5,777 research outputs found

    Flavor Singlet Contribution to the Structure Function g1g_1 at Small-x

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    The singlet contribution to the g1(x,Q2)g_1(x,Q^2) structure function is calculated in the double-logarithmic approximation of perturbative QCD in the region x1x \ll 1. Double logarithmic contributions of the type (αsln2(1/x))k(\alpha_s \ln ^2 (1/x))^k which are not included in the GLAP evolution equations are shown to give a power-like rise at small-x which is much stronger than the extrapolation of the GLAP expressions. The dominant contribution is due to the gluons which, in contrast to the unpolarized case, mix with the fermions also in the region x1x \ll 1. The two main reasons why the small-x behavior of the double logarithmic approximation is so much stronger than the usual GLAP evolution are: the larger kinematical region of integration (in particular, no ordering in transverse momentum) and the contributions from non-ladder diagrams.Comment: LaTeX with 9 Figures in a separate file. Full file also available at http://www.desy.de/ftp/pub/preprints/desy/1996/desy96-025.ps and http://www.desy.de/ftp/pub/preprints/desy/1996/desy96-025.fig1.p

    Nonsinglet contributions to the structure function g1_{1} at small-x

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    Nonsinglet contributions to the g_1(x,Q^2) structure function are calculated in the double-logarithmic approximation of perturbative QCD in the region x \ll 1. Double logarithmic contributions of the type (\alpha_s \ln ^2 (1/x))^k which are not included in the GLAP evolution equations are shown to give a stronger rise at small-x than the extrapolation of the GLAP expressions. Further enhancement in the small-x region is due to non-ladder Feynman graphs which in the DLA of the unpolarized structure functions do not contribute. Compared to the conventional GLAP method (where neither the whole kinematical region which gives the double logs nor the non-ladder graphs are taken into account) our results lead to a growth at small-x which, for HERA parameters, can be larger by up to factor of 10 or more

    Strategien zur Minimierung des Einsatzes kupferhaltiger Fungizide bei der Krautfäulebekämpfung im Ökologischen Kartoffelanbau – ein vom Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau gefördertes Forschungsprojekt

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    Ziel des Projektes ist es, auf Basis der witterungsbedingten Epidemiebewertung, die Kupferaufwandmengen auf das absolut notwendige Maß zu begrenzen. Dazu werden verschiedene Strategien verfolgt. Zum einen soll durch eine Pflanzgutbeizung mit Kupferpräparaten das Auftreten von Primärbefall reduziert werden, um den Epidemiebeginn und somit auch den Spritzstart nach hinten verlagern zu können. Zum andern werden zur Kontrolle des Sekundärbefalls Applikationsstrategien erarbeitet, bei denen die Kupferaufwandmengen und die Spritzabstände variabel an den Infektionsdruck angepasst werden, um mit möglichst niedrigeren Mengen auszukommen

    A polarized version of the CCFM equation for gluons

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    A derivation for a polarized CCFM evolution equation which is suitable to describe the scaling behavior of the the unintegrated polarized gluon density is given. We discuss the properties of this polarized CCFM equation and compare it to the standard CCFM equation in the unpolarized case.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX, some minor typos corrected, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electroproduction of two light vector mesons in next-to-leading BFKL: study of systematic effects

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    The forward electroproduction of two light vector mesons is the first example of a collision process between strongly interacting colorless particles for which the amplitude can be written completely within perturbative QCD in the Regge limit with next-to-leading accuracy. In a previous paper we have given a numerical determination of the amplitude in the case of equal photon virtualities by using a definite representation for the amplitude and a definite optimization method for the perturbative series. Here we estimate the systematic uncertainty of our previous determination, by considering a different representation of the amplitude and different optimization methods of the perturbative series. Moreover, we compare our result for the differential cross section at the minimum momentum transfer with a different approach, based on collinear kernel improvement.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures; journal version, new figures and discussion adde

    Spin dependent structure function g1g_1 at small xx and small Q2Q^2

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    Theoretical expectations concerning the low xx and low Q2Q^2 behaviour of g1g_1 are summarized and compared with the recent SMC data.Comment: 4 pages, plain LATEX, 1 eps figure; contribution to 3rd UK Phenomenology Workshop on HERA Physics, St. John's College, Durham, UK, September 199

    High Energy Photon-Photon Collisions at a Linear Collider

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    High intensity back-scattered laser beams will allow the efficient conversion of a substantial fraction of the incident lepton energy into high energy photons, thus significantly extending the physics capabilities of an electron-electron or electron-positron linear collider. The annihilation of two photons produces C=+ final states in virtually all angular momentum states. The annihilation of polarized photons into the Higgs boson determines its fundamental two-photon coupling as well as determining its parity. Other novel two-photon processes include the two-photon production of charged lepton pairs, vector boson pairs, as well as supersymmetric squark and slepton pairs and Higgstrahlung. The one-loop box diagram leads to the production of pairs of neutral particles. High energy photon-photon collisions can also provide a remarkably background-free laboratory for studying possibly anomalous WWW W collisions and annihilation. In the case of QCD, each photon can materialize as a quark anti-quark pair which interact via multiple gluon exchange. The diffractive channels in photon-photon collisions allow a novel look at the QCD pomeron and odderon. Odderon exchange can be identified by looking at the heavy quark asymmetry. In the case of electron-photon collisions, one can measure the photon structure functions and its various components. Exclusive hadron production processes in photon-photon collisions test QCD at the amplitude level and measure the hadron distribution amplitudes which control exclusive semi-leptonic and two-body hadronic B-decays.Comment: Invited talk, presented at the 5th International Workshop On Electron-Electron Interactions At TeV Energies, Santa Cruz, California, 12-14 December 200

    High Energy Quark-Antiquark Elastic scattering with Mesonic Exchange

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    We studies the high energy elastic scattering of quark anti-quark with an exchange of a mesonic state in the tt channel with t/Λ21-t/\Lambda^{2} \gg 1. Both the normalization factor and the Regge trajectory can be calculated in PQCD in cases of fixed (non-running) and running coupling constant. The dependence of the Regge trajectory on the coupling constant is highly non-linear and the trajectory is of order of 0.20.2 in the interesting physical range.Comment: 29 page

    Forward Jet Production at small x in Next-to-Leading Order QCD

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    The production of forward jets of transverse energy E_T\simeq Q and large momentum fraction x_jet >> x is calculated in next-to-leading order including consistently direct and resolved virtual photon contributions. The predictions are compared to recent ZEUS and H1 data. Good agreement with the data is found.Comment: 11 pages, 3 eps figues; text in 2.1 clearified, figure 2 slightly changed; version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Prognosegesteuerte Bekämpfungsstrategien im Ökologischen Kartoffelanbau- mögliche Kupfereinsparungspotentiale und Vergleich der Bekämpfungserfolge

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    Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes ÖKOSIMPHYT liegen mittlerweile dreijährige Versuchsergebnisse zur Bekämpfung der Kraut- und Knollenfäule (Phytophthora infestans) im Ökologischen Kartoffelanbau vor, in denen die Anwendung des neuen Prognosesystems ÖKOSIMPHYT im Freiland getestet wurde. Ziel des Projektes ist, durch eine zielgerichtete Applikation den Kupfereinsatz sowohl aus Bekämpfung- als auch aus ökologischer Sicht zu optimieren