33 research outputs found

    MyD88 activation in cardiomyocytes contributes to the heart immune response to acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection with no effect on local parasite control

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    Cardiomyopathy is the most serious consequence of Chagas disease, a neglected human disorder caused by Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Because T. cruzi parasites invade cardiomyocytes, we sought to investigate whether these cells recognize the parasite in vivo by receptors signaling through the MyD88 adaptor, which mediates the activation pathway of most Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and IL-1/IL-18 receptors, and influence the development of acute cardiac pathology. First, we showed that HL-1 cardiac muscle cell line expresses MyD88 gene and protein at resting state and after T. cruzi infection. To evaluate the role in vivo of MyD88 expression in cardiomyocytes, we generated Mer+MyD88flox+/+ mice in which tamoxifen treatment is expected to eliminate the MyD88 gene exclusively in cardiomyocytes. This Cre-loxP model was validated by both PCR and western blot analysis; tamoxifen treatment of Mer+MyD88flox+/+ mice resulted in decreased MyD88 gene and protein expression in the heart, but not in the spleen, while had no effect on littermates. The elimination of MyD88 in cardiomyocytes determined a lower increase in CCL5, IFNγ and TNFα gene transcription during acute infection by T. cruzi parasites of the Y strain, but it did not significantly modify heart leukocyte infiltration and parasitism. Together, our results show that cardiomyocytes can sense T. cruzi infection through MyD88-mediated molecular pathways and contribute to the local immune response to the parasite. The strong pro-inflammatory response of heart-recruited leukocytes may overshadow the effects of MyD88 deficiency in cardiomyocytes on the local leukocyte recruitment and T. cruzi control during acute infection

    Angiotensin II stimulates H-ATPase activity in intercalated cells from isolated mouse connecting tubules and cortical collecting ducts

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    Intercalated cells in the collecting duct system express V-type H(+)-ATPases which participate in acid extrusion, bicarbonate secretion, and chloride absorption depending on the specific subtype. The activity of H(+)-ATPases is regulated by acid-base status and several hormones, including angiotensin II and aldosterone. Angiotensin II stimulates chloride absorption mediated by pendrin in type B intercalated cells and this process is energized by the activity of H(+)-ATPases. Moreover, angiotensin II stimulates bicarbonate secretion by the connecting tubule (CNT) and early cortical collecting duct (CCD). In the present study we examined the effect of angiotensin II (10 nM) on H(+)-ATPase activity and localization in isolated mouse connecting tubules and cortical collecting ducts. Angiotensin II stimulated Na(+)-independent intracellular pH recovery about 2-3 fold, and this was abolished by the specific H(+)-ATPase inhibitor concanamycin. The effect of angiotensin II was mediated through type 1 angiotensin II receptors (AT(1)-receptors) because it could be blocked by saralasin. Stimulation of H(+)-ATPase activity required an intact microtubular network - it was completely inhibited by colchicine. Immunocytochemistry of isolated CNT/CCDs incubated in vitro with angiotensin II suggests enhanced membrane associated staining of H(+)-ATPases in pendrin expressing intercalated cells. In summary, angiotensin II stimulates H(+)-ATPases in CNT/CCD intercalated cells, and may contribute to the regulation of chloride absorption and bicarbonate secretion in this nephron segment