54 research outputs found

    Regulation of Mitochondrial Structure and Dynamics by the Cytoskeleton and Mechanical Factors

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    Mitochondria supply cells with energy in the form of ATP, guide apoptosis, and contribute to calcium buffering and reactive oxygen species production. To support these diverse functions, mitochondria form an extensive network with smaller clusters that are able to move along microtubules aided by motor proteins. Mitochondria are also associated with the actin network, which is involved in cellular responses to various mechanical factors. In this review, we discuss mitochondrial structure and function in relation to the cytoskeleton and various mechanical factors influencing cell functions. We first summarize the morphological features of mitochondria with an emphasis on fission and fusion as well as how network properties govern function. We then review the relationship between the mitochondria and the cytoskeletal structures, including mechanical interactions. We also discuss how stretch and its dynamic pattern affect mitochondrial structure and function. Finally, we present preliminary data on how extracellular matrix stiffness influences mitochondrial morphology and ATP generation. We conclude by discussing the more general role that mitochondria may play in mechanobiology and how the mechanosensitivity of mitochondria may contribute to the development of several diseases and aging

    Scale dependence of structure-function relationship in the emphysematous mouse lung.

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the initial distribution of elastase in mouse lungs determines the time course of tissue destruction and how structural heterogeneity at different spatial scales influences lung function. We evaluated lung function and alveolar structure in normal and emphysematous C57BL/6 mice at 2 and 21 days following orotracheal treatment with porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE). Initial distribution of elastase 1 h after treatment was assessed using red fluorescently labeled PPE (f-PPE) by laser scanning confocal microscopy. From measured input impedance of the respiratory system, the global lung compliance, and the variability of regional compliance were obtained. Lungs were fixed and equivalent airspace diameters were measured in four lobes of the right lung and three regions of the left lung. At day 2 and day 21, the mean airspace diameter of each region was significantly enlarged which was accompanied by an increased inter-regional heterogeneity. The deposition of f-PPE on day 0 was much more heterogeneous than the inter-regional diameters at both day 2 and day 21 and, at day 21, this reached statistical significance (p < 0.05). Microscale heterogeneity characterized by the overall variability of airspace diameters correlated significantly better with compliance than macroscale or inter-regional heterogeneity. Furthermore, while the spatial distribution of the inflammatory response does not seem to follow that of the elastase deposition, it correlates with the strongest regional determinant of lung function. These results may help interpret lung function decline in terms of structural deterioration in human patients with emphysema

    Variable stretch pattern enhances surfactant secretion in alveolar type II cells in culture

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    Secretion of pulmonary surfactant that maintains low surface tension within the lung is primarily mediated by mechanical stretching of alveolar epithelial type II (AEII) cells. We have shown that guinea pigs ventilated with random variations in frequency and tidal volume had significantly larger pools of surfactant in the lung than animals ventilated in a monotonous manner. Here, we test the hypothesis that variable stretch patterns imparted on the AEII cells results in enhanced surfactant secretion. AEII cells isolated from rat lungs were exposed to equibiaxial strains of 12.5, 25, or 50% change in surface area (ΔSA) at 3 cycles/min for 15, 30, or 60 min. 3H-labeled phosphatidylcholine release and cell viability were measured 60 min following the onset of stretch. Whereas secretion increased following 15-min stretch at 50% ΔSA and 30-min stretch at 12.5% ΔSA, 60 min of cyclic stretch diminished surfactant secretion regardless of strain. When cells were stretched using a variable strain profile in which the amplitude of each stretch was randomly pulled from a uniform distribution, surfactant secretion was enhanced both at 25 and 50% mean ΔSA with no additional cell injury. Furthermore, at 50% mean ΔSA, there was an optimum level of variability that maximized secretion implying that mechanotransduction in these cells exhibits a phenomenon similar to stochastic resonance. These results suggest that application of variable stretch may enhance surfactant secretion, possibly reducing the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury. Variable stretch-induced mechanotransduction may also have implications for other areas of mechanobiology

    Combined effects of ventilation mode and positive end-expiratory pressure on mechanics, gas exchange and the epithelium in mice with acute lung injury.

