6 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian Noether theorem for gauge systems and two time physics

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    The Noether theorem for Hamiltonian constrained systems is revisited. In particular, our review presents a novel method to show that the gauge transformations are generated by the conserved quantities associated with the first class constraints. We apply our results to the relativistic point particle, to the Friedberg et al. model and, with special emphasis, to two time physics.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, references added, the "massless" sense of (87) is clarifie

    BPS states in M-theory and twistorial constituents

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    We provide a complete algebraic description of BPS states in M-theory in terms of primary constituents that we call BPS preons. We argue that any BPS state preserving kk of the 32 supersymmetries is a composite of (32-k) BPS preons. In particular, the BPS states corresponding to the basic M2 and M5 branes are composed of 16 BPS preons. By extending the M-algebra to a generalized D=11 conformal superalgebra osp(164)osp(1|64) we relate the BPS preons with its fundamental representation, the D=11 supertwistors.Comment: 4 pages. Refs. updated, two cosmetic changes, to appear in PR

    Superparticle Models with Tensorial Central Charges

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    A generalization of the Ferber-Shirafuji formulation of superparticle mechanics is considered. The generalized model describes the dynamics of a superparticle in a superspace extended by tensorial central charge coordinates and commuting twistor-like spinor variables. The D=4 model contains a continuous real parameter a0a\geq 0 and at a=0 reduces to the SU(2,2|1) supertwistor Ferber-Shirafuji model, while at a=1 one gets an OSp(1|8) supertwistor model of ref. [1] (hep-th/9811022) which describes BPS states with all but one unbroken target space supersymmetries. When 0<a<1 the model admits an OSp(2|8) supertwistor description, and when a>1 the supertwistor group becomes OSp(1,1|8). We quantize the model and find that its quantum spectrum consists of massless states of an arbitrary (half)integer helicity. The independent discrete central charge coordinate describes the helicity spectrum. We also outline the generalization of the a=1 model to higher space-time dimensions and demonstrate that in D=3,4,6 and 10, where the quantum states are massless, the extra degrees of freedom (with respect to those of the standard superparticle) parametrize compact manifolds. These compact manifolds can be associated with higher-dimensional helicity states. In particular, in D=10 the additional ``helicity'' manifold is isomorphic to the seven-sphere.Comment: 32 pages, LATEX, no figure

    Master Higher-Spin Particle

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    We propose a "master" higher-spin (HS) particle system. The particle model relevant to the unfolded formulation of HS theory, as well as the HS particle model with a bosonic counterpart of supersymmetry, follow from the master model as its two different gauges. Quantization of the master system gives rise to a new form of the massless HS equations in an extended space involving, besides extra spinorial coordinates, also a complex scalar one. As solutions to these equations we recover the massless HS multiplet with fields of all integer and half-integer helicities, and obtain new multiplets with a non-zero minimal helicity. The HS multiplets are described by complex wave functions which are holomorphic in the scalar coordinate and carry an extra U(1) charge q. The latter fully characterizes the given multiplet by fixing the minimal helicity as q/2. We construct a twistorial formulation of the master system and present the general solution of the associate HS equations through an unconstrained twistor "prepotential".Comment: 21 pages, minor corrections, version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Expansions of algebras and superalgebras and some applications

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    After reviewing the three well-known methods to obtain Lie algebras and superalgebras from given ones, namely, contractions, deformations and extensions, we describe a fourth method recently introduced, the expansion of Lie (super)algebras. Expanded (super)algebras have, in general, larger dimensions than the original algebra, but also include the Inonu-Wigner and generalized IW contractions as a particular case. As an example of a physical application of expansions, we discuss the relation between the possible underlying gauge symmetry of eleven-dimensional supergravity and the superalgebra osp(1|32).Comment: Invited lecture delivered at the 'Deformations and Contractions in Mathematics and Physics Workshop', 15-21 January 2006, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, German