73 research outputs found

    Dynein regulates Kv7.4 channel trafficking from the cell membrane.

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    The dynein motor protein transports proteins away from the cell membrane along the microtubule network. Recently, we found the microtubule network was important for regulating the membrane abundance of voltage-gated Kv7.4 potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle. Here, we aimed to investigate the influence of dynein on the microtubule-dependent internalization of the Kv7.4 channel. Patch-clamp recordings from HEK293B cells showed Kv7.4 currents were increased after inhibiting dynein function with ciliobrevin D or by coexpressing p50/dynamitin, which specifically interferes with dynein motor function. Mutation of a dynein-binding site in the Kv7.4 C terminus increased the Kv7.4 current and prevented p50 interference. Structured illumination microscopy, proximity ligation assays, and coimmunoprecipitation showed colocalization of Kv7.4 and dynein in mesenteric artery myocytes. Ciliobrevin D enhanced mesenteric artery relaxation to activators of Kv7.2-Kv7.5 channels and increased membrane abundance of Kv7.4 protein in isolated smooth muscle cells and HEK293B cells. Ciliobrevin D failed to enhance the negligible S-1-mediated relaxations after morpholino-mediated knockdown of Kv7.4. Mass spectrometry revealed an interaction of dynein with caveolin-1, confirmed using proximity ligation and coimmunoprecipitation assays, which also provided evidence for interaction of caveolin-1 with Kv7.4, confirming that Kv7.4 channels are localized to caveolae in mesenteric artery myocytes. Lastly, cholesterol depletion reduced the interaction of Kv7.4 with caveolin-1 and dynein while increasing the overall membrane expression of Kv7.4, although it attenuated the Kv7.4 current in oocytes and interfered with the action of ciliobrevin D and channel activators in arterial segments. Overall, this study shows that dynein can traffic Kv7.4 channels in vascular smooth muscle in a mechanism dependent on cholesterol-rich caveolae

    Clinical efficacy and safety of the factor VIII/von Willebrand factor concentrate BIOSTATE® in patients with von Willebrand’s disease: a prospective multi-centre study

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    von Willebrand's disease (VWD) is an inherited bleeding disorder characterized by deficient levels of or dysfunctional von Willebrand factor (VWF). This phase II/III open-label, multicentre study evaluated the efficacy and safety of BIOSTATE®, a high purity plasma-derived double-virus inactivated FVIII/VWF concentrate, when used in non-surgical bleeds, surgical procedures and prophylactic therapy in VWD patients for whom desmopressin treatment was deemed ineffective, inadequate or contraindicated. Twenty three patients (7 type 1, 9 type 2 and 7 type 3; 12 male, 11 female), who received FVIII/VWF concentrate as part of their VWD management, were recruited prospectively between December 2004 and May 2007 from eight centres in Australia and New Zealand. BIOSTATE dosing was based on pre-treatment FVIII:C and/or VWF:RCo plasma levels and a predetermined dosing guide. Haemostatic efficacy of BIOSTATE was rated as excellent or good for all major and minor surgery events, long-term prophylaxis, and for four of the six assessable non-surgical bleeding events. Blood transfusions were required by two major surgery patients as well as one patient with a non-surgical bleed. The median overall exposure to BIOSTATE across all groups was 8 days, greater in the prophylactic group (range 53-197) compared with major surgery (3-24), minor surgery (1-8) and non-surgical bleeds (1-10). BIOSTATE was shown to be efficacious and well tolerated when treating patients with VWD. This study also provides important insights into dosing regimens with BIOSTATE and the role of monitoring therapy with FVIII:C and VWF:RCo

    A high performing brain–machine interface driven by low-frequency local field potentials alone and together with spikes

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    OBJECTIVE: Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) seek to enable people with movement disabilities to directly control prosthetic systems with their neural activity. Current high performance BMIs are driven by action potentials (spikes), but access to this signal often diminishes as sensors degrade over time. Decoding local field potentials (LFPs) as an alternative or complementary BMI control signal may improve performance when there is a paucity of spike signals. To date only a small handful of LFP decoding methods have been tested online; there remains a need to test different LFP decoding approaches and improve LFP-driven performance. There has also not been a reported demonstration of a hybrid BMI that decodes kinematics from both LFP and spikes. Here we first evaluate a BMI driven by the local motor potential (LMP), a low-pass filtered time-domain LFP amplitude feature. We then combine decoding of both LMP and spikes to implement a hybrid BMI. APPROACH: Spikes and LFP were recorded from two macaques implanted with multielectrode arrays in primary and premotor cortex while they performed a reaching task. We then evaluated closed-loop BMI control using biomimetic decoders driven by LMP, spikes, or both signals together. MAIN RESULTS: LMP decoding enabled quick and accurate cursor control which surpassed previously reported LFP BMI performance. Hybrid decoding of both spikes and LMP improved performance when spikes signal quality was mediocre to poor. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings show that LMP is an effective BMI control signal which requires minimal power to extract and can substitute for or augment impoverished spikes signals. Use of this signal may lengthen the useful lifespan of BMIs and is therefore an important step towards clinically viable BMIs