821 research outputs found

    Two-Time Physics with gravitational and gauge field backgrounds

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    It is shown that all possible gravitational, gauge and other interactions experienced by particles in ordinary d-dimensions (one-time) can be described in the language of two-time physics in a spacetime with d+2 dimensions. This is obtained by generalizing the worldline formulation of two-time physics by including background fields. A given two-time model, with a fixed set of background fields, can be gauged fixed from d+2 dimensions to (d-1) +1 dimensions to produce diverse one-time dynamical models, all of which are dually related to each other under the underlying gauge symmetry of the unified two-time theory. To satisfy the gauge symmetry of the two-time theory the background fields must obey certain coupled differential equations that are generally covariant and gauge invariant in the target d+2 dimensional spacetime. The gravitational background obeys a null homothety condition while the gauge field obeys a differential equation that generalizes a similar equation derived by Dirac in 1936. Explicit solutions to these coupled equations show that the usual gravitational, gauge, and other interactions in d dimensions may be viewed as embedded in the higher d+2 dimensional space, thus displaying higher spacetime symmetries that otherwise remain hidden.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, references adde

    Superstrings with new supersymmetry in (9,2) and (10,2) dimensions

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    We construct superstring theories that obey the new supersymmetry algebra {Q_a , Q_b}=\gamma_{ab}^{mn} P_{1m} P_{2n}, in a Green-Schwarz formalism, with kappa supersymmetry also of the new type. The superstring is in a system with a superparticle so that their total momenta are P2n,P1mP_{2n},P_{1m} respectively. The system is covariant and critical in (10,2) dimensions if the particle is massless and in (9,2) dimensions if the particle is massive. Both the superstring and superparticle have coordinates with two timelike dimensions but each behaves effectively as if they have a single timelike dimension. This is due to gauge symmetries and associated constraints. We show how to generalize the gauge principle to more intricate systems containing two parts, 1 and 2. Each part contains interacting constituents, such as p-branes, and each part behaves effectively as if they have one timelike coordinate, although the full system has two timelike coordinates. The examples of two superparticles, and of a superparticle and a superstring, discussed in more detail are a special cases of such a generalized interacting system.Comment: LaTeX, revtex, 9 page

    Gauge symmetry in phase space with spin, a basis for conformal symmetry and duality among many interactions

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    We show that a simple OSp(1/2) worldline gauge theory in 0-brane phase space (X,P), with spin degrees of freedom, formulated for a d+2 dimensional spacetime with two times X^0,, X^0', unifies many physical systems which ordinarily are described by a 1-time formulation. Different systems of 1-time physics emerge by choosing gauges that embed ordinary time in d+2 dimensions in different ways. The embeddings have different topology and geometry for the choice of time among the d+2 dimensions. Thus, 2-time physics unifies an infinite number of 1-time physical interacting systems, and establishes a kind of duality among them. One manifestation of the two times is that all of these physical systems have the same quantum Hilbert space in the form of a unique representation of SO(d,2) with the same Casimir eigenvalues. By changing the number n of spinning degrees of freedom the gauge group changes to OSp(n/2). Then the eigenvalue of the Casimirs of SO(d,2) depend on n and then the content of the 1-time physical systems that are unified in the same representation depend on n. The models we study raise new questions about the nature of spacetime.Comment: Latex, 42 pages. v2 improvements in AdS section. In v3 sec.6.2 is modified; the more general potential is limited to a smaller clas

    Conformal Symmetry and Duality between Free Particle, H-atom and Harmonic Oscillator

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    We establish a duality between the free massless relativistic particle in d dimensions, the non-relativistic hydrogen atom (1/r potential) in (d-1) space dimensions, and the harmonic oscillator in (d-2) space dimensions with its mass given as the lightcone momentum of an additional dimension. The duality is in the sense that the classical action of these systems are gauge fixed forms of the same worldline gauge theory action at the classical level, and they are all described by the same unitary representation of the conformal group SO(d,2) at the quantum level. The worldline action has a gauge symmetry Sp(2) which treats canonical variables (x,p) as doublets and exists only with a target spacetime that has d spacelike dimensions and two timelike dimensions. This spacetime is constrained due to the gauge symmetry, and the various dual solutions correspond to solutions of the constraints with different topologies. For example, for the H-atom the two timelike dimensions X^{0'},X^{0} live on a circle. The model provides an example of how realistic physics can be viewed as existing in a larger covariant space that includes two timelike coordinates, and how the covariance in the larger space unifies different looking physics into a single system.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, minor improvements. In v3 a better gauge choice for u for the H-atom is made; the results are the sam

    Noncommutative Sp(2,R) Gauge Theories - A Field Theory Approach to Two-Time Physics

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    Phase-space and its relativistic extension is a natural space for realizing Sp(2,R) symmetry through canonical transformations. On a Dx2 dimensional covariant phase-space, we formulate noncommutative field theories, where Sp(2,R) plays a role as either a global or a gauge symmetry group. In both cases these field theories have potential applications, including certain aspects of string theories, M-theory, as well as quantum field theories. If interpreted as living in lower dimensions, these theories realize Poincare' symmetry linearly in a way consistent with causality and unitarity. In case Sp(2,R) is a gauge symmetry, we show that the spacetime signature is determined dynamically as (D-2,2). The resulting noncommutative Sp(2,R) gauge theory is proposed as a field theoretical formulation of two-time physics: classical field dynamics contains all known results of `two-time physics', including the reduction of physical spacetime from D to (D-2) dimensions, with the associated `holography' and `duality' properties. In particular, we show that the solution space of classical noncommutative field equations put all massless scalar, gauge, gravitational, and higher-spin fields in (D-2) dimensions on equal-footing, reminiscent of string excitations at zero and infinite tension limits.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    Conformally Exact Metric and Dilaton in String Theory on Curved Spacetime

