6,895 research outputs found

    Convolutional Color Constancy

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    Color constancy is the problem of inferring the color of the light that illuminated a scene, usually so that the illumination color can be removed. Because this problem is underconstrained, it is often solved by modeling the statistical regularities of the colors of natural objects and illumination. In contrast, in this paper we reformulate the problem of color constancy as a 2D spatial localization task in a log-chrominance space, thereby allowing us to apply techniques from object detection and structured prediction to the color constancy problem. By directly learning how to discriminate between correctly white-balanced images and poorly white-balanced images, our model is able to improve performance on standard benchmarks by nearly 40%

    Moduli and periods of simply connected Enriques surfaces

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    We describe a period map for those simply connected Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2 whose canonical double cover is K3. The moduli stack for these surfaces has a Deligne-Mumford quotient that is an open substack of a P1\mathbb P^1-bundle over the period space. We also give some general results relating local and global moduli for algebraic varieties and describe the difference in their dimensions in terms of the failure of the automorphism group scheme to be reduced


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    Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors (EDLCs), also known as supercapacitors or ultracapacitors, have gained much attention in the furthering of research into electronic devices and energy storage. Supercapacitors bridge the “gap” between conventional capacitors and batteries, and are of interest to furthering technology in alternative clean energy, transportation, and other areas of electronics. Nanomaterials are of interest in building these devices due to the presence of very high specific surface areas, unique electrical properties, and/or light-weight and flexible, but strong, structures. The goal of this project was to evaluate electrode materials for supercapacitor devices made from a composite of atomically thin layers of Graphene and Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2). Both materials were synthesized using a liquid phase exfoliation method via ultrasonication. The devices built with the composite materials (of varying concentrations) were tested using various electrochemical methods including cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge to determine electrochemical properties and performance of the supercapacitors. The major motivation of this project was to optimize the concentration of MoS2/Graphene composite electrode to which gives the top electrical performance as a supercapacitor electrode

    The effect of preparation and thermal processing on residues of DDT, heptachlor, and their metabolites in turnip greens and roots (brassica rapa)

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    Most data available on pesticide residues are based on samples of food obtained from the grower or from the market in a fresh state. Until recently very little attention has been given to the effects of commercial processing on pesticide residues in food. Williams (108) indicated that the most common chlorinated hydro-carbon insecticides that were found in a representative “market basket by the Food and Drug Administration were DDT, TDE, and DDE. Heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide also were found frequently. The Food and Drug Administration (3) has established tolerances of 7.0 p.p.m. for DDT and TDE, and a zero tolerance for heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide. No tolerance was set for DDE. At present. the determination of residues is made on the raw agricultural com-modities rather than the finished processed product. This study was made to determine the effects of normal prepa-ration and thermal processing on residues of DDT, heptachlor, and their metabolites in turnips and turnip greens