979 research outputs found

    Du merchandising des fabricants au merchandising des distributeurs, ou le bricolage collectif d'un dispositif de gestion du marché

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    International audienceThis paper shows the genesis of a market management device - the merchandising - which aims to favour the encounter between offer and demand through the bias of a controled arrangement of products in the salling place. The paper describes the raising conditions of this device, as well as the evolutions of links between distributors and manufacturers around the control of its set. The author finally shows the processes through which the merchandising has finally stabilised itself around a definition commonly agreed between the multiples market professionals, all looking for new prospects for their activities.Cet article restitue la genèse d'un dispositif de gestion du marché -- le merchandising-- visant à favoriser la rencontre entre l'offre et la demande par le biais d'un agencement contrôlé des produits sur le lieu de vente. Il décrit les conditions d'émergence de ce dispositif ainsi que l'évolution des rapports entre distributeurs et fabricants autour de la maîtrise de sa mise en œuvre. L'auteur montre enfin les processus par lesquels le merchandising a fini par se stabiliser autour d'une définition commune aux multiples professionnels du marché, tous à la recherche de nouveaux débouchés pour leurs activités

    Foot Biomechanics in the Normal Horse: A study of the Hoof Force Distribution in the Forelimb with a New Measuring Method

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    The foot of the horse is a complex organ which is frequently responsible for lameness. As Leach and Crawford (1983) stated earlier, more knowledge is necessary to consider applications in orthopedics, therapeutics, farriery, racetrack design, the choice of the racetrack surface and the selection of athlete horses. The purpose of this study was to determine the normal distribution of the vertical hoof forces on the forelimb at the walk and trot. The ground reaction force was studied especially using force plates [Leach and Dagg (1983), Dalin and Jcffcott (1985)]. For the foot biomechanics analysis, it has been preferred to develop a new measuring instrument: a force measuring hipposandal derived from the device used by Marey (1894), Bjorck (1958), Frederick (1967) and Frederick and Henderson (1970). This paper presents the first application of this Horse Force Measuring System (HFMS)

    Les figures du client Les grimaces du client

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    International audienceCet article porte sur un corpus de lettres parvenues au Service consommateurs d'une enseigne dedistribution alimentaire et interroge les formes de consumérismeengagées par leurs auteurs lorsqu'ils décident de« prendre la plume » pour « prendre la parole». L'analyse statistique du corpus permet d'abord de «photographier » les différents profils du « client écrivain ». En discutant ces premiers résultatsau regard de la littérature sur le consumérisme,l'auteur s'écarte des catégories préconstruites-consommateur politique/consommateur marchand, etc.- afin de regarderdans le détail les manoeuvres mobilisées par lesclients pour obtenir réparation des préjudices subis.L'ouverture de la boîte noire du consumérisme permet in fine d'évaluer le traitement de ces courriers par les services destinataires

    Organic vine growing: from breaking new ground to bringing back the taste of the terroir

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    Organic farming certification has certainly contributed to unifying organic production, particularly by reducing the number of private charters. However, this reduction should not be misleading. Organic agriculture cannot be reduced to just a label and includes other requirements related to ethics, agronomy and economic policy whose implementation contributes to the diversification of marketing organisations that selectively ensure the marketing of organic products. Furthermore, in the case of viticulture, organic producers have recently placed more emphasis on the taste quality of their wines that they have linked in various ways to the quality of the environment. This new link between taste and environment has added a new complexity to marketing organisations and has given impetus to the use of environmentally-friendly vine-growing practices that have become a resource for the development of wines that are strongly identified with a terroir. Therefore, an increasing number of quality wines make use of organic or biodynamic practices to make better wines that are more representative of the quality of their terroir, but that do not emphasize the corresponding certification in order to keep their quality message clear

    La viticulture biologique : de la recherche d’un monde nouveau au renouvellement du goût de terroir

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    Organic farming certification has certainly contributed to unifying organic production, particularly byreducing the number of private charters. However, this reduction should not be misleading. Organicagriculture cannot be reduced to just a label and includes other requirements related to ethics,agronomy and economic policy whose implementation contributes to the diversification of marketingorganisations that selectively ensure the marketing of organic products. Furthermore, in the case ofviticulture, organic producers have recently placed more emphasis on the taste quality of their winesthat they have linked in various ways to the quality of the environment. This new link between taste andenvironment has added a new complexity to marketing organisations and has given impetus to the useof environmentally-friendly vine-growing practices that have become a resource for the development ofwines that are strongly identified with a terroir. Therefore, an increasing number of quality wines makeuse of organic or biodynamic practices to make better wines that are more representative of the qualityof their terroir, but that do not emphasize the corresponding certification in order to keep their qualitymessage clear.La création du label agriculture biologique (AB) a certainement contribué à unifier la production enagriculture biologique, notamment en réduisant le nombre des différentes chartes privées. Mais cetteréduction ne doit pas tromper. Le bio ne se réduit pas à la certification AB et inclut pour nombre deproducteurs des exigences agronomiques, éthiques, ou de politique économique supplémentaires dontla mise en oeuvre contribue à diversifier les organisations marchandes qui assurent sélectivement lacommercialisation des produits bio. De plus, en matière de viticulture, certains producteurs bio ontrécemment accordé une plus grande attention à la qualité gustative de leurs produits qu’ils ont articulée,de différentes façons, avec la qualité environnementale. Ce nouvel ajustement entre goût etenvironnement a ajouté une nouvelle complexité aux organisations marchandes « bio », et aussi donnéune nouvelle impulsion à la diffusion de pratiques viticoles respectueuses de l’environnement : ellessont devenues une ressource pour l’élaboration de vins à forte prétention de qualité de terroir. Ainsi unnombre croissant de vins de qualité utilise les pratiques bio ou biodynamiques, pour faire des vinsmeilleurs parce que plus représentatifs de la qualité de leur terroir, mais sans mettre en avant de labelou de certification correspondants, pour ne pas brouiller le message de qualité qu’ils portent

