368 research outputs found

    Analytic derivation of the map of null rays passing near a naked singularity

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    Recently the energy emission from a naked singularity forming in spherical dust collapse has been investigated. This radiation is due to the particle creation in a curved spacetime. In this discussion, the central role is played by the mapping formula between the incoming and the outgoing null coordinates. For the self-similar model, this mapping formula has been derived analytically. But for the model with CC^{\infty} density profile, the mapping formula has been obtained only numerically. In the present paper, we argue that the singular nature of the mapping is determined by the local geometry around the point at which the singularity is first formed. If this is the case, it would be natural to expect that the mapping formula can be derived analytically. In the present paper, we analytically rederive the same mapping formula for the model with CC^{\infty} density profile that has been earlier derived using a numerical technique.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Are naked singularites forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics?

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    By now, many examples of naked singularities in classical general relativity are known. It may however be that a physical principle over and above the general theory prevents the occurrence of such singularities in nature. Assuming the validity of the Weyl curvature hypothesis, we propose that naked singularities are forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 6 pages, Latex file. This essay was selected for honorable mention by the Gravity Research Foundatio

    Quantum general relativity and Hawking radiation

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    In a previous paper we have set up the Wheeler-DeWitt equation which describes the quantum general relativistic collapse of a spherical dust cloud. In the present paper we specialize this equation to the case of matter perturbations around a black hole, and show that in the WKB approximation, the wave-functional describes an eternal black hole in equilibrium with a thermal bath at Hawking temperature.Comment: 13 pages, minor revisions in: (i) para 5 of Introduction, (ii) para following Eqn. (10). Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Divergence of the Quantum Stress Tensor on the Cauchy Horizon in 2-d Dust Collapse

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    We prove that the quantum stress tensor for a massless scalar field in two dimensional non-selfsimilar Tolman Bondi dust collapse and Vaidya radiation collapse models diverges on the Cauchy horizon, if the latter exists. The two dimensional model is obtained by suppressing angular co-ordinates in the corresponding four dimensional spherical model.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, LaTeX fil

    Spherical gravitational collapse: tangential pressure and related equations of state

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    We derive an equation for the acceleration of a fluid element in the spherical gravitational collapse of a bounded compact object made up of an imperfect fluid. We show that non-singular as well as singular solutions arise in the collapse of a fluid initially at rest and having only a tangential pressure. We obtain an exact solution of Einstein equations, in the form of an infinite series, for collapse under tangential pressure with a linear equation of state. We show that if a singularity forms in the tangential pressure model, the conditions for the singularity to be naked are exactly the same as in the model of dust collapse.Comment: Latex, 26 page

    Gravitational Collapse, Black Holes and Naked Singularities

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    This article gives an elementary review of gravitational collapse and the cosmic censorship hypothesis. Known models of collapse resulting in the formation of black holes and naked singularities are summarized. These models, when taken together, suggest that the censorship hypothesis may not hold in classical general relativity. The nature of the quantum processes that take place near a naked singularity, and their possible implication for observations, is briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages, Latex File. Based on a talk given at the Discussion Workshop on Black Holes, Bangalore, 9-12 Dec. 1997, to appear in the Conference Proceeding

    A simple derivation of the naked singularity in spherical dust collapse

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    We describe a simple method of determining whether the singularity that forms in the spherically symmetric collapse of inhomogeneous dust is naked or covered. This derivation considerably simplifies the analysis given in the earlier literature, while giving the same results as have been obtained before.Comment: Latex, 9 page

    Newtonian Analysis of Gravitational Waves from Naked Singularity

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    Spherical dust collapse generally forms a shell focusing naked singularity at the symmetric center. This naked singularity is massless. Further the Newtonian gravitational potential and speed of the dust fluid elements are everywhere much smaller than unity until the central shell focusing naked singularity formation if an appropriate initial condition is set up. Although such a situation is highly relativistic, the analysis by the Newtonian approximation scheme is available even in the vicinity of the space-time singularity. This remarkable feature makes the analysis of such singularity formation very easy. We investigate non-spherical even-parity matter perturbations in this scheme by complementary using numerical and semi-analytical approaches, and estimate linear gravitational waves generated in the neighborhood of the naked singularity by the quadrupole formula. The result shows good agreement with the relativistic perturbation analysis recently performed by Iguchi et al. The energy flux of the gravitational waves is finite but the space-time curvature carried by them diverges.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Can Naked Singularities Yield Gamma Ray Bursts?

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    Gamma-ray bursts are believed to be the most luminous objects in the Universe. There has been some suggestion that these arise from quantum processes around naked singularities. The main problem with this suggestion is that all known examples of naked singularities are massless and hence there is effectively no source of energy. It is argued that a globally naked singularity coupled with quantum processes operating within a distance of the order of Planck length of the singularity will probably yield energy burst of the order of M_pc^2\approx2\times 10^{16} ergs, where M_p is the Planck mass.Comment: 4 pages, TeX, no figure