1,162 research outputs found

    Structural and magnetic properties of amorphous Co-W alloyed nanoparticles

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    18 páginas, 20 figuras, 4 tablas.-- PACS number(s): 75.75.Fk, 75.50.Kj, 75.30.Gw, 61.46.Df.-- et al.et al.W-capped Co nanoparticles dispersed in an alumina matrix are studied by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, extended x-ray absorption fine structure, SQUID-based magnetic measurements, dc magnetization, ac magnetic susceptibility, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Results show the formation of amorphous Co-W alloy nanoparticles, the magnetic properties of which are modified by the amount of W or Co present in the samples. The average Co magnetic moment depends on the number of W atoms surrounding it. Co-W particles show superparamagnetic behavior and are described as an array of noninteracting particles with random anisotropy axes and an average moment per particle proportional to the particle volume and to the average Co moment for each alloy composition. Values of the magnetic anisotropy constant of the particles are on the order of 106 erg/cm3, higher than that of bulk Co. Evidence of short-range ordering within each amorphous particle is found that provides insight of the origin of their magnetic anisotropy.The financial support of MICINN-FEDER MAT08/1077 and Aragonese IMANA project is acknowledged. A.I.F. acknowledges a CSIC JAE2008-Predoc grant.Peer reviewe

    Morphology and magnetic properties of W-capped Co nanoparticles

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    3 páginas, 3 figuras, 2 tablas.-- et al.Co–W nanoparticles formed by sequential sputtering of Co on amorphous alumina substrate and subsequent W capping are studied by high resolution and by scanning transmission electron microscopies, and by superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. The analysis is focused on W nominal thickness dependence. Results suggest the formation of amorphous Co–W alloy nanoparticles, whose magnetic moment per Co atom is systematically reduced as the nominal thickness of W capping layer increases. The Co–W nanoparticles show superparamagnetic behavior. The activation energy for moment reversal and the effective anisotropy are obtained.The financial support of MAT08/1077 is acknowledged. A. I. Figueroa acknowledges a JAE-Predoc grant.Peer reviewe

    Biphasic effect of insulin on beta cell apoptosis depending on glucose deprivation

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    AbstractInsulin resistant states are associated with an increase in the beta cell mass and also high levels of circulating insulin. Ultimately the beta cells undergo a failure that leads to diabetes. At this stage, a question arises if those persistent high levels of circulating insulin may contribute to beta cell damage. To address this important issue, we submitted beta cells to a prolonged effect of increasing concentrations of insulin. We observed that a prolonged effect of high levels of insulin on the presence of serum (15–24h) in glucose-deprived beta cells induced apoptosis. This apoptotic effect was both dose- and cycloheximide-dependent

    Magnetic anisotropy of maghemite nanoparticles probed by RF transverse susceptibility

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    We present radio frequency magnetic transverse susceptibility measurements on γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles, which yield an estimation of their effective anisotropy constant, Keff as a function of nanoparticle size. The resulting values range from 4 to 8 × 104 erg/cm3, being on the order of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in bulk maghemite. Keff values increase as the particle diameter increases. Evidences of anisotropy field distribution given by the size distribution in the samples, and interparticle interactions that increase as the particle size increases, are also observed in the TS measurements. The effects of such interparticle interaction overcome those of thermal fluctuations, in contrast with the behavior of other iron oxide particles.The financial support of the Spanish MINECO MAT2011-23791, MAT2014-53921-R, and MAT2014-54975-R and Aragonese DGA-IMANA E34 and M4 projects is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Origin of the giant magnetic moment in epitaxial Fe3O4 thin films

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    7 páginas, 7 figuras.-- PACS number(s): 75.70.Rf, 75.70.Ak, 75.50.Bb.-- et al.We study the enhanced magnetic moment observed in epitaxial magnetite (Fe3O4) ultrathin films (t<15 nm) grown on MgO (001) substrates by means of pulsed laser deposition. The Fe3O4 (001) thin films exhibit high crystallinity, low roughness, and sharp interfaces with the substrate, and the existence of the Verwey transition at thicknesses down to 4 nm. The evolution of the Verwey transition temperature with film thickness shows a dependence with the antiphase boundaries density. Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and vibrating sample magnetometry measurements in ultrathin films show a magnetic moment much higher than the bulk magnetite value. In order to study the origin of this anomalous magnetic moment, polarized neutron reflectivity (PNR), and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) experiments have been performed, indicating a decrease in the magnetization with decreasing sample thickness. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements show no metallic Fe clusters present in the magnetite thin films. Through inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy and SQUID magnetometry measurements performed in commercial MgO (001) substrates, the presence of Fe impurities embedded within the substrates has been observed. Once the substrate contribution has been corrected, a decrease in the magnetic moment of magnetite thin films with decreasing thickness is found, in good agreement with the PNR and XMCD measurements. Our experiments suggest that the origin of the enhanced magnetic moment is not intrinsic to magnetite but due to the presence of Fe impurities in the MgO substrates.This work has been financially supported by Spanish Ministry of Science through Projects No. MAT2008-06567-C02 and No. MAT2008-01077, and the Regional Government of Aragón (E-26, E-69, and E-34).Peer reviewe

