32 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Case Study: Examining the Social and Cultural Impact of SISTERS Club

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    Adolescent girls face social and identity issues as they transition into adulthood and after-school programs are one venue that allows adults to help students deal with the difficulties encountered. This is a qualitative case study focused on the impact the SISTERS Club, an after-school program, had on a diverse group of middle school female students over the course of a five year period, from 2001 to 2006. This study described the impact on identity development, multicultural relationships, and the long-term impact of the after-school program on the female adolescents interviewed. I investigated the racial, social, and cultural barriers that impacted the development of adolescent girls and how a strong after-school program brought about positive identity growth and feelings of “belonging” to a gender specific group. I began by investigating the social constructs of gender and race that are prevalent to adolescent girls. I also investigated the impact of mentoring and service learning on the identity development of participants. Finally, I investigated the social and cultural impact the SISTERS Club program had on the girls involved and how this type of program can be utilized in other urban communities

    A Heuristic Approach to Analysis of the Genetic Susceptibility Profile in Patients Affected by Airway Allergies

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    Allergic respiratory diseases such as asthma might be considered multifactorial diseases, having a complex pathogenesis that involves environmental factors and the activation of a large set of immune response pathways and mechanisms. In addition, variations in genetic background seem to play a central role. The method developed for the analysis of the complexities, as association rule mining, nowadays may be applied to different research areas including genetic and biological complexities such as atopic airway diseases to identify complex genetic or biological markers and enlighten new diagnostic and therapeutic targets. A total of 308 allergic patients and 205 controls were typed for 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of cytokine and receptors genes involved in type 1 and type 2 inflammatory response (IL-4 rs2243250 C/T, IL-4R rs1801275A/G, IL-6 rs1800795 G/C, IL-10 rs1800872 A/C and rs1800896 A/G, IL-10RB rs2834167A/G, IL-13 rs1800925 C/T, IL-18 rs187238G/C, IFNγ rs 24030561A/T and IFNγR2 rs2834213G/A), the rs2228137C/T of CD23 receptor gene and rs577912C/T and rs564481C/T of Klotho genes, using KASPar SNP genotyping method. Clinical and laboratory data of patients were analyzed by formal statistic tools and by a data-mining technique—market basket analysis—selecting a minimum threshold of 90% of rule confidence. Formal statistical analyses show that IL-6 rs1800795GG, IL-10RB rs2834167G positive genotypes, IL-13 rs1800925CC, CD23 rs2228137TT Klotho rs564481TT, might be risk factors for allergy. Applying the association rule methodology, we identify 10 genotype combination patterns associated with susceptibility to allergies. Together these data necessitate being confirmed in further studies, indicating that the heuristic approach might be a straightforward and useful tool to find predictive and diagnostic molecular patterns that might be also considered potential therapeutic targets in allergy

    RadioLab project: knowledge of radon gas in Italy

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    AbstractRadioLab is an Italian project, addressed to school-age people, and designed for the dissemination of scientific culture on the theme of environmental radioactivity, with particular regards to the importance of knowledge of radon gas exposure. The project is a nationwide initiative promoted by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics- INFN. First tool used by the project, and of immediate impact to assess the public awareness on radon, is the administration of the survey “do you know the radon gas?”. In the survey, together with the knowledge of radon and of its sources, information on personal, cultural and territorial details regarding the interviewees are also taken. Reasonably, the survey invests not only young people, but also their relatives, school workers and, gradually, the public. The survey is administrated during exhibitions or outreach events devoted to schools, but also open to the public. The survey is in dual form: printed and online. The online mode clearly leads RadioLab project even outside the school environment. Based on the results of the survey, several statistical analyses have been performed and many conclusions are drawn about the knowledge of the population on the radon risk. The RadioLab benefit and the requirement to carry on the project goals, spreading awareness of environmental radioactivity from radon, emerge. The dataset involves all twenty Italian regions and consists of 28,612 entries covering the 5-year period 2018–2022

    Un enigma architettonico tra storia, disegno e ricostruzioni: la chiesa di San NicolĂČ alla Kalsa a Palermo

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    Il contributo affronta lo studio di un monumento scomparso della cittĂ  di Palermo, la chiesa parrocchiale di San NicolĂČ alla Kalsa, che aveva rivestito un ruolo significativo nel contesto urbano medievale e della prima etĂ  moderna, conoscendo successivamente un progressivo abbandono e degrado fino alla sua demolizione dopo il 1823, e ne propone una ricostruzione virtuale attraverso l’elaborazione di un modello 3D. Strumento principale per la conoscenza dell’edificio scomparso Ăš un’articolata iconografia storica, che spazia dalla scala urbana a quella del dettaglio architettonico, qui vagliata per desumerne dati necessari alla formulazione di un’ipotesi ricostruttiva attendibile e scientificamente fondata. Il caso studio offre, allo stesso tempo, un’interessante occasione di riflessione metodologica relativamente a un uso critico e consapevole dell’iconografia storica come fonte e strumento di ricerca e conoscenza

    Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive. Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fĂŒr Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 12) - Jahrbuch fĂŒr Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte

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    Die Untersuchung der deutschen Sprache wird im vorliegenden Band sowohl in einer komparativen bzw. kontrastiven Perspektive, die sich weitgehend auf internationaler Ebene behauptet hat, als auch in Bezug auf einzelne, bestimmte Aspekte und Fragestellungen durchgefĂŒhrt. So geht es hier u.a. auch um Theolinguistik und um die strukturellen Merkmale der literarischen und wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation. Der zwölfte Band enthĂ€lt BeitrĂ€ge zu folgenden Themen: - Deutsch im Kontrast aus europĂ€ischer und asiatischer Perspektive; - PrĂ€dikative und attributive Konstruktionen im Sprachvergleich mit Deutsch; - Theolinguistik; - VerstĂ€ndigungshandeln komparativ: strukturelle Merkmale literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Kommunikation; - Anrede im Deutschen – Variation, Übersetzung, Unterrich

    Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fĂŒr Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 6) - Jahrbuch fĂŒr Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte

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    Linguistik und Kommunikation in transkultureller und kontrastiver Perspektive gehören zu den heftig diskutierten Fragen der aktuellen Sprachwissenschaft, die sich auch mit den vielfĂ€ltigen Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation des 21. Jahrhunderts auseinandersetzt. Der sechste Band enthĂ€lt BeitrĂ€ge zu folgenden Themen: - Digitales ErzĂ€hlen zwischen Routinisierung und Automatisierung; - Multimodale Texte, Textsorten und Kommunikationsformen transkulturell und transmedial; - Kontrastive Pragmatik; - Kontrastive Korpuslinguistik; - Diskurse zu ZentralitĂ€t und MarginalitĂ€t – Diskurslinguistische Agenden in Zeiten des Widerspruchs; - Elektronische Kurznachrichtenkommunikation im Sprach- und Kulturvergleic

    Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive. Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fĂŒr Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 11) - Jahrbuch fĂŒr Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte

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    Neue und alte AnsĂ€tze und Formen des literarischen- und sprachwissenschaftlichen Diskurses gehören zu den zentralen Fragen der zeitgenössischen Diskussion. TranskulturalitĂ€t, InterkulturalitĂ€t, aber auch herkömmliche literarische Genres- und Gattungsbegriffe werden hier, u. a. auch in anthropologischer Perspektive, untersucht, aufeinander bezogen sowie auf ihre edukative Funktion hinterfragt.   Der elfte Band enthĂ€lt BeitrĂ€ge zu folgenden Themen: -Transkulturelle Poetik(en) und ihre edukative Relevanz; - Paul Celan weltweit. Zur internationalen Rezeption eines Jahrhundertdichters: Literatur, Philosophie, GedĂ€chtniskultur; -InterkulturalitĂ€t und Gattung. InterkulturalitĂ€t und Gattung. Re-Visionen einer vernachlĂ€ssigten Beziehung in der Literaturwissenschaft; - Gastmahl, Gastrecht, Abendmahl, Schutzflehende und Schutzbefohlene

    Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive. Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fĂŒr Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 3)

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    Die AufsĂ€tze des vorliegenden Bandes fokussieren sich auf die Didaktik der deutschen Sprache aus trans- und interkultureller Sicht. Insbesondere werden Methodik und Fortbildung des Lehrens sowie die Entwicklung neuer Motivationen zum Deutschlernen durch BeitrĂ€ge aus verschiedenen LĂ€ndern ausfĂŒhrlich hervorgehoben. Der Band enthĂ€lt BeitrĂ€ge zu folgenden Themen: - Kulturrealia in Paralleltexten als didaktischer Fokus trans- und interkultureller Germanistik; - Textmuster und „Lernmuster“ – Perspektiven auf professionelles und wissenschaftliches Schreiben in der L2 Deutsch; - Inter- und transkulturelles Lernen beim SchĂŒleraustausch im Bereich Deutsch (als Fremdsprache); - Portfolio und Mehrsprachigkeit; - Motivation zum Deutschlernen – zum Stellenwert des Sprachenlernens fĂŒr die internationale Germanistik; - Interaktionsforschung in Daf; - Unterrichtsmitschnitte in der Aus- und Fortbildung von DaF-Lehrenden; - Lehrerqualifizierung – Lernen für die Praxi