3 research outputs found

    Investigating the isotopic composition of mercury and lead in epiphytic lichens from South-western France (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) to better constrain the spatial variability of their atmospheric transport and deposition

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    The geographical variability of the elemental concentration and isotopic composition of mercury and lead was evaluated in epiphytic lichens collected over a mesoscale area (Pyrenees-Atlantiques, Southwestern France). The sampling points have been selected according to different parameters in order to represent the main land use classification of the investigated territory (urban, industrial, agricultural and forestal zones). Total concentrations of Hg are homogenous over the territory (mean 0.14 mg/kg dry weight) and reflect the European atmospheric anthropogenic background deposition. A significant trend is observed for lead concentrations between anthropogenized areas (∼11 mg/kg) and remote areas (∼6mg/kg), mainly due to local road traffic and industrial inputs. The isotopic composition of Hg reveals a relatively homogeneous signature specific of remote areas, while the lead isotopic composition is distributed along two distinct origins: past leaded gasoline and geogenic background. This study shows that the spatial concentration variability observed is globally consistent with the isotopic signatures of Hg and Pb recorded in lichens which partly explain the origin of these two metallic contaminants. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013

    Sources and fate of mercury pollution in Almadén mining district (Spain): Evidences from mercury isotopic compositions in sediments and lichens

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    International audienceVariations in mercury (Hg) isotopic compositions have been scarcely investigated until now in the Almadén mining district (Spain), which is one of the most impacted Hg areas worldwide. In this work, we explore and compare Hg isotopic signatures in sediments and lichens from Almadén mining district and its surroundings in order to identify and trace Hg aquatic and atmospheric contamination sources. No statistically significant mass independent fractionation was observed in sediments, while negative δ201Hg values from -0.12 to -0.21‰ (2SD = 0.06‰) were found in lichens. A large range of δ202Hg values were reported in sediments, from -1.86 ± 0.21‰ in La Serena Reservoir sites far away from the pollution sources to δ202Hg values close to zero in sediments directly influenced by Almadén mining district, whereas lichens presented δ202Hg values from -1.95 to -0.40‰ (2SD = 0.15‰). A dilution or mixing trend in Hg isotope signatures versus the distance to the mine was found in sediments along the Valdeazogues River-La Serena Reservoir system and in lichens. This suggests that Hg isotope fingerprints in these samples are providing a direct assessment of Hg inputs and exposure from the mining district, and potential information on diffuse atmospheric contamination and/or geochemical alteration processes in less contaminated sites over the entire hydrosystem. This study confirms the applicability of Hg isotope signatures in lichens and sediments as an effective and complementary tool for tracing aquatic and atmospheric Hg contamination sources and a better constraint of the spatial and temporal fate of Hg released by recent or ancient mining activitie