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    The accepted protocol to ventilate patients with acute lung injury is to use low tidal volume (V(T)) in combination with recruitment maneuvers or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, an important aspect of mechanical ventilation has not been considered: the combined effects of PEEP and ventilation modes on the integrity of the epithelium. Additionally, it is implicitly assumed that the best PEEP-V(T) combination also protects the epithelium. We aimed to investigate the effects of ventilation mode and PEEP on respiratory mechanics, peak airway pressures and gas exchange as well as on lung surfactant and epithelial cell integrity in mice with acute lung injury. HCl-injured mice were ventilated at PEEPs of 3 and 6 cmH(2)O with conventional ventilation (CV), CV with intermittent large breaths (CV(LB)) to promote recruitment, and a new mode, variable ventilation, optimized for mice (VV(N)). Mechanics and gas exchange were measured during ventilation and surfactant protein (SP)-B, proSP-B and E-cadherin levels were determined from lavage and lung homogenate. PEEP had a significant effect on mechanics, gas exchange and the epithelium. The higher PEEP reduced lung collapse and improved mechanics and gas exchange but it also down regulated surfactant release and production and increased epithelial cell injury. While CV(LB) was better than CV, VV(N) outperformed CV(LB) in recruitment, reduced epithelial injury and, via a dynamic mechanotransduction, it also triggered increased release and production of surfactant. For long-term outcome, selection of optimal PEEP and ventilation mode may be based on balancing lung physiology with epithelial injury

    Peak airway pressures as a function of ventilation mode.

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    <p>The graphs compare the time courses of the relative percentage change in mean peak airway pressure during 60 min of ventilation using CV, CV<sub>LB</sub> or VV<sub>N</sub> in HCl-injured mice at PEEPs of 3 (panel A) and 6 cmH<sub>2</sub>O (panel B). Each point is calculated from the average of the peak airway pressure in a 5–minute ventilation period compared to its value at time 0. *denotes significant difference (p<0.001) between CV and CV<sub>LB</sub> as well as CV and VV<sub>N</sub> at 60 min; # denote significant difference (p<0.02) between CV<sub>LB</sub> and VV<sub>N</sub> at 60 min.</p

    Tidal stretches differently regulate the contractile and cytoskeletal elements in intact airways.

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    Recent reports suggest that tidal stretches do not cause significant and sustainable dilation of constricted intact airways ex vivo. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, we aimed to map the physiological stretch-induced molecular changes related to cytoskeletal (CSK) structure and contractile force generation through integrin receptors. Using ultrasound, we measured airway constriction in isolated intact airways during 90 minutes of static transmural pressure (Ptm) of 7.5 cmH2O or dynamic variations between Ptm of 5 and 10 cmH20 mimicking breathing. Integrin and focal adhesion kinase activity increased during Ptm oscillations which was further amplified during constriction. While Ptm oscillations reduced ÎČ-actin and F-actin formation implying lower CSK stiffness, it did not affect tubulin. However, constriction was amplified when the microtubule structure was disassembled. Without constriction, α-smooth muscle actin (ASMA) level was higher and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 2 was lower during Ptm oscillations. Alternatively, during constriction, overall molecular motor activity was enhanced by Ptm oscillations, but ASMA level became lower. Thus, ASMA and motor protein levels change in opposite directions due to stretch and contraction maintaining similar airway constriction levels during static and dynamic Ptm. We conclude that physiological Ptm variations affect cellular processes in intact airways with constriction determined by the balance among contractile and CSK molecules and structure

    Mechanical parameters from the single compartment model.

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    <p>The graphs compare the time courses of Newtonian resistance (<i>R,</i> panels A and B), tissue elastance (<i>H,</i> panels C and D) and the change in H (<i>ΔH</i>, panels E and F) during 60 min of ventilation using conventional ventilation (CV), conventional ventilation with large breaths (CV<sub>LB</sub>), or variable ventilation (VV<sub>N</sub>) in HCl-injured mice at PEEPs of 3 (left panels) and 6 cmH<sub>2</sub>O (right panels). * denotes significant difference between CV and CV<sub>LB</sub> as well as CV and VV<sub>N</sub> at 60 min; # denote significant difference between CV and VV<sub>N</sub> at 60 min. Additional significance levels are given in the text.</p
