7 research outputs found

    Animal characteristics of lean and diabetic ZDF rats after 2 weeks of treatment with water or 30, 100 or 300 mg/kg body weight/day metformin (MET30, MET100 and MET300, respectively).

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    <p>Data is represented as mean ± SD (n = 6 per group). Fasting plasma glucose (ANOVA: P<0.001) and insulin (ANOVA: P<0.01) were significantly higher in diabetic animals compared with lean animals, independent of treatment regimen. For body weight, the interaction between genotype and treatment was significant and a pairwise analysis of differences is provided by Bonferroni-corrected two-sided unpaired t-tests: <sup>##</sup> P<0.01, <sup>###</sup> P<0.001 when compared with lean animals of the same treatment regimen.</p

    Respiratory control ratios (RCR's) in mitochondria isolated from TA muscle of lean and diabetic rats treated with water or 30, 100 or 300 mg/kg body weight/day metformin (MET30, MET100 and MET300, respectively) for 2 weeks, fueled by pyruvate plus malate (Complex I-dependent substrate) and succinate plus rotenone (Complex II-dependent substrate).

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    <p>Data is represented as mean ± SD (n = 6 per group). For the RCR with pyruvate, the interaction between genotype and treatment was significant and a pairwise analysis of differences is provided by Bonferroni-corrected two-sided unpaired t-tests: <sup>#</sup> P<0.05 when compared with lean animals of the same treatment regimen,<sup>†</sup> P<0.05 when compared with MET30-treated animals of the same genotype.</p

    O<sub>2</sub> consumption rates determined in mitochondria isolated from TA muscle of lean and diabetic rats treated with water or 30, 100 or 300 mg/kg body weight/day metformin (MET30, MET100 and MET300 respectively) for 2 weeks, fueled by succinate plus rotenone (Complex II-dependent substrate).

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    <p>Respiratory capacity was determined in the OXPHOS state, when mitochondrial respiration is coupled to ATP synthesis; and the LEAK-state, when the system is limited by ADP. Data is represented as mean ± SD (n = 6 per group). For the OXPHOS state, the interaction between genotype and treatment was significant and a pairwise analysis of differences is provided by Bonferroni-corrected two-sided unpaired t-tests: <sup>‡</sup> P<0.05 when compared with MET100-treated animals of the same genotype.</p

    Metabolite concentrations and pH in TA muscle measured by <sup>31</sup>P MRS of lean and diabetic ZDF rats after 2 weeks of treatment with water or 30, 100 or 300 mg/kg body weight/day metformin (MET30, MET100 and MET300, respectively).

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    <p>Data is represented as mean ± SD (n = 6 per group). At rest, pH was significantly lower and [Pi] was significantly higher in diabetic animals compared with lean animals, independent of treatment regimen (ANOVA: P<0.05). At the end of stimulation, pH was significantly higher in diabetic animals compared with lean animals, independent of treatment regimen (ANOVA: P<0.01). For end-stimulation [PCr], [Pi] and ΔPCr, the interaction between genotype and treatment was significant and a pairwise analysis of differences is provided by Bonferroni-corrected two-sided unpaired t-tests: * P<0.05 when compared with water-treated animals of the same genotype, <sup>#</sup> P<0.05, <sup>##</sup> P<0.01 when compared with lean animals of the same treatment regimen, <sup>†</sup> P<0.05, <sup>††</sup> P<0.01 when compared with MET30-treated animals of the same genotype.</p

    <i>In vivo</i> oxidative capacity of <i>tibialis anterior</i> (TA) muscle, assessed by <sup>31</sup>P MRS.

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    <p>Representative examples of <sup>31</sup>P MR spectra obtained during rest with 32 averages (A) and at the end of the electrical-stimulation protocol with 4 averages (B). (C) Representative examples of relative PCr concentrations during rest, muscle stimulation and recovery (time resolution  =  20 s) for a water-treated diabetic rat (open symbols) and a diabetic rat treated with metformin at 300 mg/kg body weight/day (filled symbols). PCr concentrations are expressed as a percentage of the resting PCr concentration. Mono-exponential functions (dark lines) were fit to the recovery data and the PCr recovery rate constants were 0.63 and 0.21 min<sup>-1</sup> for the water-treated and metformin-treated animal, respectively. (D) Rate constants of PCr recovery, <i>k</i><sub>PCr</sub>, after electrical stimulation in TA muscle of lean and diabetic rats treated with water or 30, 100 or 300 mg/kg body weight/day metformin (MET30, MET100 and MET300 respectively). Data is represented as mean ± SD (n = 6 per group). <i>k</i><sub>PCr</sub> was significantly lower in diabetic rats compared with lean rats, independent of treatment regimen (ANOVA: P<0.001). In addition, treatment had a significant effect on <i>k</i><sub>PCr</sub>, independent of genotype, and a pairwise analysis of differences is provided by Bonferroni-corrected post-hoc tests: <sup>*</sup> P<0.001 when compared with water-treated animals, <sup>†</sup> P<0.001 when compared with MET30-treated animals, <sup>‡</sup> P<0.001 when compared with MET100-treated animals.</p

    O<sub>2</sub> flux measured in mitochondria isolated from TA muscle of lean and diabetic ZDF rats after 5 min of incubation with metformin (1 mM), normalized to O<sub>2</sub> flux measured in isolated mitochondria without addition of metformin.

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    <p>Respiratory capacity was determined in the OXPHOS state, when mitochondrial respiration is coupled to ATP synthesis, fueled with either pyruvate plus malate (Complex I respiration) or succinate plus rotenone (Complex II respiration). Data is represented as mean ± SD (n = 6 per group). Incubation with metformin significantly lowered OXPHOS respiration fueled with pyruvate plus malate, independent of genotype (ANOVA: * P<0.001). Metformin did not affect Complex II respiration.</p