8 research outputs found

    Reviewing the current treatment approaches for vitiligo – analysis of literature

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    Introduction: Vitiligo is a relatively common systemic, idiopathic disease within the spectrum of pigmentary disorders. Clinically, it presents as depigmented patches on the skin, resulting from the loss or dysfunction of melanocytes. Despite not impacting life expectancy, vitiligo should not be perceived merely as a cosmetic defect, given its potential to burden daily life and the frequent experiences of stigmatization by patients. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to summarize the existing knowledge regarding the treatment of vitiligo. The current treatments in practice, alongside potential new methods, were summarized and described. Materials and methods: The literature available in the PubMed database was reviewed using the following keywords: “Vitiligo”, “Vitiligo treatment”, “Vitiligo new treatment methods”, “Targeted therapies for vitiligo”. Conclusions: Vitiligo is a multifactorial and still inadequately understood disorder, leading to a lack of fully safe and effective treatment. As in the management of other diseases, there should be a push for highly personalized treatments for patients. This approach takes into account the differences among patients and ensures a better chance of a positive clinical response. To achieve this goal, it's necessary to explore new treatment methods and expand ongoing research efforts. Also, raising awareness of vitiligo is key to increasing acceptance, support and understanding for those affected by the disease

    The application of the dominant position abuse prohibition in field of the modern technologies in the European Union

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    W mojej pracy podejmuję się analizy stosowania zakazu nadużywania pozycji dominującej na rynkach nowoczesnych technologii w Unii Europejskiej. We wstępie opisuję nowoczesne technologie w kontekście technologii informacyjnej i pokrewnych jej dziedzin. Podejmuję również próbę zdefiniowania działu nowoczesnych technologii poprzez opisanie i scharakteryzowanie terminów technologii informacyjnej i teleinformatyki. Przedstawiam także ogólną charakterystykę rynku nowoczesnych technologii i analizuję statystyki użytkowania technologii komunikacyjnych oraz ogólne trendy rynkowe. W dalszej części omawiam najważniejsze przepisy traktatowe oraz rozporządzenia i dokumenty Komisji Europejskiej, za pomocą których europejskie organy ochrony konkurencji egzekwują zakaz nadużywania pozycji dominującej. W szczególności omawiam najważniejsze przepisy materialne oraz przepisy proceduralne zawarte w Traktacie o Funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej, a także w Rozporządzeniach: Rady 1/2003 i Komisji 773/2004, które zostało zmienione Rozporządzeniami Komisji 622/2008 i 2015/1348. Przedstawiam także wybrane orzecznictwo i procedury, stosowane przez Komisję Europejską w postępowaniach przez nią prowadzonych, poprzez analizę Komunikatu Komisji z 24 lutego 2009 roku, dotyczącego wytycznych w stosowaniu art. 102 TFUE.W dalszej części przedstawiam przełomowe postępowania dotyczące naruszenia pozycji dominującej przez firmy obecne na rynku nowoczesnych technologii, a także orzecznictwo Sądu Unii Europejskiej, dotyczące odwołań od decyzji Komisji Europejskiej, wniesionych po zakończeniu owych postępowań. W szczególności przedmiotem tych rozważań jest tok jednych z najdłuższych i najbardziej skomplikowanych postępowań w historii działania Komisji Europejskiej, czyli 37792 Microsoft oraz 37990 Intel, a także postępowań istotnych z punktu widzenia do dziś trwającej tzw. patentowej „Wojny Smartfonowej”, czyli 39939 Samsung i 39985 Motorola. Te postępowania miały znaczący wpływ na rozwój metodyki działania Komisji, utrwalenie doktryny równego dostępu do infrastruktury kluczowej, przetestowanie w praktyce procedur opracowanych i przedstawionych przez Komisję w 2009 roku, a także ustalenie precedensu w zakresie licencjonowania patentów SEP na warunkach FRAND.Podczas omawiania tych postępowań kładę szczególny nacisk na wskazanie wpływu tych postępowań na kształtowanie procedur Komisji, na sposób kwalifikacji danych naruszeń w kontekście prawa i orzecznictwa unijnego, w tym na istnienie możliwości zastosowania dostępnego już orzecznictwa w kontekście rozpatrywania dokonanych przez dominanta naruszeń na rynku nowoczesnych technologii, a także na różnice rozpatrywania naruszeń i dopasowywania ugruntowanych w doktrynie rozwiązań stosowanych w przypadku naruszeń na rynku IT.In my thesis I present an analysis of the application of the dominant position abuse prohibition in field of the modern technologies in the European Union. At the beginning, I am describing modern technologies in the context of information technology and the fields related. I am tryingto define the sector of modern technology by describing and characterising information technology – IT. Then, I discuss the general characteristics of the new technologies market and I analyze statistics available and general market trends. In the next part I present the most important european treaties, regulations and European Commission documents, with which european competition authorities enforce the prohibition of a dominant position. In particular, I discuss key provisions of substantive and procedural rules, which are contained in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and in the Regulations: Council 1/2003 and Commission 773/2004, which was amended by Commission Regulations 622/2008 and 2015/1348. By analysing the Communication from the Commission - Guidance on the Commission's enforcement priorities in applying Article 102 of the EC Treaty to abusive exclusionary conduct by dominant undertakings, I present selected cases and procedures used by the European Commission in its proceedings.In futher part I present groundbreaking European Commission proceedings, concerning the infringement of a dominant position by IT companies and their appeals to the Court of the European Union, against European Comission decisions. Especially I am writing about the longest and the most complicated proceedings in the history of European Commission's action, which are 37792 Microsoft and 37990 Intel. Also, I am presenting proceedings relevant to the still ongoing so-called patent "Smartphone Wars", which are 39939 Samsung and 39985 Motorola. These proceedings had a significant impact on the development of the EC's procedures, fixation of the doctrine of equal access to key infrastructure facilities, testing in practice procedures developed and presented by the EC in 2009 and establishing a SEP licensing patents on FRAND terms precedent.While describing these proceeding, I am showing their influence on the formation of the EC's procedures, how the infrigements are qualified by the EU law, the jurisprudence and its case law, especially how existing procedures, case law and applicable doctrines are used and suited during EC proceedings in scope of a dominant position abuse on the IT markets. Also, I am writing about differences, which are present during the implementation process of these procedures and doctrines in the context of these abuses

