36 research outputs found

    Strength and duration of perisomatic GABAergic inhibition depend on distance between synaptically connected cells

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    GABAergic perisoma-inhibiting fast-spiking interneurons (PIIs) effectively control the activity of large neuron populations by their wide axonal arborizations. It is generally assumed that the output of one PII to its target cells is strong and rapid. Here, we show that, unexpectedly, both strength and time course of PII-mediated perisomatic inhibition change with distance between synaptically connected partners in the rodent hippocampus. Synaptic signals become weaker due to lower contact numbers and decay more slowly with distance, very likely resulting from changes in GABAA receptor subunit composition. When distance-dependent synaptic inhibition is introduced to a rhythmically active neuronal network model, randomly driven principal cell assemblies are strongly synchronized by the PIIs, leading to higher precision in principal cell spike times than in a network with uniform synaptic inhibition

    Distance-dependent inhibition facilitates focality of gamma oscillations in the dentate gyrus

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    Gamma oscillations (30–150 Hz) in neuronal networks are associated with the processing and recall of information. We measured local field potentials in the dentate gyrus of freely moving mice and found that gamma activity occurs in bursts, which are highly heterogeneous in their spatial extensions, ranging from focal to global coherent events. Synaptic communication among perisomatic-inhibitory interneurons (PIIs) is thought to play an important role in the generation of hippocampal gamma patterns. However, how neuronal circuits can generate synchronous oscillations at different spatial scales is unknown. We analyzed paired recordings in dentate gyrus slices and show that synaptic signaling at interneuron-interneuron synapses is distance dependent. Synaptic strength declines whereas the duration of inhibitory signals increases with axonal distance among interconnected PIIs. Using neuronal network modeling, we show that distance-dependent inhibition generates multiple highly synchronous focal gamma bursts allowing the network to process complex inputs in parallel in flexibly organized neuronal centers

    Presynaptic GABAB Receptors Functionally Uncouple Somatostatin Interneurons from the Active Hippocampal Network

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    Information processing in cortical neuronal networks relies on properly balanced excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. A ubiquitous motif for maintaining this balance is the somatostatin interneuron (SOM-IN) feedback microcircuit. Here, we investigated the modulation of this microcircuit by presynaptic GABAB receptors (GABABRs) in the rodent hippocampus. Whole-cell recordings from SOM-INs revealed that both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs are strongly inhibited by GABABRs, while optogenetic activation of the interneurons shows that their inhibitory output is also strongly suppressed. Electron microscopic analysis of immunogold-labelled freeze-fracture replicas confirms that GABABRs are highly expressed presynaptically at both input and output synapses of SOM-INs. Activation of GABABRs selectively suppresses the recruitment of SOM-INs during gamma oscillations induced in vitro. Thus, axonal GABABRs are positioned to efficiently control the input and output synapses of SOM-INs and can functionally uncouple them from local network with implications for rhythmogenesis and the balance of entorhinal versus intrahippocampal afferents

    A persistent prefrontal reference frame across time and task rules.

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    Behavior can be remarkably consistent, even over extended time periods, yet whether this is reflected in stable or 'drifting' neuronal responses to task features remains controversial. Here, we find a persistently active ensemble of neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of mice that reliably maintains trajectory-specific tuning over several weeks while performing an olfaction-guided spatial memory task. This task-specific reference frame is stabilized during learning, upon which repeatedly active neurons show little representational drift and maintain their trajectory-specific tuning across long pauses in task exposure and across repeated changes in cue-target location pairings. These data thus suggest a 'core ensemble' of prefrontal neurons forming a reference frame of task-relevant space for the performance of consistent behavior over extended periods of time

    Enhanced mGlu5 Signaling in Excitatory Neurons Promotes Rapid Antidepressant Effects via AMPA Receptor Activation

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    Conventional antidepressants have limited efficacy and many side effects, highlighting the need for fast-acting and specific medications. Induction of the synaptic protein Homer1a mediates the effects of different antidepressant treatments, including the rapid action of ketamine and sleep deprivation (SD). We show here that mimicking Homer1a upregulation via intravenous injection of cell-membrane-permeable TAT-Homer1a elicits rapid antidepressant effects in various tests. Similar to ketamine and SD, in vitro and in vivo application of TAT-Homer1a enhances mGlu5 signaling, resulting in increased mTOR pathway phosphorylation, and upregulates synaptic AMPA receptor expression and activity. The antidepressant action of SD and Homer1a induction depends on mGlu5 activation specifically in excitatory CaMK2a neurons and requires enhanced AMPA receptor activity, translation, and trafficking. Moreover, our data demonstrate a pronounced therapeutic potential of different TAT-fused peptides that directly modulate mGlu5 and AMPA receptor activity and thus might provide a novel strategy for rapid and effective antidepressant treatment

    Shunting inhibition improves robustness of gamma oscillations in hippocampal interneuron networks by homogenizing firing rates

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    SummaryNetworks of GABAergic neurons are key elements in the generation of γ oscillations in the brain. Computational studies suggested that the emergence of coherent oscillations requires hyperpolarizing inhibition. Here, we show that GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition in mature interneurons of the hippocampal dentate gyrus is shunting rather than hyperpolarizing. Unexpectedly, when shunting inhibition is incorporated into a structured interneuron network model with fast and strong synapses, coherent oscillations emerge. In comparison to hyperpolarizing inhibition, networks with shunting inhibition show several advantages. First, oscillations are generated with smaller tonic excitatory drive. Second, network frequencies are tuned to the γ band. Finally, robustness against heterogeneity in the excitatory drive is markedly improved. In single interneurons, shunting inhibition shortens the interspike interval for low levels of drive but prolongs it for high levels, leading to homogenization of neuronal firing rates. Thus, shunting inhibition may confer increased robustness to γ oscillations in the brain

    Subfield-specific interneuron circuits govern the hippocampal response to novelty in male mice

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    Abstract The hippocampus is the brain’s center for episodic memories. Its subregions, the dentate gyrus and CA1-3, are differentially involved in memory encoding and recall. Hippocampal principal cells represent episodic features like movement, space, and context, but less is known about GABAergic interneurons. Here, we performed two-photon calcium imaging of parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing interneurons in the dentate gyrus and CA1-3 of male mice exploring virtual environments. Parvalbumin-interneurons increased activity with running-speed and reduced it in novel environments. Somatostatin-interneurons in CA1-3 behaved similar to parvalbumin-expressing cells, but their dentate gyrus counterparts increased activity during rest and in novel environments. Congruently, chemogenetic silencing of dentate parvalbumin-interneurons had prominent effects in familiar contexts, while silencing somatostatin-expressing cells increased similarity of granule cell representations between novel and familiar environments. Our data indicate unique roles for parvalbumin- and somatostatin-positive interneurons in the dentate gyrus that are distinct from those in CA1-3 and may support routing of novel information