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    Using a Hamiltonian approach to gauged WZW models, we present a general method for computing the conformally exact metric and dilaton, to all orders in the 1/k1/k expansion, for any bosonic, heterotic, or type-II superstring model based on a coset G/HG/H. We prove the following relations: (i) For type-II superstrings the conformally exact metric and dilaton are identical to those of the non-supersymmetric {\it semi-classical} bosonic model except for an overall renormalization of the metric obtained by k→k−gk\to k- g. (ii) The exact expressions for the heterotic superstring are derived from their exact bosonic string counterparts by shifting the central extension k→2k−hk\to 2k-h (but an overall factor (k−g)(k-g) remains unshifted). (iii) The combination eΩ−Ge^\Phi\sqrt{-G} is independent of kk and therefore can be computed in lowest order perturbation theory as required by the correct formulation of a conformally invariant path integral measure. The general formalism is applied to the coset models SO(d−1,2)−k/SO(d−1,1)−kSO(d-1,2)_{-k}/SO(d-1,1)_{-k} that are relevant for string theory on curved spacetime. Explicit expressions for the conformally exact metric and dilaton for the cases d=2,3,4d=2,3,4 are given. In the semiclassical limit (k→∞)(k\to \infty) our results agree with those obtained with the Lagrangian method up to 1-loop in perturbation theory.Comment: USC-92/HEP-B2, 19 pages and 3 figure

    Exact Effective Action and Spacetime Geometry in Gauged WZW Models

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    We present an effective quantum action for the gauged WZW model G−k/H−kG_{-k}/H_{-k}. It is conjectured that it is valid to all orders of the central extension (−k)(-k) on the basis that it reproduces the exact spacetime geometry of the zero modes that was previously derived in the algebraic Hamiltonian formalism. Besides the metric and dilaton, the new results that follow from this approach include the exact axion field and the solution of the geodesics in the exact geometry. It is found that the axion field is generally non-zero at higher orders of 1/k1/k even if it vanishes at large kk. We work out the details in two specific coset models, one non-abelian, i.e. SO(2,2)/SO(2,1)SO(2,2)/SO(2,1) and one abelian, i.e SL(2,\IR)\otimes SO(1,1)^{d-2}/SO(1,1). The simplest case SL(2,\IR)/\IR corresponds to a limit.Comment: 20 pages, harvmac, USC-93/HEP-B1, (The exact general expression for the dilaton is added in Sec.5

    Dimensional Reduction and the Yang-Mills Vacuum State in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We propose an approximation to the ground state of Yang-Mills theory, quantized in temporal gauge and 2+1 dimensions, which satisfies the Yang-Mills Schrodinger equation in both the free-field limit, and in a strong-field zero mode limit. Our proposal contains a single parameter with dimensions of mass; confinement via dimensional reduction is obtained if this parameter is non-zero, and a non-zero value appears to be energetically preferred. A method for numerical simulation of this vacuum state is developed. It is shown that if the mass parameter is fixed from the known string tension in 2+1 dimensions, the resulting mass gap deduced from the vacuum state agrees, to within a few percent, with known results for the mass gap obtained by standard lattice Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. v2: Typos corrected. v3: added a new section discussing alternative (new variables) approaches, and fixed a problem with the appearance of figures in the pdf version. Version to appear in Phys Rev

    Progress on testing Lorentz symmetry with MICROSCOPE

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    The Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) and the local Lorentz invariance (LLI) are two major assumptions of General Relativity (GR). The MICROSCOPE mission, currently operating, will perform a test of the WEP with a precision of 10−1510^{-15}. The data will also be analysed at SYRTE for the purposes of a LLI test realised in collaboration with J. Tasson (Carleton College, Minnesota) and Q. Bailey (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Arizona). This study will be performed in a general framework, called the Standard Model Extension (SME), describing Lorentz violations that could appear at Planck scale (101910^{19} GeV). The SME allows us to derive a Lorentz violating observable designed for the MICROSCOPE experiment and to search for possible deviations from LLI in the differential acceleration of the test masses

    Global Analysis of New Gravitational Singularities in String and Particle Theories

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    We present a global analysis of the geometries that arise in non-compact current algebra (or gauged WZW) coset models of strings and particles propagating in curved space-time. The simplest case is the 2d black hole. In higher dimensions these geometries describe new and much more complex singularities. For string and particle theories (defined in the text) we introduce general methods for identifying global coordinates and give the general exact solution for the geodesics for any gauged WZW model for any number of dimensions. We then specialize to the 3d geometries associated with SO(2,2)/SO(2,1)SO(2,2)/SO(2,1) (and also SO(3,1)/SO(2,1)SO(3,1)/SO(2,1)) and discuss in detail the global space, geodesics, curvature singularities and duality properties of this space. The large-small (or mirror) type duality property is reformulated as an inversion in group parameter space. The 3d global space has two topologically distinct sectors, with patches of different sectors related by duality. The first sector has a singularity surface with the topology of ``pinched double trousers". It can be pictured as the world sheet of two closed strings that join into a single closed string and then split into two closed strings, but with a pinch in each leg of the trousers. The second sector has a singularity surface with the topology of ``double saddle", pictured as the world sheets of two infinite open strings that come close but do not touch. We discuss the geodesicaly complete spaces on each side of these surfaces and interpret the motion of particles in physical terms. A cosmological interpretation is suggested and comments are mode on possible physical applications.Comment: 31 pages, plus 4 figure
