8 research outputs found

    Silica scaled Chrysophytes during spring in the Kis-Balaton reservoir, Hungary

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    As a result of taking water samples in spring 1999, 26 species of silica-scaled chrysophytes were found in the Kis-Balaton Reservoir I, one of the most remarkable aquatic habitats in Hungary. From them, 23 have been identified with certanity, two were questionable and two were identified to genus level. 12 species are new to Hungary and 19 species had not been found in Kis-Balaton before. Most of the species are widely distributed, occuring mainly in eutrophic waters. The most abundant species were Paraphysomonas vestita, Synura petersenii and Mallomonas alpina, all three widely distributed, cosmopolitan species. Beside these, Mallomonas cratis and Mallomonas acaroides were found to be common members of the vernal flora of silica-scaled chrysophytes in Kis-Balaton. Mallomonas pseudocratis has been found only in a few places in the world, while Mallomonas alata and Mallomonas parvula have bipolar distribution

    Silica-scaled chrysophytes during spring in the Kis-Balaton Reservoir, Hungary

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    As a result of taking water samples in spring 1999, 26 species of silica-scaled chrysophytes were found in the Kis-Balaton Reservoir I, one of the most remarkable aquatic habitats in Hungary. From them, 23 have been identified with certainity, two were questionable and two were identified to genus level. 12 species are new to Hungary and 19 species had not been found in Kis-Balaton before. Most of the species are widely distributed, occurring mainly in eutrophic waters. The most abundant species were Paraphysomonas vestita, Synurapetersenii and Mallomonas alpina, all three widely distributed, cosmopolitan species. Beside these, Mallomonas cratis and Mallomonas acaroides were found to be common members of the vernal flora of silica-scaled chrysophytes in Kis-Balaton. Mallomonas pseudocratis has been found only in a few places in the world, while Mallomonas alata and Mallomonas parvula have bipolar distribution

    Preliminary algological investigations in Soroksár-arm of River Danube

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    A 2015-ös év algája szavazás jelöltjei = The Algae of the Year 2015 – Candidates of the election

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    Míg a szabad szemmel látható állat-, illetve növényvilággal kapcsolatos ismeretterjesztés széleskörűvé vált, addig a mikroszkopikus világ tudományos igényű ismeretterjesztő bemutatására kevés példát találni. Hagyományteremtő céllal 2015-ben első alkalommal hirdette meg az Algológus Fórum az „Év Algája” internetes szavazást. A végső szavazásra javasolt három algafaj a Didymosphenia geminata, Haematococcus pluvialis és Prymnesium parvum voltak, melyek közül a Haematococcus pluvialis fajra érkezett a szavazatok döntő többsége. A három faj ökológiai és gazdasági vonatkozásainak, valamint hazai elterjedésük bemutatásán keresztül kívánjuk megmutatni, hogy a mikroszkopikus világ képviselői is kellően színesek és érdekesek lehetnek ahhoz, hogy nagyobb teret kapjanak a tudományos ismeretterjesztésben. Tanulmányunk felhívja a figyelmet az algák vízi ökoszisztémákban betöltött alapvető szerepére, esetleges gazdasági jelentőségükre, valamint a földi élet fenntartásában nélkülözhetetlen szerepükre.</jats:p

    Periphhyton and phytoplankton in the Soroksár-Danube in Hungary. I. Periphytic algae on reed stems

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    Periphyton spamles from the reed-belt and phytoplankton samples were taken in November 1996 and in January, April, July 1997 at the upper part of the Soroksár-Danube (the second largest side arm of river Danube in Hungary) at Taksony, and in July, November 1998, January, April 1999 at the middle part of the side arm at Ráckeve. The aim of this study was to investigate the seasonal and vertical distribution of periphyton growing on old and green reed stemps at both parts of the side arm, focussed on taxonomic composition, abundance and chlorophyll a content. Based on the chloropyll a content of the phytoplankton the upper part of the side arm at Taksony was oligotrophic in November an July (in July caused by a flood), mesotrophic in Januray and eutrophic in April. The middle part of the Soroksár-Danube was eutrophic in April and July, oligotrophic in November and January at Ráckeve The values of abundance and chlorophyll a of periphyton were the highest at the middle part of Soroksár-Danube, while that of phytoplankton was the highest at the upper part. A few diamonts showed the same distribution along the reed stems. Relative abudance of Amphora libyca, Cocconeis placentula and Eunotia arcus increased close to the bottom, while that of Fomphonema minutum, G. paravulum, Navicula capitatoradiata and Nitzschia dissipata decreased