22 research outputs found

    Managing hospital visitor admission during Covid-19: A discrete-event simulation by the data of a German University Hospital

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    The Corona pandemic and the associated need for visitor restrictions have defined an entirely new management task in hospitals: The hospital visitor management. The admission process of hospital visitors and the implementation of associated infection-prevention strategies such as the delivery of face masks thereby pose major challenges. In this work, we evaluate both implemented and planned admission processes in a German University Hospital based on a discrete-event simulation model and provide distinct recommendations for hospital visitor management with special consideration of digitalization, antigen testing, waiting times, space and staff utilization. We find the extraordinary potential of digitalization with a reduction of visitor waiting and service times of up to 90 percent, the significant burden for personnel and room capacity, in terms of antigen testing, especially, and the need for visitor restrictions in terms of a maximum number of visitors per inpatient

    Simulation der Letalität nach verschiedenen Ex-ante- und Ex-post-Triage-Verfahren bei Menschen mit Behinderungen und Vorerkrankungen

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    Der stetige Anstieg an zu behandelnden Patienten während der COVID-19-Pandemie hat das Gesundheitssystem vor eine Vielzahl an Herausforderungen gestellt. Die Intensivstation ist einer der in diesem Zusammenhang besonders stark betroffenen Bereiche. Nur durch umfangreiche Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen sowie einen enormen logistischen Aufwand konnten in Deutschland selbst in Hochphasen der Pandemie die Behandlung aller Intensivpatienten ermöglicht und eine Triage auch in Regionen mit hohem Patientendruck bei gleichzeitig geringen Kapazitäten verhindert werden. Im Hinblick auf die Pandemievorsorge hat der Deutsche Bundestag ein Gesetz zur Triage verabschiedet, das eine Ex-post-Triage explizit untersagt. Bei einer Ex-post-Triage werden auch Patienten, die bereits auf der Intensivstation behandelt werden, in die Triage-Entscheidung einbezogen und Behandlungskapazitäten nach individueller Erfolgsaussicht verteilt. In der Literatur finden sich rechtliche, ethische und soziale Überlegungen zur Triage bei Pandemien, eine quantitative Bewertung im Hinblick auf verschiedene Patientengruppen auf der Intensivstation gibt es hingegen nicht. Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt auf dieser Forschungslücke, und es wird eine quantitative simulationsbasierte Evaluation von Ex-ante- und Ex-post-Triage-Politiken unter Berücksichtigung von Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeiten, Beeinträchtigungen und Vorerkrankungen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Anwendung von Ex-post-Triage, basierend auf Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeiten in allen Patientengruppen, zu einer Reduktion der Mortalität auf der Intensivstation führt. In dem Szenario, das der realen Situation wohl am nächsten kommt, wird eine Reduktion der Mortalität auf der Intensivstation um ca. 15 % schon bei einer einmaligen Anwendung der Ex-post-Triage erreicht. Dieser mortalitätsreduzierende Effekt ist umso größer, je mehr Patienten auf eine intensivmedizinische Behandlung warten

    Nanoparticular Inhibitors of Flavivirus Proteases from Zika, West Nile and Dengue Virus Are Cell-Permeable Antivirals

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    Viral proteases have been established as drug targets in several viral diseases including human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus infections due to the essential role of these enzymes in virus replication. In contrast, no antiviral therapy is available to date against flaviviral infections including those by Zika virus (ZIKV), West Nile virus (WNV), or dengue virus (DENV). Numerous potent inhibitors of flaviviral proteases have been reported; however, a huge gap remains between the in vitro and intracellular activities, possibly due to low cellular uptake of the charged compounds. Here, we present an alternative, nanoparticular approach to antivirals. Conjugation of peptidomimetic inhibitors and cell-penetrating peptides to dextran yielded chemically defined nanoparticles that were potent inhibitors of flaviviral proteases. Peptide-dextran conjugates inhibited viral replication and infection in cells at nontoxic, low micromolar or even nanomolar concentrations. Thus, nanoparticular antivirals might be alternative starting points for the development of broad-spectrum antiflaviviral drugs.C.N. thanks the Australian Research Council for a Discovery Early Career Research Award (DE190100015) and the Freie Universität Berlin for a Rising Star fellowship

    Covid-19 triage in the emergency department 2.0: how analytics and AI transform a human-made algorithm for the prediction of clinical pathways

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed many hospitals to their capacity limits. Therefore, a triage of patients has been discussed controversially primarily through an ethical perspective. The term triage contains many aspects such as urgency of treatment, severity of the disease and pre-existing conditions, access to critical care, or the classification of patients regarding subsequent clinical pathways starting from the emergency department. The determination of the pathways is important not only for patient care, but also for capacity planning in hospitals. We examine the performance of a human-made triage algorithm for clinical pathways which is considered a guideline for emergency departments in Germany based on a large multicenter dataset with over 4,000 European Covid-19 patients from the LEOSS registry. We find an accuracy of 28 percent and approximately 15 percent sensitivity for the ward class. The results serve as a benchmark for our extensions including an additional category of palliative care as a new label, analytics, AI, XAI, and interactive techniques. We find significant potential of analytics and AI in Covid-19 triage regarding accuracy, sensitivity, and other performance metrics whilst our interactive human-AI algorithm shows superior performance with approximately 73 percent accuracy and up to 76 percent sensitivity. The results are independent of the data preparation process regarding the imputation of missing values or grouping of comorbidities. In addition, we find that the consideration of an additional label palliative care does not improve the results