical descriptors. This situation is due to the fact that galaxy structures correspond to density fluctuations which are too large in amplitude and too extended in space to be self-averaging on such large scales inside the sample volumes: galaxy distribution is inhomogeneous up to the largest scales, i.e. r ~ 100 Mpc/h, probed by the SDSS samples. We show that cosmological corrections, as K-corrections and standard evolutionary corrections, do not qualitatively change the relevant behaviors. Finally we show that the large amplitude galaxy fluctuations observed in the SDSS samples are at odds with the predictions of the standard LCDM model of structure formation.(Abridged version).Comment: 32 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. A higher resolution version is available at http://pil.phys.uniroma1.it/~sylos/fsl_highlights.html . Version v2 has been corrected to match the published on

    Symmetry properties of the metric energy-momentum tensor in classical field theories and gravity

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    We derive a generic identity which holds for the metric (i.e. variational) energy-momentum tensor under any field transformation in any generally covariant classical Lagrangian field theory. The identity determines the conditions under which a symmetry of the Lagrangian is also a symmetry of the energy-momentum tensor. It turns out that the stress tensor acquires the symmetry if the Lagrangian has the symmetry in a generic curved spacetime. In this sense a field theory in flat spacetime is not self-contained. When the identity is applied to the gauge invariant spin-two field in Minkowski space, we obtain an alternative and direct derivation of a known no-go theorem: a linear gauge invariant spin-2 field, which is dynamically equivalent to linearized General Relativity, cannot have a gauge invariant metric energy-momentum tensor. This implies that attempts to define the notion of gravitational energy density in terms of the metric energy--momentum tensor in a field-theoretical formulation of gravity must fail.Comment: Revised version to match the published version in Class. Quantum Gra

    High time resolution multi-band photo-polarimetric observations of the binary millisecond redback pulsar J1023+0038 with the BTA

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. We briefly report first results of high time resolution optical multi-band panoramic photo-polarimetric observations of the eclipsing binary millisecond redback pulsar J1023+0038 obtained in February 2017 with the 6 m BTA telescope. The time resolution was varied from 10 to 120 ms depending on observational mode. Our data show that the pulsar still remained in the low-mass X-ray binary stage, characterised by rapid flaring at time scales of 10-100 s with amplitudes of 0.2-0.5 mag. We resolved a fine structure of the flares at time scales of 0.1-10 s. The polarimetry at the time scale of 0.1 s shows no polarization with an upper limit of 2%-4% for the linear polarisation degree in flaring and quiet stages, while at a 10 minute scale averaging it is about 1.5% at 3σ significance. We shortly outline implications of the results