196 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of tariff preferences on the foreign trade of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia

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    The article considers the dynamics and structure of foreign trade of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia, as well as the impact of tariff preferences on foreign trade between two countries. The analysed measures were: dynamics of the Russian Federation’s exports to the Republic of Serbia, dynamics of the Russian Federation’s imports from the Republic of Serbia, tariff preferences applied between countries. The article provides statistical data on the dynamics and structure of foreign trade of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia for 2010–2019 and their dependence on the application of tariff preferences, as well as indicators of trade between the EAEU and the EAEU member states with the Republic of Serbia for 2017–2019. The paper analyses the possible directions of Serbia’s participation in the EAEU and the European Union, assesses the benefits of creating a free trade zone between the EAEU and Serbia, as well as the costs of Serbia’s integration into the European Union. The importance of tariff preferences in the development of foreign trade relations between Russia and Serbia is shown


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    In order to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation, from 2014 to the present, the import  substitution policy has been applied, which is a priority in economic policy. The article considers the dynamics of exports and imports of meat and food by-products of poultry on the Russian market. The paper analyses the influence of customs and tariff regulation measures on the dynamics of exports and imports of meat and food by-products of poultry on the Russian market as an object of the import substitution program. The author selected the following measures as the analysed measures: tariff quotas for the import of meat and food by-products of poultry on the Russian market, as well as import and export customs duties on the studied category of goods


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    The influence of customs and tariff regulation measures on the formation of domestic prices of the Eurasian Economic Union, the legal regulation of the application of various mechanisms of customs and tariff regulation, – have been considered. As the analysed measures have been selected: import customs duties, export customs duties, tariff preferences, tariff privileges and tariff quotas. The statistical data on the dynamics of prices for some categories of goods presented on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and their dependence on the measures of customs and tariff regulation, – have been presented in the article. An analysis of the relationship between the measures of customs and tariff regulation and domestic prices in the Eurasian Economic Union has been carried out on the example of the Russian Federation

    Analysis of the distribution of powers between electronic customs and customs of actual control when placing goods under various customs procedures

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    In recent years, the Russian Federation is paying considerable attention to the Russian Federal Customs Service development to increase the protection level of country’s national security. The Russian customs authorities are entrusted with three main functions: fiscal, protective and regulatory, but, simultaneously, the state is aware of the importance of reducing the customs operations timing with goods and customs control. The article raises the issues of improving the efficiency of Russian customs authorities as a result of the redistribution of powers between e-customs and customs actual control in 2017, that, on the one hand, is a priority direction for the development of the customs service in our country, but, on the other hand, raises a number of challenges that need to be addressed. The objectives of the study included: determination of the essence of documentary and actual control of goods; analysis of the distribution of powers between electronic customs and customs offices of actual control when placing goods under various customs procedures; identification of problems related to the distribution of powers between electronic customs and customs of actual control. The research methods include the dialectical, statistical, analytical methods, etc. It has been suggested that the algorithm for information interaction between the electronic declaration center and actual control posts by sending declarants acts of actual control to the electronic declaration center, should be improved. The study used: dialectical, statistical and other desk research methods

    First-generation students’ educational outcomes: The role of parental educational, cultural, and economic capital – A 9-years panel study

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    We examined the role of parental educational, cultural, and economic capital in differences between first-generation students’ (FGS) and continuous-generation students’ (CGS) educational outcomes: enrollment in a selective university, university performance, the probability of dropout, and the probability of pursuing a master's or PhD program. We analyzed data from nine waves of a cohort of 5000 Russian students surveyed yearly from 2012 to 2020. We applied structural equation modeling that allowed to conduct a multiple multivariate regression analysis and to correct for measurement error. We found that FGS are 10.8 percentage points less likely to choose a selective university and are 10.7 percentage points less likely to choose to follow a graduate program. But they do not differ from CGS in university performance and the likelihood of dropout. FGS are clearly positively selected on capitals and performance, but they still have on average less parental capital and worse school performance than CGS. Parental educational and cultural capitals partly explain the differences in educational outcomes between FGS and CGS, because they improve school and university performance. Cultural capital is an especially important mediator for choosing a selective university, while educational capital is important for the other three educational outcomes. Parental economic capital plays no role in explaining educational differences between FGS and CGS. Generally, FGS and CGS benefit equally from parental capital, except FGS profiting less from parental educational capital when entering a graduate program


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    Restructuring, redesigning or designing the organizational management structure on a scientific basis at domestic petrochemical enterprises are tools for improving the management system in the context of transition to new management standards, which contributes to the most effective achievement of goals. The article summarizes and analyses methods and approaches for designing organizational management structures and methods for their evaluation. In the development strategy of petrochemical enterprises aimed at resource conservation and the development of new petrochemical products, flexible organizational management structures are recommended, the design of which requires the use of a set of methods with the integration of the advantages of each of them. For proper management decision-making, it is necessary to develop a balanced system of indicators, in connection with which the author proposes the key indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the management system – technological, managerial, economic. The paper develops the functional model of modernization of the organizational management structure according to strategy of development of the enterprise based on the IDEF0 methodology. The study proposes the model of lean strategy for the development of the organizational structure of petrochemical enterprise management, as the integration of business strategic management systems, production organization and personnel training, based on the project management approach

    Social origin and political participation: does education compensate for or reinforce family advantages and disadvantages?

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    Whether educational attainment compensates for or reinforces family disadvantages in political participation is currently a debated topic. Previous research has shown a consistent relationship between social origin and political participation in Western societies: individuals originating from low-socioeconomic-status families participate in politics less than those from high-socioeconomic-status families, which violates the democratic requirement of equality of political voice. In this paper, we investigate whether secondary education compensates for or reinforces the political inequality shaped by social origin. We used a German representative sample of 1012 identical twins aged 21–25 and applied family fixed effects regression models, which allowed us to control for measured and unmeasured social and genetic confounding. We found a positive effect of educational attainment on participation, which is most likely causal. Family disadvantage resulting from low parental education is compensated for by children finishing the academic track (Gymnasium) as opposed to the lower vocational track (Hauptschule). At the same time, family advantage originating from high parental occupational status is reinforced for children completing the academic track. We found no advantage nor disadvantage, compensation nor reinforcement, related to parental income. We conclude that compensation and reinforcement of family disadvantage may remain unnoticed if components of parental SES are not distinguished

    Pharmacognostic study of complex phytotherapeutic composition "Detox composition"

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    We realized pharmacognostic study of 6-component composition recommended as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent at the hepatic and bile passages disorders, for the accelerated elimination of products of kidneys' nitrogen metabolism and for normalization of lipid metabolism. The norms of indices defining composition's quality and also significant macro- and microscopic characteristics are determined. As the result of phytochemical research we identified main groups of biologically active substances

    Mouse visual cortex contains a region of enhanced spatial resolution.

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    The representation of space in mouse visual cortex was thought to be relatively uniform. Here we reveal, using population receptive-field (pRF) mapping techniques, that mouse visual cortex contains a region in which pRFs are considerably smaller. This region, the "focea," represents a location in space in front of, and slightly above, the mouse. Using two-photon imaging we show that the smaller pRFs are due to lower scatter of receptive-fields at the focea and an over-representation of binocular regions of space. We show that receptive-fields of single-neurons in areas LM and AL are smaller at the focea and that mice have improved visual resolution in this region of space. Furthermore, freely moving mice make compensatory eye-movements to hold this region in front of them. Our results indicate that mice have spatial biases in their visual processing, a finding that has important implications for the use of the mouse model of vision
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