68 research outputs found

    Wykaz drukowanych prac Ks. prof. dr. hab. Wincentego Myszora

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    Wykaz drukowanych prac Ks. prof. dr. hab. Wincentego Myszor

    Terminologia trynitarna w "Expositio in Canticum Canticorum" Apponiusza (księgi I-III)

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    Although Apponius’ Expositio in Canticum Canticorum refers directly to one of the books of the Old Testament, by dint of the allegorical exegesis used by it’s author, we can find there many New Testament subjects and theological problems. It also contains knowledge about the Holy Trinity. In the article there were used quotations about the Holy Trinity (from books I-III), one can find either the very noun “Trinity” (Trinitas) or individual Persons in the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Spirit, yet having relations with each other. In the first part of the article there were analyzed attributes, which are used by Apponius to describe the nature of the Holy Trinity: inseparabilis, individua, coaeterna Trinitas. The specified attributes of the Holy Trinity get to the core of the Christian dogma about God and combine with the faith and baptism. God is one, indivisible, acting with a one divine power, but eternally existing in three Persons. In the second part of the article, the relations occurring in the Trinity were presented. Apponius’ Trinitas is the three Persons in God: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The Persons in the Trinity are in two kinds of relations: occurring between the Persons of the Holy Trinity (the immanent Trinity) and going beyond the Trinity into the world and human beings (the economic Trinity). Apponius using the language of symbols, metaphors and analogies, reminds the fundamental truths about God. By description of the attributes of the Holy Trinity he emphasizes the unity of God, and by the description of the relations – the trinity of the Persons

    Ksiądz profesor Wincenty Wilhelm Myszor

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    Trinitarian terminology in Apponius’ Expositio in canticum canticorum (book I-III)

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    Although Apponius’ Expositio in Canticum Canticorum refers directly to one of the books of the Old Testament, by dint of the allegorical exegesis used by it’s author, we can find there many New Testament subjects and theological problems. It also contains knowledge about the Holy Trinity. In the article there were used quotations about the Holy Trinity (from books I-III), one can find either the very noun “Trinity” (Trinitas) or individual Persons in the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Spirit, yet having relations with each other. In the first part of the article there were analyzed attributes, which are used by Apponius to describe the nature of the Holy Trinity: inseparabilis, individua, coaeterna Trinitas. The specified attributes of the Holy Trinity get to the core of the Christian dogma about God and combine with the faith and baptism. God is one, indivisible, acting with a one divine power, but eternally existing in three Persons. In the second part of the article, the relations occurring in the Trinity were presented. Apponius’ Trinitas is the three Persons in God: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The Persons in the Trinity are in two kinds of relations: occurring between the Persons of the Holy Trinity (the immanent Trinity) and going beyond the Trinity into the world and human beings (the economic Trinity). Apponius using the language of symbols, metaphors and analogies, reminds the fundamental truths about God. By description of the attributes of the Holy Trinity he emphasizes the unity of God, and by the description of the relations – the trinity of the Persons

    Wykaz drukowanych prac ks. prof. hab. Wincentego Myszora

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    The distribution of air traffic rights /

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    The following thesis deals with the distribution of air traffic rights. Particular reference is made to the situation in the European Union and the changes that might occur in the aftermath of the "open-skies" decision of the European Court of Justice in November 2002.One major part of the thesis generally analyses different means of distributing limited public right, in order to determine an appropriate method for the allocation of air traffic rights. After a comparison with the telecommunication sector, it is concluded that the most appropriate approach is to conduct a Beauty Contest in the form of a Documentary Hearing. It is suggested that airlines submit their proposals and the regulatory agencies make their choice based on certain criteria.Subsequently, a glance is taken at the methods for allocating air traffic rights that are currently applied in several countries. It can be seen that all these countries have chosen the same approach, a Beauty Contest, and that they all are facing the same difficulties, which are inconsistency and ambiguity of the distribution procedure.Furthermore, a short evaluation, whether the General Agreement on Trade in Services has an impact on the allocation of air traffic rights, is undertaken. However, this is denied.Based on the previous results an own proposal is presented, how air traffic rights could be distributed in a Beauty Contest, while avoiding most of the difficulties encountered by other countries. This proposal concentrates on the situation in the European Union, but could be also applied in other countries

    In Christi figura - a review of apponius appaniusza

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    Expositio in Canticum Canticorum Apponiusza jest patrystycznym komentarzem do jednej z ksiąg Starego Testamentu. Jednak czytając tekst Expositio, znajduje się w nim wiele odwołań do wątków nowotestamentalnych i teologicznych. Problemem badawczym jest próba zdefiniowania terminu figura, używanego przez Apponiusza w odniesieniu do Chrystusa, oraz nazwania jego metody egzegetycznej: w jaki sposób Apponiusz, komentując tekst Pieśni nad pieśniami, odnosi go do Nowego Testamentu. Po przeprowadzonej analizie użycia terminu figura można przypisać mu trzy znaczenia. Figura jako forma symbolicznej wypowiedzi wskazuje na alegoryczną metodę interpretacji Pisma Świętego. Figura może być także metaforą, w której objawiają się rzeczy boskie. Wreszcie figura, łącząc dwa testamenty, może odnosić się do typologii. Expositio in Canticum Canticorum Apponiusza jest patrystycznym komentarzem do jednej z ksiąg Starego Testamentu. Jednak czytając tekst Expositio, znajduje się w nim wiele odwołań do wątków nowotestamentalnych i teologicznych. Problemem badawczym jest próba zdefiniowania terminu figura, używanego przez Apponiusza w odniesieniu do Chrystusa, oraz nazwania jego metody egzegetycznej: w jaki sposób Apponiusz, komentując tekst Pieśni nad pieśniami, odnosi go do Nowego Testamentu. Po przeprowadzonej analizie użycia terminu figura można przypisać mu trzy znaczenia. Figura jako forma symbolicznej wypowiedzi wskazuje na alegoryczną metodę interpretacji Pisma Świętego. Figura może być także metaforą, w której objawiają się rzeczy boskie. Wreszcie figura, łącząc dwa testamenty, może odnosić się do typologii