    Kinematic discrimination of ataxia in horses is facilitated by blindfolding

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    BACKGROUND: Agreement among experienced clinicians is poor when assessing the presence and severity of ataxia, especially when signs are mild. Consequently, objective gait measurements might be beneficial for assessment of horses with neurological diseases. OBJECTIVES: To assess diagnostic criteria using motion capture to measure variability in spatial gait-characteristics and swing duration derived from ataxic and non-ataxic horses, and to assess if variability increases with blindfolding. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional. METHODS: A total of 21 horses underwent measurements in a gait laboratory and live neurological grading by multiple raters. In the gait laboratory, the horses were made to walk across a runway surrounded by a 12-camera motion capture system with a sample frequency of 240 Hz. They were made to walk normally and with a blindfold in at least three trials each. Displacements of reflective markers on head, fetlock, hoof, fourth lumbar vertebra, tuber coxae and sacrum derived from three to four consecutive strides were processed and descriptive statistics, receiver operator characteristics (ROC) to determine the diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and area under the curve (AUC), and correlation between median ataxia grade and gait parameters were determined. RESULTS: For horses with a median ataxia grade ≥2, coefficient of variation for the location of maximum vertical displacement of pelvic and thoracic distal limbs generated good diagnostic yield. The hoofs of the thoracic limbs yielded an AUC of 0.81 with 64% sensitivity and 90% specificity. Blindfolding exacerbated the variation for ataxic horses compared to non-ataxic horses with the hoof marker having an AUC of 0.89 with 82% sensitivity and 90% specificity. MAIN LIMITATIONS: The low number of consecutive strides per horse obtained with motion capture could decrease diagnostic utility. CONCLUSIONS: Motion capture can objectively aid the assessment of horses with ataxia. Furthermore, blindfolding increases variation in distal pelvic limb kinematics making it a useful clinical tool

    Surgical management of multilevel lumbar spondylolysis: A case report and review of the literature

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    AbstractMultilevel lumbar spondylolysis accounts for less than 6% of the cases of lumbar spondylolysis and its treatment, as reported in the literature, has not been consistent. Fewer than ten cases presenting triple lumbar spondylosis have been published. We describe the case of a 33-year-old male presenting bilateral L3, L4, and L5 isthmic lysis with no spondylolisthesis or disc degeneration. The MRI and CT of the lumbar spine were decisive elements in the therapeutic choice and the surgical treatment performed was bilateral L3 and L4 isthmic repair via a combined anterior and posterior L5S1 approach. The clinical and radiological results were good at the last follow-up visit

    Bidet, A., Borzeix, A. Pillon, T., Rot, G. et F. Vatin (coordinateurs) (2006). Sociologie du travail et activité

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    Cet ouvrage collectif est le résultat des sessions tenues lors du premier congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie en 2004 à Villetaneuse par les participants du réseau thématique « Sociologie du travail et activité ». Il rassemble des textes sélectionnés par un comité scientifique composé d’Alexandra Bidet, d’Anni Borzeix, de Thierry Pillon, de Gwenaëlle Rot et de François Vatin, qui ont fait l’objet d’un remaniement par rapport aux communications présentées au congrès. Trois autres ..

    Envelope Trajectory of Water Jet Issuing From a Thin Weir Obtained by Photogrammetry

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    Today, to have a good command of the energy dissipation of a jet issuing from a weir we need to improve our knowledge of the location of the impact. This laboratory experiment applied photogrammetry to determine the envelope trajectory of a water jet coming from a thin wall weir. The fall was about 9 meters, the weir was 1 meter wide and the flow was up to 500 l/s. The trajectory of the jet was reconstituted in the three spatial dimensions using the PhotoScan software package developed by Agisoft. The exposure time for each picture was enough to make white water. Envelope trajectory was compared to classical expressions such as those of Scimeni (1937) or De Marchi (1928

    Les effets des prescriptions sur les pratiques de consommation alimentaires : rĂ´le des positions dans la trajectoire de vie et des ressources sociales

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    Données Wordpanel Kantar 2007International audienceDans ce chapitre, nous souhaitons mettre en évidence que les points de bifurcation des trajectoires de vie constituent des moments particulièrement favorables à l’introduction de nouvelles formes de gouvernement des conduites, principalement parce que la recomposition des ressources économiques, temporelles et sociales qui s’y joue conduit les acteurs à renégocier les normes qui règlent leurs conduites. Dans la première partie, nous mettrons en évidence les effets de structuration des pratiques alimentaires mis au jour par les enquêtes quantitatives et qualitatives qui toutes deux soulignent le rôle de la position dans le cycle de vie des ménages dans la détermination des pratiques alimentaires. A partir de ce constat, nous creusons davantage l’analyse de ce qui se joue éventuellement aux points de bifurcation qui fondent le passage d’une position à une autre dans ce cycle de vie, l’analyse nous permet alors d’identifier le rôle déterminant des ressources temporelles et économiques, mais également de leur articulation avec des ressources sociales. Dans la dernière partie, nous explorons les conditions de négociation et de renégociation des prescriptions à l’occasion de ces moments de recomposition des ressources, en considérant que les prescriptions sont renégociées en même temps que d’autres ressources et contraintes et que les individus affichent des dispositions socialement déterminées dans cette renégociation
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