1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Whole genome sequence and manual annotation of Clostridium autoethanogenum, an industrially relevant bacterium

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    Discrepancies occurring between the current and Brown et al. finished genome sequence of C. autoethanogenum. This table shows all of the discrepancies that occur when our finished genome sequence (CLAU) is mapped against the Brown et al. finished genome sequence (BRO). Mutation column describes the mutation occurring in the CLAU genome compared to the BRO genome. Gene / region gives the gene name where the discrepancy occurs, ← / ← or similar denotes that the discrepancy occurred in a non-coding region between the named genes. Homopolymer length indicates the number of the same base occurring consecutively at the site of the discrepancy. Amino acid length gives the annotated protein length of the gene in which the discrepancy occurs, *indicates protein codes for multiple stop codons and ^indicates that no stop codon was found in the annotation. The sequence identity is relative to the CLAU C. autoethanogenum genome sequence when protein BLAST searched on the NCBI database. CLAU, C. autoethanogenum finished genome sequence in present study; CLJU, C. ljungdahlii DSM 13528 finished genome sequence (GCA_000143685.1); BRO, Brown et al. C. autoethanogenum finished genome sequence (GCA_000484505.1); CAUT, Bruno-Barcena et al. C. autoethanogenum draft genome sequence (GCA_000427255.1); NF, not found. (DOCX 73 kb