12,922 research outputs found
Pomeron Vertices in Perturbative QCD in Diffractive Scattering
We analyse the momentum space triple Pomeron vertex in perturbative QCD. In
addition to the standard form of this vertex which is used in the context of
total cross-sections at high energies and in the QCD reggeon field theory,
there exists an alternative form which has to be used in the study of high-mass
diffraction. We review and analyse the relation between these two versions. We
discuss some implications for the BK-equation. In the second part of our paper
we extend this analysis to the Pomeron-Odderon-Odderon vertex.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, Late
AGK Cutting Rules and Multiple Scattering in Hadronic Collisions
We discuss the AGK rules for the exchange of an arbitrary number of reggeized
gluons in perturbative QCD in the high energy limit. Results include the
cancellation of corrections to single jet and double jet inclusive cross
sections, both for hard and soft rescattering contributions.Comment: 31 pages, latex, 20 figure
BKP states in the inclusive gluon production
Inclusive cross-section for gluon production is calculated by the dispersion
technique in the NLO in the perturbative QCD with a large number of colours.
The found cross-section coincides with the one derived in the dipole picture.
No trace of the BKP states is found.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures. Appendix with a new observation added.
Conclusions changed
Pomeron fan diagrams in perturbative QCD
Within QCD reggeon field theory we study the formation of two subsequent
triple pomeron vertices in the process PPPPPP. We make use of an
earlier investigation ~\cite{Bartels:1999aw} of the six-reggeon amplitude in
deep inelastic scattering and show that in the large- limit pomeron fan
diagrams emerge with the same triple pomeron vertex in all places. We thus
confirm the BK-equation, but we also find additional terms related to the
reggeization of the gluon, and we discuss their potential significance. Our
analysis also includes the general pomeron two odderon vertex: a
particular version of this vertex has been included into earlier
generalizations the BK equation.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure
A theoretical framework for consumer Willingness to Adopt Novel
This study gives more insight in motives and barriers, i.e. positive and negative drivers, for European fruit consumption, as a basis to meet consumer requirements in developing new types of fruits and fruit products and to develop interventions. For that purpose, focus group discussions were held in Spain, Greece, Poland, and The Netherlands. Consistent with existing literature, healthiness, (sensory) pleasure, and (lack of) convenience emerged as major drivers of fruit consumption, with appearance, habit, and price as additional drivers. Talking about fruit, participants have fresh, unprocessed fruit in min
Quark-Antiquark-Gluon Jets in DIS Diffractive Dissociation
We study the diffractive production of jets with large transverse
momenta in the region of large diffractive masses (small ). Cross
sections for transverse and longitudinal photons are obtained in the leading
log 1/x_{\fP} and log approximation, keeping all powers in log
. We perform a numerical study and illustrate the angular
distribution of the three jets. We also estimate the integrated diffractive
three jet cross section and compare with the dijet cross section obtained
before.Comment: 28 pages (Latex), 20 figures (Postscript
Heptagon Amplitude in the Multi-Regge Regime
As we have shown in previous work, the high energy limit of scattering
amplitudes in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory corresponds to the infrared
limit of the 1-dimensional quantum integrable system that solves minimal area
problems in AdS5. This insight can be developed into a systematic algorithm to
compute the strong coupling limit of amplitudes in the multi-Regge regime
through the solution of auxiliary Bethe Ansatz equations. We apply this
procedure to compute the scattering amplitude for n=7 external gluons in
different multi-Regge regions at infinite 't Hooft coupling. Our formulas are
remarkably consistent with the expected form of 7-gluon Regge cut contributions
in perturbative gauge theory. A full description of the general algorithm and a
derivation of results will be given in a forthcoming paper.Comment: 14 page
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