128 research outputs found

    Semantic Innovation: a driver for the innovation of construction materials

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    The demand of sustainability can affect various issues of the production of materials and components for construction. This leads to process innovation, product innovation and semantic innovation. The innovation of meaning, what I call semantic innovation, is the kind of innovation that leads to the change of understanding or acceptance of a process or a product in relation to a meaning changed, added, or simply made explicit (i.e. describes the product characteristics that construction had already previously but which had never been suitably described and used for the affirmation of the product on the market). The paper proposes an interpretation of an innovation process based on dialogue with stakeholders, a process by which the building project and, more specifically, the project of construction products can satisfy the need for environmental compatibility and can position itself on the market in innovative ways. The paper shows examples and discusses the dynamics of innovation in the construction industry in relation to the increasingly clear demand for sustainability


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    The sustainable challenge in building construction has lead new requirements to which the building design has to provide. Innovation is not only a matter of technologies but also of ideas and building conception. In the same time new elements would have to be considered in evaluation phases to implement the existing the assessment methods or to provide new ones

    MURANO PIXEL. An experimental and shared research

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    The paper describes the motivation, approach and working methodology of a research project financed with POR FSE funds by the Veneto Region. The research involved two universities (Università Iuav di Venezia and Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), three glassworks in Murano, two network partners (Anteferma Edizioni and WASP) dedicated to innovation and the dissemination of innovation, and three young researchers. A network of professional figures, production realities and interlocutors developed around the figures institutionally involved in the project. These collaborations arose from the desire to share knowledge, production skills and experimentation. Moreover, the research was not limited to Murano but opened up this territory to international debate. This paper proposes the Venice Lagoon as a case study to develop research dedicated to the recycling of materials towards an increasingly comprehensive and complex approach. This is a challenge. The short circuit between the vitality of artisan work and research activity must be triggered

    Revisione dei resti di Neosqualodon (Mammalia; Cetacea) del Miocene inferiore della Sicilia

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    Studio di due olotipi di odontoceti arcaici appartenenti al genere Neosqualodon rinvenuti nel Miocene della Sicilia. Analisi delle caratteristiche osse ed in particolare dei denti con considerazioni di carattere morfo-funzionale. In ultimo una discussione di tipo paleobiogeografico su una possibile distribuzione endemica del genere nell'area pre-mediterranea
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