    Critical fields for vortex expulsion from narrow superconducting strips

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    We calculate the critical magnetic fields for vortex expulsion for an infinitely long superconducting strip, using the Ginzburg-Landau formalism. Two critical fields can be defined associated with the disappearance of either the energetic stability or metastability of vortices in the center of the strip for decreasing magnetic fields. We compare the theoretical predictions for the critical fields in the London formalism with ours and with recently published experimental results. As expected, for narrow strips our results reproduce better the experimental findings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Molecular tilting and columnar stacking of Fe phthalocyanine thin films on Au(111)

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopic results at the Fe K edge of Fe phthalocyanine (FePc) thin films grown on Au substrates, together with theoretical calculations, allow us to refine the structure of the film. In particular, we show that the columnar stacking of the FePc molecules is different from that found in bulk ¿ and ß phases. Moreover, the molecules do not lay parallel to the surface of the substrate. These structural findings are relevant to understand magnetism of FePc films.The financial support of the Spanish financial agency MINECO MAT2011-2379 and MAT2014-53921-R, Aragonese DGA-IMANA E34 (co-funded by European Social Fund), as well as European Union FEDER funds is acknowledged. The sample preparation and initial structural characterization were supported by the Office of Basic Energy Science, U.S. Department of Energy, BES-DMS funded by the Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Science, DMR under Grant No. DE FG03 87ER-45332 and NSF DMR 0847552.Peer Reviewe

    Structural and magnetic properties of granular CoPd multilayers

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    Multilayers of bimetallic CoPd alloyed and assembled nanoparticles, prepared by room temperature sequential sputtering deposition on amorphous alumina, were studied by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, SQUID-based magnetometry and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Alloying between Co and Pd in these nanoparticles gives rise to a high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Their magnetic properties are temperature dependent: at low temperature, the multilayers are ferromagnetic with a high coercive field; at intermediate temperature the behavior is of a soft-ferromagnet, and at higher temperature, the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in the nanoparticles disappears. The magnetic orbital moment to spin moment ratio is enhanced compared with Co bare nanoparticles and Co fcc bulk.The financial support of the Spanish MINECO MAT2011-23791, MAT2014-53921-R and Aragonese DGA-IMANA E34 projects is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Magnetic and thermal properties of 4f-3d ladder-type molecular compounds

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    We report on the low-temperature magnetic susceptibilities and specific heats of the isostructural spin-ladder molecular complexes L2_{2}[M(opba)]_{3\cdot xDMSOy\cdot yH2_{2}O, hereafter abbreviated with L2_{2}M3_{3} (where L = La, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and M = Cu, Zn). The results show that the Cu containing complexes (with the exception of La2_{2}Cu3_{3}) undergo long range magnetic order at temperatures below 2 K, and that for Gd2_{2}Cu3_{3} this ordering is ferromagnetic, whereas for Tb2_{2}Cu3_{3} and Dy2_{2}Cu3_{3} it is probably antiferromagnetic. The susceptibilities and specific heats of Tb2_{2}Cu3_{3} and Dy2_{2}Cu3_{3} above TCT_{C} have been explained by means of a model taking into account nearest as well as next-nearest neighbor magnetic interactions. We show that the intraladder L--Cu interaction is the predominant one and that it is ferromagnetic for L = Gd, Tb and Dy. For the cases of Tb, Dy and Ho containing complexes, strong crystal field effects on the magnetic and thermal properties have to be taken into account. The magnetic coupling between the (ferromagnetic) ladders is found to be very weak and is probably of dipolar origin.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Tracking the oxygen isotopic signature from the rainfall to the speleothems in Ortigosa de Cameros caves (La Rioja, Spain)

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    A one-year monitoring survey has been carried out in La Paz and La Vin~a Caves in the Ortigosa de Cameros Cave System (NE Iberian Peninsula), in order to track the oxygen isotope signal from rainfall to speleothem calcite, assessing the ability of this signal to retain environmental information. Oxygen isotope signals of rainfall events, drip water —sampled every three months—, and speleothem calcite, precipitated over three-months, are com- pared. Water dripping follows precipitation events in winter, spring and summer, more closely in the near-surface drip points than in the deeper ones. In autumn, dripping is delayed with respect to rainfall, suggesting that water stays in the epikarst before dripping resumes after summer. This delay causes a deviation of the total drip water sig- nal (average d18O=-8.39‰ V-SMOW) from the rainfall signal (average d18O=-7.41‰ V-SMOW). On the contrary, in winter the isotopic signal of drip water keeps the rainfall signal. Calcite isotopic signal (total average d18O=-6.83‰ V-PDB) shows a small offset (0.62–0.75%) with respect to the signal predicted by drip water oxygen composition; this points to a limited kinetic effect in calcite precipitation, therefore calcite retains the signal of rainfall, especially in winter