    Evaluation of water soil erosion processes in forest areas in the Western Sudetes using terrestrial laser scanning and GIS tools

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    In the terms of forest soil protection function and the limitations of these functions resulting from forest works, the authors aim was to determine the intensity and spatial range of erosion, and the volume of soil material loss resulting by erosion processes and human activities. The remote sensing technique – terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) was used in the research of erosion processes occurring in the mountain forest on the surface of the skid trails. The measurements were performed with laser scanning resolution of 3×4 mm. Obtained points clouds have been interpolated to the digital terrain models 1 cm, which allowed evaluating the erosion phenomena using the method of differential models in the period of 2011–2013. In the study it was analysed the part of the skid trail (ca. 41 m2, ca. 35% average slope). It was determined that during the entire research period the amount of soil material loss was ca. 1.9 m3. The erosion processes occurred mainly in the form of sheet erosion with volume ca. 1.3 m3. The erosion processes in the form of sheet erosion occurred ca. 49% and 42% of trail section area, respectively. Results of the study indicate that it is efficient to use TLS for the monitoring of the erosion phenomena, qualitative and spatial range assessment. At the same time, it has been proven that intensive water erosion processes can also occur in forests

    Evaluation of water soil erosion processes in forest areas in the Western Sudetes using terrestrial laser scanning and GIS tools

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    In the terms of forest soil protection function and the limitations of these functions resulting from forest works, the authors aim was to determine the intensity and spatial range of erosion, and the volume of soil material loss resulting by erosion processes and human activities. The remote sensing technique – terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) was used in the research of erosion processes occurring in the mountain forest on the surface of the skid trails. The measurements were performed with laser scanning resolution of 3×4 mm. Obtained points clouds have been interpolated to the digital terrain models 1 cm, which allowed evaluating the erosion phenomena using the method of differential models in the period of 2011–2013. In the study it was analysed the part of the skid trail (ca. 41 m2, ca. 35% average slope). It was determined that during the entire research period the amount of soil material loss was ca. 1.9 m3. The erosion processes occurred mainly in the form of sheet erosion with volume ca. 1.3 m3. The erosion processes in the form of sheet erosion occurred ca. 49% and 42% of trail section area, respectively. Results of the study indicate that it is efficient to use TLS for the monitoring of the erosion phenomena, qualitative and spatial range assessment. At the same time, it has been proven that intensive water erosion processes can also occur in forests

    Guz prawego przedsionka i ciężka niewydolność prawej komory w badaniu echokardiograficznym i rezonansie magnetycznym serca

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    A case of a 66 year-old female with advanced right ventricular failure is described. Echocardiography and MRI revealed the presence of right atrial tumour. The patient underwent successful surgery and histological examination revealed lymphoma. Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, 10: 1145-114